
General Discussions => RPG Forum => Topic started by: Sohru-san on January 19 2006, 09:44 am

Title: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 19 2006, 09:44 am
I was wondering if anyone was interested in doing a role-play with me where the pairings can get switched around? It doesn't have to be but I was thinking something like EriolxTomoyo, SakuraxYukito, and SyaoranxMeiling. I still love the SakuraxSyaoran couple of course, but I thought this would be fun to try!

Sakura: babypigggy
Syaoran: Shiunu 
Touya: Director of Music
Eriol: Zeldi 
Tomoyo: Sohru-san
Meiling: Sohru-san [If an Eriol comes along, I'll just stick with Tomoyo]

If you want to be one of the characters, I guess the best way is to PM me. It's always helpful if you have a sample post. I usually like to write my posts long. I'm kind of debating if I want to play Meiling or Tomoyo. I am a new member, so if my PM Box is full, don't be afraid to contact me here about the role-play.
Title: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 26 2006, 02:43 pm
Time to get started. I hope I don't mess this up too much..


Syaoran sighed as he looked out the window at school daydreaming about how he could somehow collect all the clow cards. That weak girl Sakura couldn't possibly collect them all. As soon as he turned around and looked at Mr. Tereda who was taking attendance he heard the door to the classroom slide open. He turned his head slowly and saw a young girl with long black hair tied up in odangos. They were hidden under her school cap but of course he already knew he it was. "Meiling!?" He yelled and stood up from his seat. "What are you doing here?"


I hope that was good.. I kinda switched it up a little from the anime. This was just to get started so I know it's not alot . Now let's get this thing going!
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 28 2006, 09:22 am
Sakura twitched as the girl in an odd costume popped up , as if from the window. She raised an eyebrow but kept calm.
"Li-kun, who's that?" Sakura asked pointing out in the direction of Meiling.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 10:39 am
Syaoran sighed and said "Meiling." Syaoran thought to himself. "Why is she here? I didn't think that she would come from Hong Kong to see me. I wonder why she's here anyways?" Meiling looked directly at Syaoran and he knew what was coming.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 28 2006, 12:20 pm
Sakura smiled and waved. Mr. Tereda raised an eyebrow at the comotion going on at the back of the room. Sakura felt the hard glare and stared straight back to the board.
whoever she is, she's sure getting me into alot of trouble
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 12:32 pm
Syaoran sighed. Meiling walked over to him and glomped him. She started whining about how he hadn't come back home to Hong Kong. Syaoran let out another sigh and said "Meiling! Hey let go! Your embarrasing me!" He looked up towards the front of the classroom and Mr. Tereda motioned for Meiling to come up to the front of the class. "Everyone I would like to introduce Li Meiling. She is Syaoran's cousin from Hong Kong." Everyone turned around and looked at Syaoran with wide eyes. Syaoran just sighed and put his head down on his desk. Today is going to be a long day.He said to himself.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 28 2006, 12:56 pm
Sakura didn't make a sign of any sort. She kept her face straight, as if Meiling had not been here, she was not affected - except when she tried to say anything to Syaoran, Meiling would suddenly come out of nowhere and yell at her.
"Tomoyo-chan, I have a bad feeling about Meiling." Sakura said, as she walked home with Tomoyo.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:05 pm
Syaoran walked home from school and Meiling was following him. She had a huge smile on her face and kept grabbing onto his arm. "Meiling. What are you doing here? I told you that when I left that I would have to stay here until I collect all the Clow Cards." Meiling replied and said that she knew but she really missed him and couldn't wait for him to come back. She also said she wanted to help him. Syaoran and Meiling continued to walk home and finally reached Syaoran's apartment.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:07 pm
***Sorry guys! First timer playing Meiling! These posts actually really helped me. I didn't realize that you guys already sent in a few replies! I'll attempt to reply more often! <333 Also, you guys might want to slow down on the posts a little. I haven't gotten the chance to really play Meiling and it's already after school? It's always a good idea to wait for the other characters***

