
Misc => Archives => Anything goes... => Topic started by: D.J.P on October 10 2005, 09:31 am

Title: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 10 2005, 09:31 am
ok, I guess its time for a new post thread, the old on is rather long now.

feeling like posting a meaningless topic?

then do it in here, this thread will be monitered and garbage posts (ie: posts that are unintelligent) will be deleted.
(this rule will be enforced)
And this is not a place for chain games, if you want to do that, then please use the chain board ( that is why it is there.
Oh and clean and tidy posts please  :okay:

Enjoy and have fun.

-- I don't feel like picking a random topic (when do I ever do?), so someone else can :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 10 2005, 09:32 am
Hello my name is VexNet and i'm an alcoho-.... *looks about*.... oh sorry wrong place.... *quickly walks out*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 10 2005, 09:38 am
ok, that was random  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 10 2005, 09:49 am
Lol, these threads always get long within 2 months (or obviously less xD) they're just so popular! :D

Lame question: So how's life? :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on October 10 2005, 09:55 am
 What is this word Life?
Will somebody explain?

Hello my name is VexNet and i'm an alcoho-.... *looks about*.... oh sorry wrong place.... *quickly walks out*

HAhaha  Nice one!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 10 2005, 09:55 am
could be better ^^;
i know i have homework but i'm still not doing it. i'll just turn it in late.
now i'm tired...
and i also want to draw a kick *** picture of Vex but i can't seem to draw anything lately... *sigh*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on October 10 2005, 10:03 am
could be better ^^;
i know i have homework but i'm still not doing it. i'll just turn it in late.
now i'm tired...
and i also want to draw a kick *** picture of Vex but i can't seem to draw anything lately... *sigh*

That happens to me all the time!
 I can only draw straight if i'ts late at night when I can't think at all! 
Or if i'm extremely bored in class.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Syaokura on October 10 2005, 10:03 am
I just got good pictures to work with for my Sakura VS. Syaoran fanlisting. =3 I got the title and all that jazz, so all is well. I have all of tomorrow to work on it! :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 10 2005, 10:03 am
Another post thread? hehehe. Cool. ^_^

 What is this word Life?
Will somebody explain?

HAhaha Nice one!

Hm, can't help you there. I wouldn't really know how to explain the word. :/
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 10 2005, 10:19 am
Lol, like I said, lame question :heh: it probably has a different definition to every individual. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 10 2005, 10:44 am
 What is this word Life?
Will somebody explain?

Life. Don't talk to me about life. </Marvin>
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 11:00 am
Life would be better if I could stay awake! I have been so tired lately that I've actually resorted to buying caffine pills. I'm trying to stay awake while typing this. Ok, enough about me, how's everybody else doing?!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 10 2005, 11:12 am
Poor Moezy-chan. One of my good friends who is currently in college is going though the sleepyness as you are. She's always tired especially after going to school. I could understand, with all the reading she has to do. It'll be the same with me once I start college in the winter. I'll be tired and blehh. D=

Aside from that, I'm pretty good right now. I'm excited for Halloween and November ( hint hint.. ^-^;; )
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 11:18 am
Poor Moezy-chan. One of my good friends who is currently in college is going though the sleepyness as you are. She's always tired especially after going to school. I could understand, with all the reading she has to do. It'll be the same with me once I start college in the winter. I'll be tired and blehh. D=

Aside from that, I'm pretty good right now. I'm excited for Halloween and November ( hint hint.. ^-^;; )

Doesn't help that midterms are coming up. Weird thing of it is, I used to have insomnia, and now I could fall asleep on a bed of nails; pardon the pun. But despite the tiredness, I still love college. It's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I know where I belong.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 10 2005, 11:23 am
Lol, if that's what happens when I go to college, I'll probbly faint throughout the day cuz Im already tired after coming home from school. =/
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 11:30 am
Granted, it does make you tired, but it's really not as horrible as it sounds. I have fun when I'm at college, and sometimes I don't know what I love more, college or this forum. I can't explain it, because it's something you have to realize for yourself. I am tired, but it's a good kind of tired. And besides, it's worth it. I'm getting all A's. If losing sleep is the price, I'm more than glad to pay to keep my GPA up. It's truly wonderful for me.

