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Syaoran's Hope
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Second Face
(by Akahna, added on 2005-12-27 09:38:22 AEST) [Discussion Topic]


The next day, Sakura got up early, made her lunch, got dressed, did the remainder of her homework, and walked right out the door... and right into Syaoran!

Sakura: Sorry, didn't see you there... Who's she?

Sakura pointed te the girl behind Syaoran.

Syaoran: That's my cousin *sigh* her name's Meiling *whispers* she's really annoying.
Mailing: I am NOT annoying.

That got her a slap on the back of the head by Syaoran. SHe stumbled and regained her balance before lungeing at Syaoran... Who took a step to the right to avoid the assult. The result? She fell... right on her own face.

Toya: Who's out there?
Syaoran: Just some freinds.

Living room...

Toya: They BETTER be just freinds.


Syaoran: Who was that?
Sakura: My big brother Toya, didn't I mention him?
Syaoran: I think you did... I'm not sure.

They walked to school together in silence when...

Sakura: Where's Tomoyo? We always walk to school together... Hi Tomoyo!

Tomoyo ran up to them and bowed down in exhaustion.

Tomoyo: Sakura, you ditcher... Who...

Tomoyo noticed Syaoran and Meiling.

Syaoran: Why do people always fawn over me?

He seemed angry and, for a minute, rude. He totally changed aroung Tomoyo... And the rest of the school! He was nothing like how he was around Sakura and Meiling. The peope of the school crowded around him but he just pushed through. By the end of 2nd mod, Tomoyo hated him.

Locker room...

Tomoyo: How in the heck can you be freinds with him? He's so rude.
Sakura: Now who's the one with the feeling that they don't want to know Syaoran?
Tomoyo: *sigh* You really shouldn't be freinds with him if you want to be my freind.
Sakura: Oh, peer pressure. I'm *ackk* dieing *fake choke* Noooooo! *fakes dieing and falls to floor*
Tomoyo: Why do you always do that?

Tomoyo dragged her out of the locker room and into 3rd mod, PE.

Later that day at lunch...

Syaoran: Sakura! Over here!
Sakura: Comeing. *picks up tray* see you later Tomoyo.

Sakura moves over to sit with Syaoran and Meiling while Tomoyo pouts and sit at the same table, not realizing Syaoran stiffening. Sakura noticed.

Sakura: Hey Syaoran. I want to ask you something. Alone, I don't think you'll answer me truthfully with others around.
Syaoran: Sure.

Sakura brought him behind the building so they could talk without interruption.

Syaoran: What is it?
Sakura: What's with the switch personality? Whenever anyone other than Meiling and I are around you, you get all rude and ignorant. Why?
Syaoran: You're really observing, I've known Meiling all my life and she hasn't even noticed.
Sakura: That's off the subject.
Syaoran: You want to know?
Sakura: Why would I have asked otherwise?
Syaoran: *hesitates*
Sakura: *sigh* it's gonna come out sooner or later.
Syaoran: Alright. *sigh* It' because everyone fawns over me. They say that I'm smart, nice, sweet, and good looking. Do you know how annoying that gets?
Sakura: No. Not really, no.
Syaoran: No one does, that's why they keep doing it to me. They think it's conforting. So I decided to ward off most people, the people who would do that to me. You didn't do that to me, and Meiling dosn't either. Tomoyo invited me to her party because she heard of me from her freinds ho go to my old school. I didn't want the people at my old school to say I wasn't being myself when I decided to act different, so I switched schools.
Sakura: ... That's...
Syaoran: It's kinda sad actually.
Sakura: I was ggoing to say interesting but 'sad' works, too.
Syaoran: Let's go back to the group now.
Sakura: As long as you don't close up aroud Tomoyo, I'm fine. You don't have to be frinds, you just have to be nice.

They went back to the group and went on with the school day.
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