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Ribbon Moon
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 4: The Scent of Magic
(by Dragon Keeper, added on 2007-07-15 20:21:16 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Okay, so far you've read it to the fourth chapter. This is getting exciting. Ribbon Moon is my first CCS fanfic. I hope it turns out good.

On the way home from Rosa's house, Sakura saw that Kero was quiet. "What's wrong Kero?" she asked him. Kero said, "You told the secret." His voice was hard and cold. Sakura remembered that she had told Rosa her secret with the Clow Cards.
Flash Back
"I possess a magic that can control cards called the Clow Cards. They have escaped from their real self as cards. And it's my responibility to get them back into cards." Sakura had said. Tomoyo's jaw was hanging loose, she never thought that Sakura would have said that secret to Rosa. While Rosa just looked at her for a minute or two. Then finally smiled saying, "I see this is very important to you. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." She took her fingers and did a cross across her lips. "Promise?" Sakura asked. "Promise, Sakura. Or to make you feel a bit better, I'll SWEAR it." WIth that Rosa did a swear that made Sakura a bit nervous. She could feel Kero inside wriggling with anger.

End Flash Back
Sakura defended herself saying, "but it's not fair for me to hide one last secret while Rosa had said out all her secrets!!" Kero glared at her and said, "Still, you broke the secret with an earthly girl!!" Sakura looked at him and said, "but being friends is sharing one another's secrets to come close to one another." Kero kept silent this time. "Okay," he finally said. "But that's the last girl knowing our secret okay?" Sakura smiled. "Okay."

That Night . . . .
Sakura had a scence of magic in the air. What was it? It was the strangest scent she's ever felt. "Kero," she whispered reaching over to her stuffed friend. But found out that he was already floating in the air. "Yeah, I scence it too." he said seriously. "What is it?" Sakura shaked the sleep out of her eyes. "I don't know, let's just go out and see." When Sakura went outside, she saw that Tomoyo was at her balcany. "Tomoyo!" Sakura whispered. "What are you doing in the middle of the night?!" Tomoyo answered in a hushed whisper, "I saw a silhouette of a person glide by in the moon!" she said. "I'm coming down." And coming down, she did, but she had two things in her hands, a camera and a dress for Sakura to wear. After much fussing around, they finally got her into the dress.
Sakura then went on with the fight. As she was going, she met Li Shoaran and Meilin. They all soon got themselves together at the spot where the scent of magic was. it was on the high tower right behind the moon. On the tower was a boy whose self was black, but in his hand was a red rose and around him were flying red ribbons. "Hello Sakura," was all that he said.

Author's note: Sorry, it's getting late, so I had to go now. I'll catch up later.
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