AuthorTopic: Gundam Seed: Fate  (Read 32206 times)

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #40 on: December 24 2007, 12:32 am »
"Its because those who run this cafe have rights to remove their location from the map, intending to not make it a place where danger can happen when it comes to racism." explained Xion, looking at Meyrin. For a second he seemed transfixed to her, but shrugged that off again.

'Get ahold of yourself, bastard.'  thought Xion to himself, cursing the average raging hormones of teenagers from taking its work at him of all people.
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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #41 on: December 25 2007, 02:26 pm »
Meyrin nodded, though she did look like she was thought. "That's odd, because I could've sworn the Lunar Governmant released an announcement where everyone had to report the locations of their establishments so we don't have a repeat of the last two wars," she said just as a waiter came up.

The waiter handed her a drink menu; she looked down the menu and noticed a small, almost invisible, crest. She ignored it and pointed to a drink item that was slightly alcoholic. The waiter asked for ID, she presented it, and then the man left to get her drink.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #42 on: December 25 2007, 07:02 pm »
"Well whatever it is, isn't my concern at all." said Xion simply. Truthfully he knew that this location is allowed to be left unknown due to it being a place for mecenaries, though there are too average people around here, but they absolutely have to be with a mercenary as a sign of identification themselves. To put it simply, Xion is Meyrin's priviledge of being able to access here without harm. The rest knew he was Xion, but kept it quiet knowing that he didn't want Meyrin to figure out his true identity.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #43 on: December 26 2007, 06:03 pm »
"Not much of a conversationist are you?" Meyrin said as she pressed her back against the chair. "I wonder who all are here though," she pondered.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #44 on: December 26 2007, 06:08 pm »
"Probably people who wants to have some peace and quiet around." said Xion in a convincing tone.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #45 on: December 27 2007, 04:11 pm »
Meyrin nodded. "Is that so," she said and smiled when the waiter brought her drink. She took a sip and listened as a song was piped into the room; Meyrin instantly recognized it as being one sung by Lacus. "Beautiful," she commented.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #46 on: December 27 2007, 11:48 pm »
"Well, I see I've found someone who has interest in Clyne's music. Don't heavily depend on it though with your whole life, it is still just a piece of music." said Xion, not really being a fan of the famous Lacus Clyne. Of course, it would be a weakness for a mercenary like him to just hear and depend on her.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #47 on: December 28 2007, 04:36 pm »
Meyrin shook her head. "You're wrong, its not just a 'peice of music' it's something that allows the people to see stuff from another point of view. You can feel how much time she's put into making that peice, how much of her love she has..." Meyrin said and sighed happily.

Across the lake behind a grouping of trees; a man peered through the len's of his binoculars, spying on Meyrin and Xion. The men looked at each other, nodded, and continued to survey the two of them.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #48 on: December 28 2007, 04:40 pm »
"Well, that is your point of view on how you view her music. For me, its just another piece of music, simple as that." said Xion, taking a sip of his martini. For a second Xion could swear he noticed the group of trees wriggling, however it was so short he decided to shove it off, thinking of it as the wind.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #49 on: December 28 2007, 04:54 pm »
Meyrin sighed, shaking her head. "Whatever you say," she said, shrugging her shoulders in defeat.

"So, this is where you've been," Kiten said as he walked over to the table. He stared at Xion, then at the girl he was sitting with. A grin spread across his face as he placed one hand on his hip and gestured to the girl. "I see you brought a date," he smiled.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #50 on: December 28 2007, 05:11 pm »
"I am merely just having a conversation with her, that is all." explained Xion, not intending to let his identity as a mercenary be known to Meyrin

"If so, then where is your own date?" asked Xion in a slightly amusing tone, countering Kiten's words, obviously talking about Sakura.
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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #51 on: December 28 2007, 05:19 pm »
Kiten looked at Sakura who smiled and placed her arm around Kiten's neck. "Right here," he said to him, crushing Xion's hope's of throwing his own comment back at him. "Well, you two love birds take care while we go off to do our own thing," he said as him and Sakura walked off.

