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A Card Captor Sakura Christmas
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Chapter 1: A Card Captor Sakura Christmas; Chapter 2
(by moezychan, added on 2005-12-25 16:11:19 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

A Card Captor Sakura Christmas
Chapter 1

Introduction: While experienced in fanfiction writing, I’ve never done a Card Captor Sakura fanfic. I’m doing this for a Christmas present for the entire forum, and I’m hoping you all will enjoy it. Also, please bear in mind that I haven’t done a fanfic for almost a year, and I haven’t seen Card Captor Sakura in at least half a year.

Summary: First, despite this being a CCS fanfic, I’m going to make Syaoran the lead character; there will be focus on the other main characters, but overall it’s centered on Syaoran.

Syaoran had to move back to Hong Kong, China, and it’s been 1 year and 6 months since he’s seen Sakura. He stays in contact with her through letters and phone calls, but what he really wants is to see Sakura.

This fanfic will show his struggles, and give a more mature approach to his feelings. By mature, he realizes how important Sakura is in his life, and how much he needs her; especially at Christmas. Also, the characters are 14 in this fanfic.

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura© does not belong to me. It belongs to the artist and manga team called CLAMP©. This fanfic is not for profit, but merely for enjoyment. Please, if any affiliates of CLAMP© are reading this, which I highly doubt, do not sue me, because I am a very poor college student, and you will not get a dime! This I can guarantee you!

It seems in life that there are only 2 ways to go. One you can go along with what everybody says, and not complain. It has its advantages, and disadvantages. It’s obvious that the disadvantages of doing everything one tells you to is that you have absolutely no freedom, but how pray tell can it have it’s advantages? Simple; you will always be able to depend on people and you know you will always be protected.

Then comes the second way; the way that a young boy named Li Syaoran found quite early in his life. The second way is being forever alone. This Syaoran found out when he decided to move to Japan in order to capture the magical Cards of Clow. He remained diligent and was not deterred by his mission. Or at least so he thought.

He realized that from living there, he would have no one to depend on. Well of course he had his guardian Wei, but in his way of being alone was from learning to cope with a very dangerous girl in his mind. She was dangerous to his entire way of thinking.

How could she be so cheerful?! How could she be so diligent without ever losing that smile?! How on Earth could she stand to smile at him when he constantly called her worthless?! He never did find out the answers to these questions, and if you were to ask him, he wouldn’t even bother answering.

He had long given up trying to figure her out. His only thoughts were on figuring out how to keep her smiling and keeping her safe; and most importantly, how he could love her which was what he was currently trying to figure out as he overlooked his enormous home that he new would one day belong to him.

Syaoran gave a sigh of frustration and confusion as he continued to look outside his window. It was very beautiful scenery with luscious evergreens, gardens covering different areas of the massive landscape, a beautiful mystical blue lake that shimmered in the morning sun, but none of this scenery mattered to him. The only thing that he saw was buried in the back of his mind. How beautiful her luscious green eyes were; for in Syaoran’s mind nobody could have more beautiful eyes than the one of his true love; Kinomoto Sakura mistress of the Sakura Cards, once known as Clow Cards.

As he continued to think, the downstairs of the Li manor was being decorated for Christmas. There was to be a 20 foot tree delivered, and rows of garland and holly. The entire staff was working their hardest trying to get the manor ready for Christmas. It was in just 1 week for today was December 18th.

Not much time left to get ready, but this didn’t concern Syaoran. What he was more concerned about was that this would be the second Christmas he missed with Sakura. He remembered the first time he spent Christmas with her. It may not have been that special but he’ll never forget it for the sole reason it was the first time he spent Christmas with her.

Flashback… (for fair warning, in this flashback, [he] is Yukito, and [she] is Sakura)

Syaoran was trying desperately to get Meiling off of him, but to no avail. Why did she insist on bringing her to this amusement park?! He couldn’t stand places like this. Syaoran struggled, but Meiling’s grip would not falter. It didn’t help that she and that guy arrived; that wonderful guy who was always so nice, and kind to him. He could never say his name, but at least he could look at him.