Syaoran didn't look very happy to see Meiling. She never understood that because she was always happen to see him. What was it she did that embarrassed him so? All she ever did was hug him and love on him. It was nothing she was ashamed of. "Syaoran! I came here to see you! Why else would I be here?"
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:12 pm
*In Syaoran's apartment (Since their just now getting there)*
Syaoran sighed. "It's not that I didn't want to see you Meiling. It just came as a shock that's all." He said. Syaoran didn't fully understand why Meiling came to Tomoeda but he knew that it was going to be tough while she was here. Especially since she doesn't have any magical powers and only knew martial arts. "Meiling, look it's fine that your here but just please don't try to embarrass me okay?"
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:15 pm
***Please don't play my characters actions. It's known as god-moding and against the rules here. You're not in trouble or anything. It's just, not everyone likes it. If Meiling is going to take something off, I'd like to play that. Thank you. <333 =) Sorry, my posts might be a little short at first, but will improve.***

Meiling stared at Syaoran a little confused at first. Whenever Syaoran talked to her like that, it did hurt a little. "Embarrass you!? Don't be silly! Of course I'm not going to embarrass you."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:20 pm
"Well you know sometimes you do." Syaoran said. He said as he took his school cap and shoes off. "So how did you just show up at school? I didn't even know that you were coming here. I told you that I just needed time to collect the Clow Cards. That's all." He explained.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:23 pm
Meiling gave Syaoran a glare when he said, "Well you know, sometimes you do." She was about to protest when he interrupted her thoughts onto a new subject. "I came here by plane. How else do you think I came here? I know you're only here to collect these cards but I wanna be with you and help out when I can!"
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:27 pm
Syaoran sighed. He put his hands on Meiling's shoulders. "Look I guess it's fine if you stay here and help. Look, do you want something to eat?" He asked as he walked over to the kitchen and picked up the phone. "I'm going to order Chinese, you know since that's the food that were used to. I can't cook much so most of the time I just order take out Chinese." Syaoran said.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:30 pm
When Syaoran placed his hand on her shoulder, it caused her heart to pound. "Something to eat...." She pondered. "You don't cook?! Hey! How about I cook for you?" She offered even though she's a horrible cook but she's always willing to try and do her best, especially if it's for Syaoran. After all, she planned on being his future wife one day. She would keep practicing until it got better. Not bothering to wait for his response, she rushed into the kitchen to see what she could do.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:33 pm
"Hey Meiling! Wait, what are you planning on cooking?" Syaoran asked. He just sighed and walked out of the kitchen. He knew that she would be in the kitchen the whole afternoon just trying to make something for him. That girl.He said to himself. Suddenly he heard a crash coming from the kitchen.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:36 pm
Meiling wasn't sure of herself what she was going to cook. She didn't know exactly what he had. When she heard his voice in the other room, she figured, she should probably ask him what he wanted. Or I could make it a surprise! She thought to herself. When she had opened one of the cabinets, the pots and pans fell out. "Ahh!"
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:39 pm
Syaoran heard the crash from the other room. He ran into the kitchen. "Meiling!" He found Meiling unharmed but pots and pans all over the floor. "Are you alright? I heard a crash. Man, what a mess. Time to clean up."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 01:42 pm
Meiling was happen when Syaoran ran into the kitchen because he was concerned about her. When he entered the room, Meiling was staring at the pots and pans that had fallen on her. "When I opened the cabinet, they fell out..." She explained to him.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 01:44 pm
"Its okay. I was just making sure that you were alright." He bent down to start picking up the pots and pans. He found Meiling's hand reaching for the same pan and they brushed hands. Syaoran looked at Meiling and blushed a little. "Gomen, um.. let's just get this cleaned up. Don't worry about fixing dinner."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 28 2006, 03:04 pm
***Ack! I replied, it got posted, but then disappeared after Maintanence mode! >.<****

It gave Meiling joy to know that Syaoran was concerned about her. It was rare when Syaoran showed any kind of emotion towards her, at least the same ones she felt for him. Seeing his rosie cheeks surprised her a little. Is he blushing? He looks sooo cuuute!" She thought as she glomped him.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 28 2006, 03:08 pm
"Meiling! Okay can you get off me now?" Syaoran said. "So what are we going to do for dinner?" Syaoran was still a little surprised by Meiling's and his hand touching for that brief moment. What was that? He shook the feeling off though because he knew that he had to figure out what they were going to eat for dinner.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 29 2006, 03:51 am
Sakura waved goodbye to Tomoyo's smiling face and stepped into her home. She put her keys down on the counter and rushed upstairs.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 11:37 am
Syaoran was still surprised by him touching Meiling's hand. That was weird. I don't like her THAT way do I? He brushed the feeling off once again and starting looking in the cabinents for something that they could cook. He picked up a box of curry and turned the oven on. "Meiling! I'm gonna cook curry okay?"