And it's not just college. I have a large workload this year. I go to college, I go to work, I come home to homework, and chores. If I don't do the laundry, nobody would have anything to wear. I also belong to a club, and when all is said and done, I'm posting on here. I have a very busy life, and I love it. I'm tired all the time, but I'm having fun. And I will always have my coffee to get me through the day.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 10 2005, 11:39 am
I've had the hiccups all day.
The most annoying feeling ever.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 10 2005, 11:40 am
Well, as long as your satisfied, then that's good. I don't have much of a life right now, but I will. I'll be going to college ( first getting prepared and filling out boring paperwork.. ), doing homework, taking driving school ( or something.. - doing homework for that. ).. and whatever else is throw in between. I don't like the sound of it.. I don't like the idea of growing up.. but I'm hoping to ajust as time goes by.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 11:46 am
I didn't want to grow up either. I fought against it, but you'll realize that it is a good thing to grow up. It'll give you a wonderful feeling. We all need to grow up.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 10 2005, 11:58 am
Yep, i need to grow up! I'm way too hyper and crazy and silly for my age.

Woweee there are so many relatives over for Thanksgiving. Actually, it's quite a riot. Silly fun. My family is crazy (in a good way). Put my cousins, a monopoly game and a whole lot of drinks in a room together you get the recipe for hilarious practically laughing until it's hard to breathe fun.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 12:02 pm
Just a random question Cherry-chan, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but how old are you?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 10 2005, 12:09 pm
*turns red* erm... kyyaaaahhh... I don't usually answer the question cause everyone is like, "Oh you act so old for your age!" or "you look so old for your age!" and usually people treat me differently if I do admit my age.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 12:12 pm
Ok then, never mind. Sorry if I put you on the spot there Cherry-chan. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. Although now you may think I am. As far as treating you differently, I wouldn't because I know how that feels. People say I act extremely mature for my age, but I look like I'm 16, so when people meet me, they treat me like I'm a kid. It does get annoying. People even tell me I'm too young to drink coffee.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 10 2005, 12:16 pm
I don't think you're a stalker! Not at all, moezy-chan! You're one of the nicest people I've ever met and one of the people I most admire (even though I haven't met you :keke:)! Yeah, usually people think I'm 18 or twins with my 19 year-old sister. That's funny!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 12:25 pm
Arigatou! That is extremely flattering. I was just wondering because if you are still a minor, I would tell you not to grow up so fast and enjoy being a kid as long as you can. That's all. I'm blushing now.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 10 2005, 12:26 pm
My Thanksgiving dinner was.....interesting.
Everyone was telling weird stories about all the crazy people we see downtown.
Like my cousin Jimmy. He was parked on the street and he can hear these two people yelling and swearing at eachother, and then about 5 minutes later he sees this guy running across the street screaming, and a guy chasing him with a pitchfork!!!!! And Jimmy followed them...well, until the cops came, then he booked it, haha!
Or my dad and my uncle John when they were working a midnight shift at some store, my dad looks out the window and there's this lady running down the street, naked! Well, she was wearing a robe but she didn't close it, haha! And some guy was chasing after her swearing her out.
Or my favourite, my brother was in Nanaimo and he saw some guy running out of a building and his back was on fire, and his buddies were trying to put it out by pouring their beer on them (yeah...cause that's helping, haha!), and the guy jumped in the pool. And when the guy came out he was like, "Heh. Did you see that? I was on fire."
Crazy people. They humour me.

Everyone always says I look older than my brother, who's 18. They think he's 14, haha!
Just yesterday, Andrew was at a job interview and they were like, "Isn't this job going to interfere with school?" And Andrew was just like, "Umm, I don't go to school, anymore."
And they're like, "Oh? Aren't you a little too young to be dropping out?" And Andrew's like, "No. I just graduated. Didn't you look at my resume?"
He's always getting pulled over because the cops don't think he's old enough to drive, haha!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 10 2005, 12:33 pm
I don't mind admiting my age. I'm proud to say that I'm 18. Still a teenager.. yet, not one at the same time. Even though what I said earier about not wanting to grow up.. I know I need too even more then I have. I mean, I'm completely different then I was back in 4th grade. ^^;
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 12:47 pm
Now that is funny Endoh-chan! I'm LMAO at those stories! I get treated like your brother also. I got my paycheck on Friday, the only good thing about my job from he**, and my first class wasn't until 10:00am, and it was still 9:00am, and my dad didn't have breakfast yet. He's a diabetic, and if he doesn't eat, he'll get a diabetic attack. Similar to a heart attack, so I told him that I'd treat him out to breakfast.