Feeling very nervous, Syaoran took long strides to keep up with his extremely tall crush; meanwhile, Meiling and that girl were talking; about what? It didn’t really concern him. All that concerned him was keeping his stride in pace with him.

Eventually they stopped walking because he was getting hungry. It was to be expected. He was always hungry.

To show this he stated, “I’m starting to get hungry,” as he noticed a small outdoor café.

“I’m hungry too,” Meiling chimed in.

“Then shall we eat here?” she asked.

“Yes let’s!” he agreed.

As they all overlooked their menus, a familiar voice stated, “May I take your order?”

“Onii-chan,” she stated with confusion.

“Onii-chan! You really do work everywhere, don’t you?” she stated as he set out their drinks.

He dismissed it with a shrug of his shoulders.

After her Onii-chan took their orders, he returned in a few moments with their meal. It looked delicious, but the only one who was eating was him. It was like he inhaled the food, instead of merely eating it.

Meiling, who never saw him eat before stated, “Sugoi.” It truly was an amazing sight.

To defend his crush, Syaoran spoke up, “To be able to eat so much food…!”

“Is a sign that you’re really health, ne?” Syaoran’s crush spoke up.

Syaoran was speechless, so he nearly blushed and nodded. That’s when she spoke up, “Honto ni so da ne,” with her ever present smile.

He looked over at her after she stated this, and instead of saying anything more, she merely closed her vibrant green eyes and smiled at him. His response was to look in awe and blush. Wait a minute! Blush, for her?! No. No no no! It couldn’t be! He didn’t like her! He liked him! To prove this, Syaoran shook his head trying to get rid of the crimson mark that appeared on his face. He did not like her! She was his rival!

He didn’t have time to dwell on his feelings though because at that moment, an ever familiar presence appeared.

“A clow card,” Syaoran and his rival stated.

At stating this, all the wires in the amusement park started to crackle with the fire that suddenly appeared. Meiling looked at it in amazement, while he stated, “Is that a special affect?”

“It’s not an affect; that’s a real fire,” her Onii-chan stated with curiosity.

This is when Syaoran looked at her, and they silently agreed. Both ran towards the fire, with her Onii-chan in pursuit yelling, “Matte!”

‘I don’t have time for this,’ Syaoran thought, but in fact he did have time. He pulled out the one card that would help and yelled, “TIME!” while striking it with the tip of his sword.

She looked at him in curiosity, and he yelled, “Hiyaku! SLEEP no card ka!”

She finally understood and proceeded to say her chant, “Oh key that hides the powers of the darkness; show your true form to me. I, Sakura, command you! Release!”

The key obeyed and transformed to her sealing wand. She wasted no time, and took out, “SLEEP!”

SLEEP flew overhead everybody, and soon the magic worked. Everyone was sleeping, and soon Syaoran would join them.

“Li-kun!” she yelled as he collapsed with only his sword keeping him from completely collapsing.

“The TIME card uses a lot of my energy. I’ll be fine, but you have to do something about that fire!” he stated logically.

She nodded her head and called out the one card that almost always guaranteed victory for her, “WINDY!”

WINDY worked its magic on the fire, but instead of binding it, WINDY helped it! This couldn’t be! WINDY was an element card!

“Sakura! Windy can’t stand up to fiery!” a familiar Osaka accent shouted.

“Kero-chan? What are you doing here?” she spoke up.

“That doesn’t matter! Windy may be an elemental card, but it can’t stand up to fiery! It isn’t aggressive enough!” the stuffed animal explained drastically.

“What elementals do you have?!” Syaoran invited himself into the conversation.

“WINDY and WATERY, so this must be the fire card” she answered timely.

“It’s the FIERY card!” the stuffed animal yelled.

At that statement, a group of flames merged together to reveal a very haughty and confident women immersed in flames.

“So you decide to show your true form,” the stuffed animal stated.

“FIERY is an attack card! You can’t defeat it with WINDY, so its only enemy is…” Syaoran began.

“Mitzu!” she positioned her wand to call upon her WATERY card.

“You can’t just beat it with water!” the stuffed animal cried, “WATERY and FIERY are equal in strength! If you use that card, it won’t decide the outcome!”

