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Syaoran's Hope
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Accident
(by Akahna, added on 2005-12-28 09:41:01 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Please do not sue me. This will belong to clamp, and they may use it if they wish. I don't really care.

We left off with a car heading towards the group at full speed, not even noticing they were there.

Syaoran: Get out of the road!

They all; started to run out of the cars path. Akahna tripped. Bad time for clumseyness? Duh.
It was a hole, she had tripped into it and hurt her foot, she couldn't move it, let alone run.

Sakura: Help.

Syaoran turned and gasped. Sakura was lieing in the road, frozen in pain and fear. With no time to think, he ran towards her... but it was too late. The car made it to her and ran her over.

Syaoran: Sakura!

He ran to her side. She was knocked out and her arm was swelling. It was not a pleasant sight. Not a peasant sight at all. She wasn't even moving, that was worse. The only sign that she was alive was that she was breathing. That was a little reasurring, but now much. He lifted her motionless body off the road and went over to the others.

Syaoran: We need help. She's in bad shape.
Tomoyo: We don't need you to point that out to notice that.

Tomoyo pulled out her cell phone and pressed a button. It immediatly dialed somethig and she spoke a few words into it. She then put the phone away.

Tomoyo: Mother's going to pick us up. Since the hospital caught on fire last week, we have only one place to take her... home.

A few minutes that felt like hours, Tomoyo's mother came and took them all home. Toya was already there and wanted to know why his sister was being held by Syaoran and why she was knocked out in the first place. It took a while, but they finally calmed him.

The next few days were miserable. Syaoran refused to talk to anyone, and the fact that he wasn't allowed to see Sakura made it worse. He ate alone, walked home alone, even did all his homework alone. It was terrifying to see him like this. He was so isolated that he even ignored his teachers completly. The only one he talked to was... who knows?
One day, Tomoyo had news that brought him out of his stupor... for a minute anyway.

Tomoyo: Hey Syaoran, guess what. Toya said you could visit Sakura this afternoon if you wanted to.
Syaoran: *gasp. turns*
Tomoyo: The bell's going to ring in a few minutes to end school, do you want to walk to Sakura's house with us?
Syaoran: Sure.

He turns back to the widow and looked with poor reason. He expected her to just show up and say, "Gotcha" like it was a joke... But, she didn't. He knew... he knew it wasn't going to happen, but he still hoped with all his heart that it was just a joke.

Sakura's house...

His visit confirmed it. It was nothing close to a joke. She was dieing, and he could do nothing but watch. It pained him to see her, but... he had to. But it was too much, he couldn't stand it. He ran, all the way home he ran, which is saying alot, considering that he moved to across town due to the fact that... well, actually, no one knows why. He moved across town right after the accident.

Syaoran's house...

Syaoran ran into his room and pounded unmercifully on his bed, hoping for the pain to mend, it wouldn't, and that made him even angrier, along with the fact that on his first visit that was allowed he chickened out and ran. Why had that happened in the first place? He wasn't weak, he was the farthest thing from it that was possible. Then why did he run away? Why did he leave her on his first visit, why? Why? WHY? It angered him so much that he didn't dare move before he had his anger under control, he was afraid to move because he was sure he'd end up hurting, or maybe even killing, the first being he saw.
He couldn't stand to look at her in that state. He WAS weak. There was no other explanation for it, no logical way to describe the way he felt when he saw he lifless form on her bed, barly breathing, barly living. She had the will to carry other people's feelings along, to progress into passion and kindness, but no will to live through an accident like that. If she died now, she would do nothing but cause hurt in others, especially him. Why, why did she open up the part of him he had hidden for so long and take the contents out, the contents that were hidden from everyone he had ever met? Why did she make him feel like the end of the world would never come... until now? Why did her being hurt tear up his heart so much that there was nothing but dust left?
Why? WHY? WHY DID SHE MAKE HIM FEEL THIS WAY?Did she mean to cause him such confusion? Did she mean to capture his heart so, and then tear it up so soon after that? Did she mean to do this to him? Did she? Or did she just capture his heart on accident, with her natural charm, her kindness, and her ability to know WHEN to be sirious? Was she simply herself that made him actually fall so deeply for her that he was drowning in it? Was he in... no. He would never do that. He could NEVER do that. He had promised himself that he would never, ever fall in...
That summed up to be the most powerful word of all. Holding hundreds of feelings in it's four letters, a magic all it's own. Whenever the word came to mind, another thing came as well... Sakura. No. He wouldn't think of her. It made him weak. WEAK! No more, no more pain would enter his heart, he wouldn't let it. Just as no tears would exit his eyes. He wouldn't allow such weak actions to show weakness, and passion, to anyone. He wouldn't let it, he won't. HE COULDN'T! He wouldn't, even if he could, he wouldn't. He could never feel that way. I'll deny it to the very end.

Syaoran: I may deny it, but that doesn't stop it from being true.
Meiling: Syaoran?
Syaoran: Get out, now.
Meiling: O... Okay.

She left without another word, the pure look of dissapointment. She wanted to know what had happened... and why. There was only one word to describe what happened. Guilt. That went against all Syaoran wanted. He wanted to feel free of feeling like that... but not everything turned out the way he wanted. He was being selfish but... didn't she say it was okay to be selfish sometimes? Yes, she did. And this counted. He wanted her to get better, get better so he... so he could face her and admit his feelings to her.
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