He likes McDonald's, I can't stand it, but I took him there for breakfast. I ordered my meal, and the lady at the cash register asked me what I wanted to drink and I answered coffee. She then looked at me and said, "You're too young to drink coffee!"

I answered, "No I'm not. I'm 22."

She looked embarrassed, and apologised but then said that I looked like I was 16. People ask me what grade I'm in and I'll say senior, and they'll say, oh, this is your last year in high school, and I'll say, "No, I'm a senior in college."

I get it all the time, and it's frustrating. I can't even get a margarita without being carded!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: fisah on October 11 2005, 01:28 am
Endoh, that was hilarious, haha :XD:

Yeah, I know what you mean about the age thing, I get it *all* the time. Though I'm 15 I look like I''m 13 or even to the extent of 12, and when they find out that I skipped a grade, and that I'm in the 11th grade, they just gape at me. Its so frutstrating. I love coffee, and I drink it all the time, haha, not the best addiction in the world :P My neighbours mom was ranting about ridiculous it was a 13 year old is in high school. *sigh* It sucks alot.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 11 2005, 02:49 am
Haha...Endoh, those stories were really funny! :keke:

Hmm...Im 11 years old, but everyone thinks Im about 14. :sweatdrop: Though, Im 5'3, maybe thats why. I have a petite friend and everyone thinks she's!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 02:51 am
seven o.O wow..

how old do i look?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 11 2005, 02:55 am
seven o.O wow..

how old do i look?

Well, yeah...she's pretty small. :sweatdrop:

Hmm...Vexnet, you look like your about 18....
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 03:00 am
sweet! i look the right age then :D
i'll be 18 in Jan XD yes booze and porn legally!! jk jk
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 11 2005, 04:39 am
You only have to be eighteen?
We have to be nineteen here do buy booze.
My brother Andrew still has to wait another year :tongue3: But my other brother Mark (who will be 20 in January) boots for him.

Alot of people think I'm twins with my cousin, Nicole, who is 18, but everyone thinks we're like 19-20.
I find that very hard to believe, but I've had quite a few people say that.
Or....the exact opposite, haha. My age varies with different people, haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 11 2005, 05:35 am
In America, you have to be 21 to buy alcohol, and 25 to sell it, and also 25 if you don't want to be carded. Chances are I'll be carded until I'm 40! It's pathetic. You might look older because of your glasses Endoh-chan. My sisters have glasses, and they look older than they actually are. And VexNet-san, you do look your age. About 18. You're lucky.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 07:01 am
You only have to be eighteen?
We have to be nineteen here do buy booze.
My brother Andrew still has to wait another year :tongue3: But my other brother Mark (who will be 20 in January) boots for him.

Alot of people think I'm twins with my cousin, Nicole, who is 18, but everyone thinks we're like 19-20.
I find that very hard to believe, but I've had quite a few people say that.
Or....the exact opposite, haha. My age varies with different people, haha.
well actually i can buy Alcohol since i was 16 cos i looked older and no-one ever asks for ID around here.
I mean on holiday me and my friend went into the shop both wearing balaclavas so nobody can see our faces and bought alcohol and the shop guy didn't even ask us anything, he just let us buy it XD it was mad
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 11 2005, 01:30 pm
well actually i can buy Alcohol since i was 16 cos i looked older and no-one ever asks for ID around here.
I mean on holiday me and my friend went into the shop both wearing balaclavas so nobody can see our faces and bought alcohol and the shop guy didn't even ask us anything, he just let us buy it XD it was mad
Even though I don't drink (much), it still would be pretty sweet to do that.
Everyone here is so paranoid because we've had so many car accidents due to drunk driving, so everyone gets carded.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 11 2005, 03:22 pm
I never want to drink. Maybe once I turn 21, but that's probably the only time I'd drink at all. It's just..yuck in my opinion.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 11 2005, 03:35 pm
I will never drink Beer.
I've tried it, and it's desgusting.
I can only drink Smirnoff, haha. Watermelon Smirnoff tastes like Pink Freezes...with vodca, haha.
But I don't drink much anymore. We have a history of alchoholics in our family, and I don't want to turn into one of them.
Plus, hangovers suck.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 07:37 pm
It's pretty ironic too... since i'd be one of the people you'd meet who is most against alcohol etc.
To be honest i really deteste the stuff... but i have no idea whats happening to me recently... *sigh* .. and i don't like it...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on October 11 2005, 11:01 pm
I will never drink Beer.
I've tried it, and it's desgusting.
I can only drink Smirnoff, haha. Watermelon Smirnoff tastes like Pink Freezes...with vodca, haha.
But I don't drink much anymore. We have a history of alchoholics in our family, and I don't want to turn into one of them.
Plus, hangovers ****.