** Sorry for it being so short!  :heh:**
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 11:46 am
Sakura stepped into her room, and turned on her PC, sighing and throwing her bag aside.
"wonder who's on?" She said while clicking to her chatroom right away. "Hey, its Syaoran, the grumpy head!" She smiled and clicked on the user that said - Little//Wolf.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:02 pm
Syaoran who was waiting for the curry to cook, decided to get online and check his email. He also wanted to talk to some friends online and wanted to see who was on. He saw the name genkisakura and sighed. What's SHE doing on here? He clicked on her name and typed. "Hey. I'm here at my house with Meiling and were cooking curry."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:04 pm
*i was just thinking maybe Sakura like syao, but then later likes yukito? twist it a bit?*
Sakura felt this deep..feeling in her heart for those words.
"Oh" She typed and waitd for a reply. She felt like she was on the urge of tears, yet she wasn't crying. Changing her screenname to just plain Sakura, she got up to grab her bag that was earlier thrown aside.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:14 pm
*yep good idea!*
"Hey you still there?" Syaoran typed on the computer. He sighed. "Meiling!? Is that curry done yet!?" He waited but there was no reply. He noticed that Sakura changed her screename to just plain Sakura. "Why'd she do that for?" He wondered.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:16 pm
*^_^ glad you agree!*

"Yes." Sakura typed, using all the proper grammar. She felt down after and found Syaoran's pencil in her pencilcase. She smiled, she was happy, yet there was something getting at her that she didn't understand. But she decided to go over to Syaoran's.
"I'm coming over, you left your pencil with me." Sakura typed and went offline, then running out the door she rushed to Syaoran's. She seemd to rush herself a biit fast and tripped down, the cement scrapped the skin on her knee.

"Oww! Hoeee!" She said as she dragged her bloody leg to Syaoran's apartment, god was joking with her, the elevator was not working, she tried to go up the stairs, but on the 5th floor couldn't go on anymore, she began to tear a bit.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:34 pm
Syaoran watched as Sakura's screenname disappered from the chatroom screen. "I left my pencil with her? Oh yeah today in class I let her borrow one of my pencils." Syaoran remembered. "She's coming over HERE?" He read. "Oh no! Meiling is not gonna like this..." He said as he heard someone knock on the door.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:36 pm
Sakura was on the stairs in pain, she saw a mailman past her way on the stairs though. She didn't make a sound and wondered, and dreamed that maybe Syaoran would come down these steps to find her...
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:39 pm
"Yes I'm coming!" Syaoran said and answered the door. It was the mailman. He was delievering a package and told Syaoran to sign the paper. He heard someone gasp and he peeked his head outside the door and saw Sakura sitting outside on the stairs holding her knee from where she had fell. "Hey!? What's wrong!?" He said and rushed outside.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:40 pm
Sakura looked up the steps at the open door.
"Syaoran? Is that you?" She said, attempting to turn herself around, she saw Syaoran run down the stairs to her, she felt as if she were in a dream...
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:42 pm
"Hey! Are you alright!? Oh your leg.. here why don't you come inside and I'll get something for that." Syaoran said as he gently put his hands around Sakura attempting to lift her.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:45 pm
Sakura blushed, she hid her face so he wouldn't notice some of her dried up silent tears. She gripped the pencil tight. His arms on her made all the pain go away. What is this? She blushed as she was taken into the room. Meiling was in the kitchen, backing them, the pain seems to have come back at that scene.