Meanwhile, FIERY was sick of being ignored, so to remind the Cardcaptor of her presence, she sent a wave of flames at them. Obviously talking was out of the question, so she decided to run away from the flames. Syaoran in the meantime was grounded due to his low energy.

“What can I do?!” she cried in helplessness.

“Use both WINDY and WATERY at once!” the stuffed animal cried.

“It’s impossible to use 2 elemental cards at once!” Syaoran contradicted.

“But if we don’t, FIERY will burn up the whole park, and it won’t end there,”

“Iie! This is everybody’s park! I won’t let you do that,” she directed that last comment at FIERY.

“Onegai, do your best with me, one more time,” she pleaded, “Kaze, Mitzu, work together to contain the flames! WINDY, WATERY!”

She summoned the cards, and working with one another the 2 elementals were able to douse the flames. FIERY tried to fight back, but to no avail; WINDY and WATERY were too much for the haughty card. Syaoran looked at the amazing scene in awe, “But 2 elementals…” he truly was confused.

“Imiya!” the stuffed animal shouted.

“Return to your true form, Clow Card!” she shouted to finalize the battle.

Skipping Ahead…

After the battle, Syaoran took it upon himself to torment the stuffed toy, and then shortly after the park began to wake up from their peaceful slumber. Meiling naturally had to find out what happened, and she questioned Syaoran while they were in the Ferris wheel. Syaoran proceeded to tell her, and she truly was disappointed that she couldn’t witness it.

Meanwhile, as she was complaining, she came into view. She was sitting in a cart opposite of his and Meiling’s, with him, and there was a huge smile on her face. Syaoran couldn’t help but look at her in such a fashion that his face turned crimson at the site. Little did he know, at that time, that he would fall in love with her, and think about her at every waking moment?

End Flashback

To some, that story might not have been much, but to him it was truly wonderful, because she had made it wonderful. He would have dwelled on this thought, but there came a demanding knock at the door, and Syaoran knew it belonged to only one person, “Come in Meiling.”

“Mou Syaoran, how do you always do that?!” Meiling stated with annoyance.

Syaoran was in no state to answer, and Meiling knew him well enough to figure out why, “You’re thinking of Kinomoto-san again, ne?”

“Aah,” Syaoran confirmed.

“Well I have news for you dear cousin,” Meiling stated with a poignant grin.

Without stating anything, she handed Syaoran a small invitation card. On it was:

You are cordially invited to a Christmas
Celebration on December 24th at the
Daidouji Manor. The party will begin at 5:00pm.
Please show at 4:00pm; respond no later than December 22.
We patiently await your arrival.
Please wear formal dress.

It was seeing this that only one thought entered Syaoran’s mind, ‘Sakura!’

Despite the fact that Syaoran said nothing, Meiling knew by the small smile on his face what he was thinking. She gave a small smile as well. It was rare to see her cousin smile, and when she did, it made her feel all warm inside, even though she knew that smile wasn’t for her.

Meiling came to accept the fact that Syaoran would not love her the way she wanted to be loved. Seeing him happy like this was more meaningful than anything in the world for her. She finally understood what Daidouji Tomoyo meant. It was very relieving and comforting.


Speaking of Daidouji Tomoyo, she was currently getting ready for her Christmas party. Being the daughter of a very rich mother, that owned a very extravagant house had its advantages, and it really made it more efficient to plan for a party. Of course okaa-sama was more than willing to help; especially when she would get to see Sakura-chan the one and only daughter of her precious Nadeshiko. The servants also would be more than happy to help, and the house would soon be ready for Christmas.

Even with all that was going on, Tomoyo couldn’t help but feel very manipulative. She loved to set her kawaii Sakura-chan and Li-kun up together. She also, for the first time in her life, felt trapped. How would she get her kawaii Sakura over to her house in a fancy dress and all ready for Li-kun? She was truly at a loss. Getting Sakura over of course was no problem; all she had to do was say she needed her help.

Her kawaii Sakura-chan was always willing to help anybody. She wouldn’t dare question the reason why, but she would wonder why she had to get dressed. Sakura-chan may have her naïve moments, but she could tell when Tomoyo was planning something. Sakura-chan was far from dumb.