Those Smirinoff's smell fantastic though!  Mom buy's the apple kind occasionally but being in SADD and all I won't try one.  I have tasted wine before though and man is it nasty!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 01:15 am
I made it a point to never drink alcohol before I turned 21. I was always such the good little girl. I hate that sometimes. People have a prejudgement about you so you can't make a mistake. But back to alcohol, I love wine, depending on what type it is. My favorite is White Zinfindal, but I can't stand beer. Tastes horrible. I also can't stand Chardonaay. Too dry in my opinion. I also make it a point to never lose control. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 12 2005, 02:51 am
Oh geez am I tired.
I left the house at around 2am last night (my friends Christine and Nellie swung by) and we went to my new house (which was kinda creepy because the place is like virtually empty) and just hung out there for a few hours, the entire time I was humming and saying "Josh this," and "Josh that". Oh dear lord, I'm obsessed, hehe.
Then we ran across the highway and went to Christine's around 4:30am when I realised that if I'm not home by the time my mom wakes up, I'm royaly  screwed. But then I realised that she wouldn't care if I was gone, just as long as I was safe. So when we got to Christine's I just sent her a few text messages.
Ah, man, we tried watching the movie Dreamcatcher! NEVER AGAIN! [shiver] We stopped it about 30 minutes in. Too freaky....well, not freaky but just plain nasty.
Jeez, Christine's computer is so freaking slow! She never takes my advice on computer maintnance. I checked her updates once, and she had programs that hadn't been updated for 3 years!!!
Ooooh! I found out that there won't be any school here for at least another week! Silly teachers and their picket lines. That means I'll have many more grand adventures this week. Just no alchohol :tongue3:
Argh! It just goes to show how many freaky people live around here. I just had this kid (who, I believe has had a crush on me since the 8th grade.) on msn start bragging about how he smoked 15 joints on his birthday. [rolls eyes] Am I supposed to be impressed?
I certainly hope not.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 03:03 am
I always wanted to sneak out of my house, but I never had the guts to do it. Didn't help that I didn't have any friends, and it's no fun when you do it by yourself.

I'm taking a guess Endoh-chan, but Josh is the guy from your math class that you like, ne? And you're lucky! You have a mom who doesn't breathe down your neck! I'm 22 and my mom tells me I'm not allowed to drink alcohol! Like I listen.

Also, I kinda know how you feel Endoh-chan. The professors at my college were picketing 1 week before classes began. We didn't know if there would be classes or not. Thankfully the strick was resolved, and we had classes as scheduled. Hope the strike where you live is resolved soon Endoh-chan.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 12 2005, 03:31 am
I know this is random but i found these quote by people on the forum made when i was on holiday and they made me smile:

Quote from:  Sakaki
Funny how slow it can get at this time, especially now that Vexnet is gone for a while.

Quote from:  Lika-Chi
Vexnet is in the States with Harumi. His girlfriend. Didn't even bother saying hi to us.  lolz. XD

Quote from:  Sakaki
Well, my schedule is just weird I guess, I'm on until five am.
From about 2:00 am on, sometimes it gets pretty quiet. Come Back Vexnet!!
He was always on during those hours.
IJIWARU, Vex-Kun!!!
He should at least come by and tell us what they've been up to.

Quote from:  Lika-Chi
They're probably too busy doing whatever to come on. *sigh. VEXNET!! HOW could you forget us?? AH!! The horror. lolz.