"Syaoran, here." She said, taking Syaoran by the hand when she was on the sofa. She stuffed his pencil in his hand and smiled despite the stinging in her leg.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:47 pm
"This is? The pencil I let you borrow?" He asked as he looked at her. Syaoran took it and got up and put it on the desk. "Um.. thanks for bringing it back. You know you didn't have to." he said. "So how did this happen to your leg?" He asked her as he returned to the sofa.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:49 pm
"I kind of fell." She said and grimaced. "Yeah i know, its pretty bad. I was running, i didn't want you to have no pencil to work with." She took the bandaids Syaoran handed her, but he took it back from her. She smiled, her heart beat faster and faster, it was a feeling so new to her she felt as if she would faint.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 12:52 pm
Syaoran gently put the bandaid on Sakura's leg. "There all better." He noticed a deep blush in Sakura's face. "Hey are you okay?" He asked.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on January 31 2006, 12:54 pm
She struggled to get the words out of her mouth.
"Thankyou, syaoran-kun." She tried to get up, but stumbled down, she was somehow very happy about it.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on January 31 2006, 01:00 pm
"Um.. hey you can stay for dinner if you want. But if you have other things to do then that's fine." Syaoran said and helped her up and set her on the sofa.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on January 31 2006, 03:30 pm
Meiling over heard noises coming from outside and then entered the house. The voice sounded familiar. She recognized a young girls voice. Is that.... Meiling walked out to the living room and saw Syaoran helping Sakura to the couch which caused a rage of jealous to spirt inside of her. What is she doing here!? I didn't invite her!

Hey, you can stay for dinner if you want... Syaoran's suggestion echoed off the walls.

I never invited Sakura over for dinner! Meiling stomped into the living room. "I'm only making dinner for two! Not three!" She protested.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 08:27 am
Sakura's face gave a bitter expression. Her heart seemed to stop for a second, she couldn't grasp her breath.
"It-it's alright if you don't want me, I guess I'll just leave." The pain in her leg had suddenly gotten worse.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Director of Music on February 01 2006, 09:09 am
Touya strode into the house closing the door behind him.  He headed toward the kitchen, but then noticed Sakura wasn't home.  Her shoes were missing, but her bike was still here.  He rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Probably spending time with that brat."  Touya then took of his school jacket, and entered the kitchen.  He started getting ingriedents out of the fridge while putting on an apron to cook dinner.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 09:25 am
"No it's not that!" Syaoran said to Sakura. "Meiling, Sakura is a guest so please be nice to her okay? She hurt her leg on the way over here trying to give me a pencil back." Syaoran explained but apparentley Meiling had that look on her face like someone had just struck her jealous spot.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 09:52 am
Sakure felt the fault on her.
"Stop! Stop arguing! I'm gonna go, I think my brother is probably looking for me." Sakura said, she tried her hardest hiding the pain as she limped across the room. Her heart waited for Syaoran to stop her..
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 10:05 am
Syaoran watched her. He sighed. "Sakura you can stay." He saw her look over and he smiled. "Don't worry it's okay."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 10:07 am
Sakura smiled, but turning around with a worried face. In her mind was the word "yes!" But she felt the hard, nasty glare of Meiling.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 10:10 am
Syaoran got a few plates out and set them on the dinner table. "Meiling? Can you see if the curry's done now?" He asked. He got a few forks out and a few cups. He helped Sakura set down in a chair at the table and he waited for Meiling to check on the curry.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 10:14 am
Sakura felt a strong competitve feeling within.
"Syaoran, can you get me some ice, please. The pain's gotten worse, not sure if i can even get home." She said, she was indeed in pain, but usually she wouldn't have asked for these things. She waited for the response and hoped it would triger the jealousy of meiling even more.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 10:20 am
"Yeah sure." Syaoran said and preceeded to the refrigerator to get a few ice cubes. He put them in a Ziploc bag (hee) and gave it to Sakura. "There you go." Syaoran then twitched a little because he felt Meiling's heated gaze of jealousy on him.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 10:34 am
"Syaoran, so we're having curry?" She asked, with her sweet voice.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 10:40 am
"Yeah. I was just gonna order Chinese take out but Meiling insisted on cooking something. So we just decided to cook curry. "So how has school been going for you? I think I've been doing pretty well besides the fact that I'm not great at Japanese school work yet." Syaoran said.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 01 2006, 10:58 am
"Oh, i'm sure you'll be just fine! You're great at learning, you know." Sakura said smiling, she did it to make Meiling feel jealous. "You seem to be able to understand the teacher well enough."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 01 2006, 11:26 am
"Yeah. It's just hard to study sometimes.'' Syaoran said. He smiled and yelled for Meiling again. "Hey are you going to check on the curry?" He noticed a different tone in Sakura's voice when she said Your great at learning, you know.