“Maybe Meiling-chan can help me!” Tomoyo suddenly voiced.

Meiling was always ready to help with a scheme to get Sakura-chan and Li-kun together. One could not forget the first time she attempted to do that! Keeping this thought in mind, Tomoyo took out her cell phone, compliments of Okaa-sama, and dialed #2. The phone rang 2 times when she heard a familiar voice say, “Moshi-moshi?”

“Meiling-chan, Daidouji des,” Tomoyo stated.

“Daidouji-san nani des ka?” Meiling inquired.

“I already know how to get Sakura-chan here, demo I can’t figure out how to get her to dress up. What should I do?” Tomoyo implored.

“I don’t think you should ask me Daidouji-san. I think this is more in the area of Hiiragizawa-san,” upon hearing this, Tomoyo’s eyes opened wide and wondered why she didn’t think of that before!

“Arigatou gozaimashite, Meiling-chan! Sayonara,” Tomoyo couldn’t nearly even express her gratitude! If anybody could help, Hiiragizawa-kun would more than able to!

“Do itashtimashite Daidouji-san. Ja ne. I can’t wait for the party!” Meiling was more than willing to help.

“Tomoyo ended the call and proceeded to call Hiiragizawa-kun. She patiently waited as the phone rang, and on the third ring she heard a droll voice state, “Hiiragizawa residence.” It was Spinal Sun.

“Spinal-san, Daidouji des,” Tomoyo stated for the second time that day.

“Daidouji-sama, how may I be of assistance?” Spinal offered.

“Would you please put Hiiragizawa-kun on?” Tomoyo requested.

“Of course, chotto matte kudasai,” Tomoyo-chan waited with the utmost patience, when she heard, “Daidouji-san, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?” Hiiragizawa-kun was forever a gentleman, despite Syaoran’s thinking of him.

“I have a favor to ask of you,” she stated with utmost confidence.

“I am at your disposal,” he replied.

“It has been a year and a half since Sakura-chan and Li-kun saw each other and Sakura hasn’t been the same since. She hardly ever smiles, and she is constantly in a daze; even more so than usual. Meiling-chan and I found a way to get them together; we have a party planned. Li-kun knows, but I want to surprise Sakura-chan. For that I need your help,” Tomoyo briefly explained.

Hiiragizawa Eriol was certainly a force to be reckoned with, especially when coming up with a plan to manipulate his lovely half-daughter that inherited his cards, and to his oh so cute little descendent.

With that evil smile of his, he answered in his disguise voice, “Of course I would be more than happy to help Daidouji-san.”

Oh boy. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Author’s Notes: First chapter ended, but it’s not on a standstill! Just click the next button, and you’ll see the continuation of the story! I hope you’re enjoying it so far! Only 2 more chapters to go!

In dedication to all the members at
Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year


Chapter 2: A Card Captor Sakura Christmas; Chapter 2
(by moezychan, added on 2005-12-25 16:14:23 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

A Card Captor Sakura Christmas
Chapter 2

Introduction: And now for the continuation of chapter 1! I hope you like it so far, and if it’s really horrible, forgive me. As stated in the first chapter, I haven’t written a fanfic in at least a year!

Disclaimer: Do I honestly have to do 2 of these?! I did it in Chapter 1 after all! Ok fine; as stated, previously, I do not own Card Captor Sakura©, because if I did, this would be an actual episode or a special for the manga. This fanfic is solely for entertainment purposes, and I, in no way, mean to make a profit from it. Just to remind our loyal readers, Card Captor Sakura© belongs to the 4 lovely ladies at CLAMP©.

As we left off previously, Daidouji Tomoyo and Hiiragizawa Eriol were plotting on how to bring Kinomoto Sakura to the Christmas party, but we did stray away from the main character of the story; Li Syaoran. He was so ecstatic to see his one and only love, Kinomoto Sakura. He would finally see her again, but at the same time, he was terrified.

It was no lie that Kinomoto Sakura was beautiful. She was outright gorgeous in Syaoran’s mind, and that meant that she would indeed attract many suitors, and this terrified Syaoran. He didn’t want to lose her, even though in the deep depths of his mind, he already thought he did. Despite these thoughts, he realized that he needed to respond to the letter. It said to respond no later than December 22, and it was already the 20th! He needed to respond right away.

