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April 02 2005, 05:55 PM
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Ribbon Moon
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Remote Rosa or Sweet Rosa?
(by Dragon Keeper, added on 2007-07-15 19:44:48 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

[B]Okay, so you've just read the first chapter. Now on with the second chapter:

Meanwhile . . .
“Oh, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.” Sakura Kinomoto cried trying her best to skate on down the street as fast as she could to reach her school in time. Upon arriving at her school, Sakura found out that she was several minutes early. “Phew!” Suddenly a tap came at her back. “Sakura, you look as if you’ve just raced with a cheetah.” Said the voice. Sakura turned around to see her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji. “Hi Tomoyo. No, I didn’t race with a cheetah (duh!). I raced with time.” She replied. Tomoyo smiled and both girls went into their class. Arriving at her desk, Sakura saw Li Shoaran looking ultra-crabby than usual. Meilin beside him tried to cheer him up, but seeing that she did not succeed, she turned back to her own business. “What’s wrong Li Shoaran?” Sakura asked him. No answer. “He seems very upset about something.” Meilin said. “But he won’t answer me.” Sakura tried again. “Is it about your family?” she asked. This time Li Shoaran nodded (finally). After a pause of silence, he said, “My aunt gave birth to her child at the same time my mother gave birth to me. So there was a twin – cousin. However, my cousin went to England. He was being expected at home a few weeks ago, but he didn’t come back.” Before Li Shoaran could speak again, the teacher came in with a beautiful little girl beside him. “Children,” he said. “Today, we have new student.” He brought forth the girl beside him. “Her name is Rosa . . .” many speeches were said for this English-Japanese girl. Her hair was long and velvet, her eyes were light amethyst, but her smile did not show until she saw Sakura. But the smile had a mysterious sign on it.

Author's Note: Is that sitll too short? Oh well, I like making short stories so people can easily see the next chapter. About a few more to go.
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