I wonder if she's trying to make Meiling jealous..
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 02 2006, 11:24 am
"Syaoran?" Sakura leant over to shake the thinking Syaoran. "Hey, are you alright?" She smiled.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 03 2006, 11:25 am
"Um. Yeah." Syaoran said. He still wondered why Sakura was trying to be so jolly and bouncy when she was around Meiling. That has to be what it is.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 03 2006, 11:49 am
There was an awkward silence until Meiling walked into the room with the curry. She had a sly expression on her face.
"Hi, err. Meiling." Sakura smiled forcingly.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 03 2006, 12:44 pm
Syaoran sighed and knew what was coming. He knew that Meiling was just going to blow up about Sakura being there. He was about to say something when Meiling...
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 03 2006, 01:35 pm
Sakura screamed as the hot curry poored all over her uniform skirt. She looked down at the brown sstains on it, ignoring the heat of the hot curry, speechless.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 04 2006, 02:33 pm
"Ah! Are you okay?" Syaoran said rushing up from his seat and immediatley ran to the kitchen to get a few towels and help Sakura clean off her uniform. He rushed back and started dabbing her clothes with the towel. "I'm really sorry about this." Syaoran explained while trying to help her.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 05 2006, 01:41 am
Sakura felt this warmth inside, and yet a strong anger. a will to yell but she kept it low to herself.
"It-it's okay. It's all my faullt." She said, frowning. "Now we don't have dinner." She looked at Meiling's snickering face.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 05 2006, 03:08 am
"It's okay. We still have a little left in the pot. It's not all gone." Syaoran said as he went to get some more.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 05 2006, 04:38 am
Sakura looked around and noone was around, she slowly lifted her skirt and on her thy were large, red burns. She grimaced and when she heard Syaoran's footsteps coming, she quickly put her dress back.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 05 2006, 07:32 am
"I'm really sorry about this whole thing. You sure your okay?" Syaoran asked. He gently put another bowl on the table and sighed. "This whole visit has just been a mess for you. I'm really sorry." Syaoran said.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 05 2006, 08:04 am
"Umm, do you happen to have an extra skirt?" Sakura asked, looking at Meiling, ,who's jaw now droppd.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Director of Music on February 05 2006, 10:26 am
Touya who had finished cooking dinner and had already finished eating now stared at the clock.  He frowned.  It had already been an hour and a half since Sakura was gone.  "Not even a note."  He mumbled.  He started pacing around and then decided, "If she's not back in 30 minutes I'm going to look for  her."  With that mind set, Touya sat on the couch, waiting.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 05 2006, 10:54 am
Syaoran said. "Um. I don't know. You'll have to ask Meiling." Syaoran winced a little when he saw Meiling glaring at them both.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 06 2006, 03:22 am
Sakura part purposely broke into tears.
"I'm sorry Syaoran-kun. And Meiling, for causing all this trouble. I'll just leave." She got up and she felt a sudden burn then passed out.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 06 2006, 05:14 am
Syaoran ran over to Sakura and lifted her up a little. "Are you okay?" Syaoran said trying to shake her. "Well I guess she's gonna have to stay here for the night." He decided that he would let her sleep in his bed and then go from there. He pulled the covers back on his bed and carried her over to his bed. He layed her down and said. "Well goodnight."
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Sohru-san on February 06 2006, 05:25 pm
[Please slow down on your posts a little. You guys are posting a little much to this role-play. The story doesn't flow right. You guys should wait from a response from Mailing. Arigatou....]
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 07 2006, 08:12 am
[Please slow down on your posts a little. You guys are posting a little much to this role-play. The story doesn't flow right. You guys should wait from a response from Mailing. Arigatou....]

Sorry. We've been trying to wait for you. Are you going to reply soon Sohru-san?
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 17 2006, 12:57 pm
So um.. Are we ever gonna start posting again? I'm afraid this whole rpg is gonna go to the waste side.. Sohru-san you haven't been replying at all. So I dunno what to do now.
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: babypigggy on February 21 2006, 11:41 am
that's what i thought....we gotta go on sometime O_O
Title: Re: CCS - Revelations
Post by: Shiunu on February 21 2006, 01:02 pm
No one's even posted for like 2 or 3 weeks. *sigh*

Should we reassign roles? Sohru-san hasn't even been online since Feb. 11th.  -_-