Forcing him to think of Sakura at a later time, he sat down at his desk grabbed a nearby postcard and began his response:

To: Daidouji Tomoyo,

We are looking forward to attending. Expect to see Meiling and myself at 4:00pm sharp.

Li Syaoran

The note was so much like Li Syaoran; short, direct, and to the point. Not one person could ever accuse him of wasting words. Just as abruptly, Syaoran went downstairs, out the door, and straight to his mailbox.

At one time he would’ve simply expected a servant to mail it for him, but life in Japan did teach him self-reliance. It enabled him to do things for himself, because Sakura would never expect a person to do something she couldn’t do herself. She truly was amazing.

He placed the letter inside of the mailbox, and walked up his massive driveway. It was at least a 5 minute walking going, and a 5 minute walk back. It didn’t bother him. This only allowed him to dream about Sakura even more. He didn’t even care which memory it was. They were all wonderful because they all contained her.

He finally made it back to his home, when he remembered that he didn’t tell mother! Oh well, he had to tell her sometime, and there was no time like the present. Walking down to her study, he composed himself, and gave a solid knock on the door.

“Enter,” was all she said.

He opened the door to reveal his mother reading a magic book of Clow. She saw him enter and set it down, looking at him expectantly with those cold black eyes. Li Yelan; she was not the type of person to mess with, and Syaoran would never try.

“Yes, Xiao Lang?” she questioned when he didn’t say anything right away.

Straightening his posture, Syaoran stated, “I have been invited to a Christmas party at the Daidouji residence. It’s on Christmas Day.”

“I see. Daidouji; she is the best friend to the Card Mistress, correct?” she asked abruptly. It was clearly obvious where Syaoran got his abrupt attitude.

“Hai. She is,” Syaoran unknowingly let the Japanese word slip from his mouth.

She didn’t say anything about his choice of language, but a ghost of a smile appeared on her thin lips. She would never admit it, but she had a soft spot for the Card Mistress.

“Then I’m assuming that the Card Mistress will be there as well?”

Knowing Daidouji, she would go to great lengths to make sure Sakura would be there.

“Yes, she’ll be there,” he had to restrain himself from smiling and blushing; not an easy task, mind you.

“Then she’ll most likely expect you to be there. I’ll make arrangements with the airport. Go and pack your luggage,” she stated briskly.

“Sumimasen? It’s only one day. Why would I need luggage?” Syaoran was truly confused.

“You expect to stay there for one day? That would be offensive to the Card Mistress. You’ll be staying until the next semester for school. That will be January 9th. I expect you back no later than 6th. That’s nearly 2 weeks. You’ll need to get prepared for the next school year. Hurry and pack your bags. I’ll set you up in your old apartment in the meantime. I have a lease on it. Make sure to call on Christmas day and for the rest of the holidays,” her tone was completely neutral as she stated all this.

Syaoran really didn’t know what to say. He was experiencing too many emotions at once. He felt confusion, nervousness, embarrassment, but most importantly happiness. If his mother wasn’t so stiff, he would’ve given her a hug, but thankfully he knew better.

Instead he gave a stiff bow and said, “Thank you mother. I’ll get ready immediately.”

She merely nodded. As he left, she couldn’t help but give a wide smile. He truly did change since he came back from Japan. She was happy that he was finally happy and that he found someone to care for. More importantly, now that he had someone to care for, he would become an even stronger magician because he had reason to fight. He would become stronger with the sole purpose to protect her. And to have her in the family would also be quite the asset.

Back to Tomoyo…

Now as previously stated, Tomoyo and Eriol were in the process of getting their kawaii little Sakura-chan to the party. For this, Eriol certainly had a plan that would work spectacularly! Now one would wonder what that plan would be per say, but Eriol and Tomoyo were far too evil to reveal it until it was played out. Until then, we will have to wait to see what the plan would be.

Back to Syaoran…

As Syaoran got ready, Meiling absolutely insisted on coming with him. She was not going to miss this for the world!

“Fine Meiling, you can come, but only because Daidouji also invited you,” Syaoran agreed reluctantly as he continued to pack his luggage.