It's nice people missed me  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 12 2005, 04:04 am
Hehe, See VexNet? It just goes to show that you ARE NOT invisible on this board!
Everybody loves you here!!!

And Moezy-chan, yup! That's the guy, hehe!
Oh man, my mom didn't get my text messages so she didn't know where I was until my brother ratted me out (like I knew he would) and she came running to Christine's house.
It's funny how she'll be yelling one minute, and then we're best friends the next, haha.
It's like the more crap I pull, the closer we become.
I wonder what would happen if I tried to rob a bank....?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 04:06 am
That I really could not answer. Here's a question I've been dying to ask you, who are you more obsessed with now, Syaoran, or Josh?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 12 2005, 04:09 am
That I really could not answer. Here's a question I've been dying to ask you, who are you more obsessed with now, Syaoran, or Josh?
[stares blankly]
....I never thought of that.
Well, I'm not THAT close with Josh yet, so at the moment, Syaoran is still my number 1!
But when it comes to everyone that isn't fictional, I'm all for Josh :tongue3:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 13 2005, 01:22 am
I  hate beer as well... i can't understand how people actually drink it. Anyway, i've tasted some stuff like bailey's and so on. I've got a friend who makes the best drinks ever. Still i never got drunk *sighs* though I've got a bunch of friends that got drunk every time they can (most days of the week). I tell them to stop but they won't listen! grr
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 13 2005, 01:46 am
Me neither, I can't stand beer. Hate the taste of it. I love fruity wines more than anything. As long as it's not peach. I'm allergic. And though I already said this in the Girl Thread, welcome back charme-chan! Where on Earth have you been?!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 13 2005, 01:54 am
I will never drink Beer.
I've tried it, and it's desgusting.
I can only drink Smirnoff, haha. Watermelon Smirnoff tastes like Pink Freezes...with vodca, haha.
But I don't drink much anymore. We have a history of alchoholics in our family, and I don't want to turn into one of them.
Plus, hangovers ****.

my family has a history of alcoholics too! and now i just drink occasionally... :sweatdrop: i cant stand the taste of vodka...

i hate to drink because after 2 or 3 sips, my whole face will turn red.. and its so embarrassing... many will think that im drunk.. on the other hand, its good.. because its an excuse to avoid drinking more..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tessaiga on October 13 2005, 02:23 am
I don't drink alchohol at all. Never done it either, and probably never will.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on October 13 2005, 03:04 am
I drink beer and rhum though I drink on occasions only.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 13 2005, 04:38 am
And though I already said this in the Girl Thread, welcome back charme-chan! Where on Earth have you been?!
Holidays ^^ I went to Punta del Este ( a beach in Uruguay)
But now they are over..  ><
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 13 2005, 05:33 am
Oh, hope you had fun, and welcome back! It was boring without you!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 13 2005, 05:44 am
Oh, hope you had fun, and welcome back! It was boring without you!
I did.. ^^
And thanks a lot ! I missed this forum so much... ( and you too)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 13 2005, 05:46 am
Arigatou gozaimashita! Now all we need is ashiteru-chan. When is she coming back?! Oh, and that was a retorical question.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 13 2005, 05:57 am
You read my mind. I was thinking the same.. haven't talk to her in a long time *snif*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 13 2005, 05:59 am
Tell me about it! I miss her too! She popped in once about 2 weeks ago made 1 post and left before she answered my response! Aishiteru-chan, come back!!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 13 2005, 06:01 am
Welcome back, Charme.*-chan!!! :keke:

How was your vacation? :)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 13 2005, 11:02 am
Great! Pretty dull at first, the weather was awful. But then I came back and invited some of my friends over. Best day ever! ^^
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 13 2005, 09:29 pm
i'm so happy!!
*AnnouncerGuy ( Drew me a picture with my caharacter in it!!
I Love it, it looks so cool!!
Check it out HERE (
My Character is Vex, The one in White Clothes and White Hair!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 13 2005, 11:10 pm
i'm so happy!!
*AnnouncerGuy ( Drew me a picture with my caharacter in it!!
I Love it, it looks so cool!!
Check it out HERE (
My Character is Vex, The one in White Clothes and White Hair!

wow! (O_O)!