The owner of the establishment bowed to them and brought them to a private room. Meyrin blinked, "you know them?" she asked.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #52 on: December 28 2007, 05:46 pm »
"Tch, trying to piss me off don't they. Private room...." muttered Xion, before responding to Meyrin.

"In a way, yes." explained Xion, taking another sip of his martini.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #53 on: December 30 2007, 06:02 pm »
"I see..." Meyrin said and took another sip from her drink. "Is it always this dull around here? I don't see many people entering this place," she asked.


Kiten and Sakura sighed as they took a seat at their table. In front of them a man played the violen in a slow course, letting loose a pleasant tone that made Kiten feel right at home.

"I still wonder why you authorized Xion to be apart of this team," Sakura asked.

Kiten shrugged his shoulders and said. "It was my decision, nothing more. Who knows, he may continue to prove useful as time goes," he said.

"I see," Sakura smiled.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #54 on: December 30 2007, 06:31 pm »
"Of course, every locals from here has to make a living, only those who are foreign and from other sections of the moon get to take their time and relax right here." explained Xion.
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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #55 on: January 09 2008, 06:32 pm »
Meyrin nodded. "I guess you're right," she said and was about to say somemore when a pendent around her neck pulsed. She sighed and got up, "I'm sorry but I must be going, thank you for the drink," she said and quickly left the restruant.

Outside she wondered if it had been a good idea to leave Xion like that. "Kind boy, though he makes me nervous for some reason.." she said and disappeared down the straight.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #56 on: January 09 2008, 06:36 pm »
"Tch, not your normal teenager now is she?" said Xion to himself, noticing when the pendant flashed. With that he paid for the drinks and food, before exiting the restaurant.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #57 on: January 09 2008, 06:41 pm »
Kiten and Sakura tipped their wine glasses before relaxing. "Very good," Kiten said. "The wine I mean," he added.

"Its the best batch they had, vintage date of nineteen eighty... exthremely old but very well preserved," Sakura said as she looked at the bottle. "And illegal within the Earth Federation," she shook her head.

"Let's see.. a lavish dinner.. it's almost night so shall we call it?" Kiten suggested as he got up from his chair and walked over to the balcony.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders before telling the waiter to charge to credit account. The waiter nodded, then smiled when Sakura told him to take an extra two hundred out as a tip.

"Tipping him much?" Sakura heard Kiten say. She smiled and shook her head, "no... I once tipped a bartender six hundred,"

"Why?" Kiten asked.

"Because he shot two Earth Alliance goons for me when they tried to force me out," Sakura smiled before walking to the door. "Anyway, yes, let's call it a night.. at least until our boss calls us up for the next mission," she said.
« Last Edit: January 09 2008, 07:20 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #58 on: January 09 2008, 06:50 pm »
Xion then began walking throughout the city, browsing through it all for some unknown reason. While doing so, he managed to encounter the same group which he fended off from chasing after Meyrin. When they looked at him, their eyes represented fear. Xion simply rolled his eyes and continued walking around, dissapointed at how much of a coward that group truly is.

When he arrived at a particular section of the city, he noticed what seemed to be Meyrin and a couple of ZAFT soldiers. Not wanting to reveal his presence, he hid himself by entering an abandoned building without anyone noticing. With that he began spying on what they are conversing about, not even once revealing his location at all to anyone.
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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #59 on: January 09 2008, 07:19 pm »
"So, nothing?" The Zaft soldier asked her.

"Seem's to be peaceful, though some of the residents appeared less than friendly," she siad and glanced around. "But other than that, there was no evidence of any hostility towards Zaft, though I did notice some toward the Earth Alliance," she added

"Still, we should monitor that place. Most of the people there are unregistered and its shops are in the same situation," the other soldier said before they walked off.

Meyrin sighed. "Yea," she grumbled before walking off to meet someone else.

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