“Yatta!” Meiling yelled joyously.

At this response, Meiling ran outside to her home, which coincidentally was right next to Syaoran’s. Talk about close relatives.

Meanwhile Syaoran was shaking his head, wondering what he got himself into by saying yes. Don’t think that he didn’t love Meiling. Of course he did, but she did tend to get on his nerves sometimes and he didn’t know how she would react around him and Sakura. It wasn’t like she ever saw them as an official couple.


“No wait, don’t do it!” Syaoran yelled as Sakura prepared her jump across the large hole, “The wall will reappear in a few minutes!”

“I don’t want to!” Sakura yelled as she began her jump, “Daisuki!”

Syaoran held his arms out in preparation to catch her, and catch her he did. She literally fell into his arms, and he steadied himself to prevent both of them from falling. Sakura all the while was giggling to her hearts content. She had no doubt that he would catch. After the jump though, Sakura was fairly tired. She didn’t completely collapse, but she did get a little dizzy. Syaoran noticed this and questioned her.

“Sakura, daijobka?” he said worriedly.

“Uhn. Daijoubu,” she said confidently.

To prove it, she stood on both legs and made her decent down the stairs.

While Syaoran had his doubts, he followed her and saw that she was indeed fine.

Next Day…

Despite all that happened, Syaoran had to leave for Hong Kong. He didn’t want to but he did.

“Promise that you’ll write me?” Sakura asked worriedly.

“I promise to write you everyday,” and that was a promise that Syaoran would definitely keep.

Sakura’s eyes began to fill up with tears, and at seeing this, Syaoran once again gave her his handkerchief and put his strong arms around her thin frame. He held her like she was the most precious being to have ever existed. She in turn hugged him back.

All the while Tomoyo had insisted on coming, and of course videotape the entire goodbye. Meiling was watching as well, and even though she didn’t want to interrupt, but she had to or they would be late.

“Oy, Syaoran, we have to go,” Meiling said reluctantly.

Syaoran sighed, gave Sakura one last hug, and they boarded the plane. This time, Sakura couldn’t take it and cried her eyes out, just wishing she could do something to stop him. It was so frustrating for her; she was the most powerful magician in Japan, if not the world, and she couldn’t even stop him from going!

End Flashback…

He never forgot that goodbye. It still tore him up, every single time. He hadn’t seen her since that day, and in less than a week, he would see her again!

This gave Syaoran more incentive to finish his packing.

Three Days Later…

“Call me as soon as you get there,” Yelan stated with a firm tone.

“Hai, okaa-sama,” Syaoran figured he should start talking Japanese now, since he was going back to Japan. The practice might actually help.

“Sayonara, musuko,” Yelan stated with tenderness.

“Goodbye Auntie; I’m looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks!” Meiling stated with her usual energy.

“Goodbye Meiling. You behave yourself, and try to stay easy on Syaoran,” Yelan said with a stern voice.

“Yes’m,” Meiling said obediently.

The both boarded the plane, on their way to Japan, and, in Syaoran’s mind, Sakura!

Author’s Notes: Chapter 2 minna-san! For those that have made it this far and hopefully isn’t bored with this fic, Arigatou gozaimashite! You have no idea how much this means to me! Stay put. There’s one more chapter, and this one finally has our kawaii Sakura-chan in it! Get set, for love, mayhem, and 2 very evil people with an equally evil plan! So buckle your seatbelts, because this next chapter is going to be a very bumpy ride!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Captured Forums


Chapter 3: A Card Captor Sakura Christmas ; Chapter 3
(by moezychan, added on 2005-12-25 16:15:16 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

A Card Captor Sakura Christmas
Chapter 3

Introduction: And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for! (I hope ^_^;) The third and final chapter! Finally we’ll get to see Sakura, and it won’t be in a flashback! This shows the party, and Tomoyo and Eriol’s evil plan to get Sakura to the party! Get ready for mayhem!

Disclaimer: Honestly! How many of these do I have to do?! Fine, fine! I’ll do the da** exclaimer if it will keep you quiet! I do not own Card Captor Sakura©. It belongs to all the lovely ladies called CLAMP©. This fanfic is in no way for profit, and yes, I am still a very poor college student.

