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The heart shaped key bearer and the mysterious event
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 1: Reshon
(by Michimo-chan, added on 2006-02-27 16:17:56 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

DOOOOOOOOO\"NTTTTT SUE ME.Im just a free loaner kid....Well okay,
I\'m not a free loaner kid,but I\'m just a 12 year old girl that\'s in middle school
from Rincon,7th grade.So DON\'T SUE ME!!!
As Sakura was "flying" though the air, as Syaoran was getting into a "catching position".
Luckly, Sakura ploped softly into Syaoran's arms."What the heck do you think you're
doing, Sakura?!"Syaoran asked.Sakura giggled, then blushed and looked at him with her
glowing emarald eyes and said, "Well, what do you think?I wanted to be in your arms
right away, Syaoran!I just couldn't wait for the stairs to come back..."She giggled again.
"Heh..You never change, do you Sakura?"Syaoran said, cuddling Sakura in his
arms softly.Then Syaoran looked up and said, "Hey, Sakura, look: the stairs came
back.So did every thing else that disappeared.See, I told you to just wait!"And
just as he said, every thing came back to normal."Well Sakura, Are you still strong enough
to summon the FLOAT card?"asked Syaoran."Yeah."replied Sakura.
Sakura took out her staff and and the FLOAT card."FLOAT!!!"
With that, Sakura and Syaoran slowly came back to the bottom off the clock tower.

However,something glinted in the far distance when Sakura and Syaoran landed.
Syaoran(with more magic than Sakura for the time being because of all the magic
Sakura had used up)was able to sense danger coming.
Without warning, Syaoran said, "Get behind me,Sakura." "Why?"Sakura asked; for she didn't
reliaze the magic presence."Just do it!"Syaoran
said."Come on out you!"shouted Syaoron sheilding Sakura."Hmmpt.."said
??????.(we don\'t know the name yet) The strange and unkown person who appeared to be a teanage girl,
had a big black robe with a hood on, and for some strange reason, there was a wolfish aura(literally!
"What do you want?!"asked Syaoran.

"..."?????? remained queit. "I repeat! What do you want!?"Syaoran said."I want to.... .... Fight!!!!!!"shouted ??????
?????? jumped at them and took out a sword(much like Sakura's SWORD card, exept
the wing was a little "jaded")out of nowhere as well.(see the keyblade from KH)

"Well, if it's a sword fight you want, it's a sword fight you got!"Syaoran said.And with that,
Syaoran started charging at her head on with his sword in his hands.
"Yes, once I eliminate you, I can procede with advenging "mother".?????? whispered to herself; right
before Syaoran's and her swords clashed.Unfortunally, they were both even in strenght; their swords were
machted evenly.Then they both rebounded and clashed again.However, this time, Syaoran seemed at
a disadvantage.?????? saw that his defenses were weakening and smirked.She thought, "Huh.This
may end more sooner then I thought it would...And I actually thought he was strong!"
Then once more they rebounded and this strike seemed to decide the winner, for they were both running
at full speed.They clashed once more.This time Syaoran was pushing her back.This
move got ?????? off guard termendously.Syaoran took note of this and took the chance to
push her to the ground.

Then holding his sword to her neck, Syaoran asked, "Who the heck are you?!Tell us your name!!!"
Feh.My name is Reshon.... ... ..." she said.

As Reshon spoke these words, Syaoran didn't notice, but Reshon was drawing her sword closer
to her(for the sword was knocked to her side).When it was too late, Reshon quickly took her
sword so she could knock Syaoran's sword out of his hand.However, Reshon had forgotten all
about Sakura(who was still recovering).Sakura said, "ERASE,come to Syaoran's aid by erasing
Reshon's sword...ERASE!!!"

Before Reshon can react, her sword was gone!However, this was not going to stop Reshon.
Reshon resoponded by runing outside of the tower and into the open.
"What the!?"Syaoran said.But without skiping a beat, Syaoran ran after her.
"Matte, Syaoran!"Sakura yelled after him.But Sakura couldn't run as fast, due to the last battle, Sakura was still worn out.
As Syaoran ran to find Reshon, he thought, "Sakura is still tiered from dealing with the sealed card...
I must battle for her!"

Syaoran looked around once more.Then, he heard a familar summoning spell, but he just
couldn't think where he heard it before...Then Reshon's familar cocky voice came out.
He sensed Reshon's presence and turned around.
"Come my gardian beast!Shashi!"A orange, big nine-tailed fox came, with a crest on it's fore head that seemed to be on fire.
In other words, it looked a lot like Ceroberus(wings were light blue and red).The only REAL differnce is that's it's a female.
On Shashi's left hind leg, it was spelling it's name on it\'s left hind leg in japanese,while on it's
right hind leg, was spelling out the words flame and fire in kanji.

"What's up this time, Reshon?" Shashi asked.Just as Shashi said these words, Sakura appeared.
Reshon pointed at Sakura and said, "We have to avenge mother, and Sakura right there is the target!"
"It's about time!Okay...It's time to die Sakura!"yelled Shashi.Shashi went past Syaoran and went directly

Well,I'm so very angry at myself for accendentally closing the window that was containg all my
hard work that took me like,nearly all moring to intil now*sob**SOB!!*And it was so good to!!!
I couldn't do it again 'cause there was no time.There was only enough time to type all this!
I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter.But if it were me,I'd be dissapointed.And soooo...
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