AnnouncerGuy drew that?! it looks like the real mckoy~ :okay:

hehe.. if Vex in white hair.. what will the colour be in saiyan mode?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 14 2005, 12:07 am
saiyan mode.. wouldn't it be interesting if people could actually go into saiyan mode?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 14 2005, 01:19 am
yah i know! Vex always has White Hair :D but it goes normal Yellow in Saiyan :D
Cosnett is my other character who has Brown / Black Hair (i keep changing between the two)
and when they both fuse together... they create VexNet !! MWUA HA HA

but yeah, i love that pic! AnnouncerGuy draws so well and captured him perfectly!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 14 2005, 01:35 am
He really did a good job! I love it!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 14 2005, 08:03 am
That's an awesome pic, VexNet!

Ooooh, man. My dad fnally found out about our new kitten, Cheemo, haha. I was walking around with her upstairs and he came home from work early! I tried to run and hide but he saw me at the foot of the stairs and he was like, "What the hell is that?"
I grinned and was like, "'s a Cheemo?"
And I was right about how he would react, haha! He sighed, walked into his room, moped for a bit and tried to act like nothing happened, and then he started freaking out at me, haha. I was just like, "Well, it took you long enough to figure it out! We've had her a freaking week!"
I wonder how angry he would get if I told him about the two new Degus I got, haha.
Err....I don't wanna find out until later, haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 14 2005, 01:30 pm
Next time, make sure not to walk around with pets unless you're 100% sure your dad will not find out Endoh-chan. But too late. Ganbatte Endoh-chan.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 14 2005, 02:53 pm
Okay.. a little off topic, but has anyone seen new anti-smoking commericals? You know, the tobacco smokes you thing. Well.. if not, you can see the commericals at They're really gross but I feel are stretching it bit. Anyway, I'd like to hear the people here at this forum what they think of the commericals.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 14 2005, 02:58 pm
I agree with you Genki_Girl. I'm shaking now. I don't smoke, and I find that offensive. I'm gonna be having nightmares now. That's scary.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 14 2005, 03:04 pm
I'm sorry, Moezy-chan. I didn't mean for anyone to have nightmares but.. think of something else. Like Syaoran kun blushing. I don't know. ^^;;;

I really just wanted peoples opinions on this.. but, it's hard not to be grossed out.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 14 2005, 03:07 pm
I'm sorry, Moezy-chan. I didn't mean for anyone to have nightmares but.. think of something else. Like Syaoran kun blushing. I don't know. ^^;;;

I really just wanted peoples opinions on this.. but, it's hard not to be grossed out.

That's ok. It's just that kind of stuff freaks me out. I know, I'll watch one of my CCS AMV's! There are plenty of my favorite Syaoran moments in there! I'm still shaking though.
Show content
rats scare me

Ok seen my absolute favorite video, and I feel much better! If you want to watch the best CCS AMV, watch Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows, made my Touya_Girl. Wonderful AMV, with so many kawaii Syaoran moments! Cheers me up everytime!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Rusty on October 16 2005, 01:54 am
EEWWW!!!! is the only word i have for that video Genki_Girl ,  i'm not really grossed out    it was a bit too much like a conk on the head
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 01:58 am
It really scared me. Ok, back to my wonderful CCS AMV's! :shivers:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 02:07 am
That was... interesting? Lol. The doll heads were just plain creepy... and I didn't want to look at the galleries. oO;;

I'm always being shunned from this place... my brother won't stop World of WarCraft, so I can't come here :sweatdrop: What's so addictive about the game? lol

So how is everyone? :heh:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 02:09 am
oh man Worlds of Warcraft!! I havn't played that in ages...
man that makes me want to run out and buy it now!!
i used to love that game but i had to go to a LAN Arena to play it...

now i have the PC Equipment to play it!!
WoW3 looks awesome!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 02:21 am
Lol, I played WarCraft 3 and Frozen Throne a lot... but I stopped like last year. And StarCraft the year before that. World of WarCraft I tried it (on my brother's account). It was only addictive for about the first 2 hours of play for me. oO;; Im just not an online RPG person. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 02:29 am
2 hours is still a loong time!

