I find it disturbing. If they were really fans they should've asked a GIRL to do it!
Well I'm a HUGE fan of Gravitation and X and I've dressed up as Ryuichi (a boy) and Kamui (a boy) before and I'm a girl. Does my being a girl dressing up as Ryuichi and Kamui make me "not really" a fan?

Also, many a moon ago when my friend and I liked Pokemon my friend and I dressed up as Jesse and James and he (a boy) played Jesse while I played James. And trust me, we were the BIGGEST Pokemon fans in the whole school. *shifty eyes* Actually, probably at least the whole city... But I guess him being a boy acting as a girl made him "not really" a fan, right?
If anything, the guy from the video and my friend had to be REALLY BIG fans to like their favorite characters so much that they'd dress that way!