All of my money has been drained by books, and what will soon be student loans, so suing me will be a waste of time, because it will take me at least the next 200 years before I pay off your settlement! Hopefully this will keep you off my back!

On the plane ride over, one would’ve thought that Syaoran had a sharp pin on his chair, because he just couldn’t stop squirming! But it wasn’t something so concrete. Syaoran couldn’t stop squirming because he wanted the plane to hurry and get to Japan!

“Syaoran calm down already! We’ll be there in 3 hours. By how you’re acting, you’d think that it was 3 months!” Meiling, for once, was the voice of reason.

Syaoran had to agree. It was only 3 hours, and then he would get to see Sakura! It was like a dream come true. As he continued to think, he slowly let his eyelids cover his brilliant amber colored eyes. Without even thinking, he slowly fell asleep.

“Syaoran, Syaoran! Wake up, we’re here!” something was becoming very annoying, and very loud.

“Mm. Let me sleep,” he mumbled.

“If I let you sleep, then you won’t see Sakura,” now Meiling never called Kinomoto by her first name, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Nani?! Sakura?! Ah, I need to wake up!” as quickly as it took Syaoran to fall asleep, it took even less time to get him to wake up.

They grabbed their carryon bags, and left the plane. Who else should meet them but Daidouji Tomoyo? She came over to them, and first gave Meiling a big hug, which Meiling returned almost generously.

“Okaidi-nasai, Meiling-chan, Li-kun,” she greeted them so warmly.

“Arigatou, demo, how did you know we would be here,” Syaoran inquired.

At this, Meiling gave a slight giggle. Syaoran didn’t say anything, but he did give her his famous Li-kun glare. At this she composed herself.

“I’ll take you to your apartment, but first I want you to come with me Li-kun, Meiling-chan,” Tomoyo said almost too evilly. [Author’s Note: Just so you know, they took a night plane, so it’s Dec. 24th]

Syaoran didn’t like how Daidouji said that. It was very Hiiragizawa-like and that scared him. Something was definitely up, however, Meiling seemed way too calm. Chances were she was also up to something. These girls were far too evil, and if it weren’t for Sakura, he would’ve given up girls’ altogether! Tomoyo led them to her limo, and they all climbed in.

As soon as they got in, Tomoyo took out her cell phone, pressed one number, and said, “Ok, we’re all ready!” then hung up.

Curious, very curious.

They eventually made it to the Daidouji Manor and the gates opened automatically. The limo pulled up the driveway, and the three teenagers climbed out. All of a sudden, a large gust of wind came out of nowhere, and a massive kaiju appeared! It was a dragon! At seeing this, Syaoran pulled out his pendent and activated his sword.

“Lightning God, come forth!” at this the lightning activated, but the dragon wasn’t phased.


Sakura was currently cleaning her house when she felt a familiar sense of magic.

‘No,’ she thought, ‘it couldn’t be him.’

And yet, the magic persisted! It became stronger still! She decided not to question it, and yelled, “Otou-san, I need to go out for a bit! I’ll be right back!”

Now little did Sakura know, or anybody else for that matter, was that her father knew everything that was going on; after Tomoyo called him, Eriol payed Fujitaka a little visit and gave him a little history lesson concerning magic.

In the meantime, Sakura was not wasting anytime, “Oh key that hides the power of the stars, show your true form to me, under the name of your master, Sakura!”

Sakura then called upon the power of the fly card, and took off into the sky, looking like an angel. She didn’t waste anytime in arriving to the Daidouji Manor, to see who else but Syaoran battling a dragon! At seeing this, she called upon the power card, and flew straight at the dragon full speed! She hit the dragon, and instead of collapsing as nearly everyone thought it would, instead it disappeared.

“Subadashi desu wa!” Tomoyo cried out, and then Eriol suddenly appeared from behind the manor confirming that this was a hoax.

“Hoe, Tomoyo-chan, Eriol-kun, Syaoran-kun, Meiling-chan? What is going on?” Sakura indeed was confused.

“We needed to get you here for your party with Li-kun, Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo squealed, “And now follow me as we get you into your party dress Sakura-chan!”

There was no room for argument. Tomoyo and Meiling hurriedly rushed Sakura into the manor leaving a very befuddled Li-kun.

“Well, shall we get ready?” Eriol asked.

Syaoran wanted to grip him by the throat, but suddenly remembered that Hiiragizawa Eriol was his ancestor and was far more powerful than him. Instead he nodded his head awkwardly, and followed Eriol.

3 Hour’s Later…

After showering (all fangirls squeal at this comment), changing and preparing himself for the party, Syaoran became quite the charmer. He was wearing a stylish dark green suit with a dark burgundy red tie, and dark brown shoes. His messy dark brown hair still remained messy, but for Syaoran it suited him.

Eriol also dressed up very nicely. He wore a dark blue suit, with a blue and black striped tie, and black shoes to complete the ensemble. His hair remained the same as well. Both looked in the mirror, and decided they were pleased.

In the meantime, Syaoran wondered how Sakura was doing. Tomoyo flat out refused to let him see her until the party. (that in itself took an hour)

Syaoran continued waiting until he heard a knock at the door.

“All ready Li-kun, Hiiragizawa-kun?” Tomoyo’s pleasant voice rang out.

“Hai, Daidouji-san,” Eriol answered.

Eriol opened the door to reveal a very beautiful Tomoyo. She had her lovely ebony hair down, but was held back by 2 sparkly clips, and a bright Christmassy red dress. It had 5 spaghetti straps on her shoulders; it came down to her ankles, and complimented her very well. She completed the ensemble with bright red shoes.

Meiling also looked very lovely. She also had on a bright red dress that brought out the ruby in her eyes. Her dress was strapless.

And lastly came Sakura; a complete vision of loveliness. Instead of going with red, Tomoyo went with the best choice; green. This particular shade of green matched her emerald eyes perfectly! Her dress was also sleeveless, and it went down to her ankles. She had a small blush going across her cheekbones, but was still lovely nonetheless. Syaoran couldn’t help but stare at her, and her beautiful appearance.

He eventually composed himself, and said, “Shall we go?” as he held his arm out for her.

She graciously took his arm, and looked him in the eyes and just couldn’t believe that he was here. She couldn’t say anything, but graciously took his arm and he led her down the stairs.

“Ladies?” Eriol held out both arms for both Meiling and Tomoyo and they began their decent down the stairs as well.

The party was wonderful. There was food, games, and dancing. Syaoran and Sakura chose to do that for the majority of the night. They had such fun, but after awhile Sakura was getting tired of being the center of attention so Syaoran brought her outside to the garden.

“It’s beautiful out tonight, isn’t it Syaoran-kun?” she spoke above a whisper.

“Yes, very beautiful,” he answered, all the while looking at her.

At this she shivered, and folded her arms. Syaoran noticed this, took off his jacket, and put it around her shoulders. She took the jacket graciously, and looked at him in such awe.

“How long can you stay here?” Sakura couldn’t hold the question any longer.

“I have until January 9th,” he said.

At this, her eyes opened wide, and she jumped into his arms. She was truly happy. Syaoran was surprised at first, but then composed himself, and hugged her back. At this she looked up at him with shining emerald eyes and it was that moment that he gained the courage he needed.

He slowly lowered his head, and firmly but gently kissed her. Sakura was indeed surprised at first, but then she went ahead and kissed him back; after all, she did love him. She kissed him back with such passion, and such love that the two almost appeared to become one.

Meanwhile, little did they know, there were 3 people overlooking this scene, and it certainly meant a lot of trouble for the kawaii couple.

Author’s Notes: That’s the end for this story, but if I get enough people that say they like it, I’ll post more. I already have an idea for my next fanfic, and it’s called Syaoran’s Tortured Holiday. As I said in the second chapter, Syaoran is staying until January 9th, which means many more kawaii moments, and even a little bit of Tomoyo & Eriol coupling, if you haven’t noticed the little hits already. Please tell me if you liked this fanfic, and if you did, I’ll start on the other one!

Merry Christmas to all the members of Captured /Forums! You’re all great, and I hope you liked my present!

Interactive Fiction ©