man i feel so hyper!! i wanna go out and make out with random hot girls!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 02:38 am
Very interesting statement VexNet-san. I see you're feeling better. Ok away from that category, welcome back Angelic-Essence! I kept wondering where you were! So, other than your brother being a computer hog, what's new?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 02:42 am
Nothing interesting, moezy-chan. But thanks for asking! Life for me has been kinda boring lately... I was surprised to see the sun out when I woke up this morning! This week was all raining and stuff... so the mood around the house was depressing too. lol! And I was just replaying some old games classics and rewatching some good anime... other than that... well, back to square one. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 02:44 am
old games? old anime? ooh which ones?
a lot of the old games are still teh best ones!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 02:47 am
You are very hyper today, aren't you VexNet-san. And back to Angelic-Essence same for me. Life is boring. I go to classes, I go to work, I come home to more work. That's my basically my life. Of course if I get next Saturday off, my life will be a bit better! Hopefully my coworkers mom will let her take over my shift. Wish me luck!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 02:56 am
*giggles insanely*

but i like my work.. sometimes!! i have to work with stone so its hard manual labour bit its a good work out!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 03:00 am
Yes, that's the only positive side to working. You don't have to go to the gym and instead of you paying them, they pay you! And that in turn adds to my manga collection. So I guess it's not so bad. If only my 2 bosses weren't such bit**es!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 03:02 am
Lol, Vex, you certainly sound hyper. xD To answer your question...

Games I've been playing for the past 2 weeks: Final Fantasy X/X-2 (mostly since they take so long to complete... o.O), Metal Gear Acid (PSP), Ridge Racer (PSP), DDR Extreme

Anime I've been rewatching: Trigun, Gun Grave, Azumanga Daioh (hilarious stuff o_o!), GTO

And a few other movies... I saw Batman Begins. It wasn't all that interesting for some reason... and I was surprised to see Katie Holmes in it. lol! I only know her from Dawson's Creek. :sweatdrop:

You are very hyper today, aren't you VexNet-san. And back to Angelic-Essence same for me. Life is boring. I go to classes, I go to work, I come home to more work. That's my basically my life. Of course if I get next Saturday off, my life will be a bit better! Hopefully my coworkers mom will let her take over my shift. Wish me luck!

Wow... life sounds rough. And that's everyday life for you? I wouldn't survive. Literally. :heh: But I wish you the best of luck, moezy-chan!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 03:04 am
i love Dawson's Creek!! it was soo sweet :D
and it was nice and romantic, i don't care how many people say its crap!! I LIKE IT!!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 03:06 am
Wow... life sounds rough. And that's everyday life for you? I wouldn't survive. Literally. :heh: But I wish you the best of luck, moezy-chan!

More or less. Demo ne, ganbatte mas! (But I'll do my best!)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 03:13 am
GASPS! The only season I didn't see of Dawson's Creek was.... huh,  I don't remember! lol, just how many were there? I have 4 seasons on DVD. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 03:15 am
I have 4 seasons on DVD too!!
teh 5th is out and the 6th is still to be released ^_^
They did 6 in all tho!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 03:29 am
I've just been pushed out of the conversation.  :sweatdrop: I've never even watched Dawson's Creek, unless you count commercials.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 04:15 am
Ah, sry about that. When people have a same interest as me, I forget about others that are here. :sweatdrop: and some, if not most people, agreed that Dawson's Creek wasn't good so it's a surprising thing for me to find someone else that likes it too. ^_^

Well, let's talk about something everyone can talk about... uhh... like... what's the most influential thing in your life? lol *yes... its' lame >>;;*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 04:36 am

and comics, movies, anime and video games.
"I solve my problems with Violence" Becase thats what video games teach us!! XD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 16 2005, 09:22 am
Oh, me too! Anything other than my family/relatives, is influential. Strange isn't it? :sweatdrop:

I'm so bored right now... I wish I just went out and got a wireless router for my computer. My brother's computer is so boring. :shifty: And I used to think his stuff was cool LOL! :D

Hmm... one question: Is your room such a mess that your family or friends can say it's a jungle (even though you know where certain stuff are and aren't)? lol. Yep, that's me! :heh:  **Yes, this was VERY random. lol**
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 09:25 am
Hmm... one question: Is your room such a mess that your family or friends can say it's a jungle (even though you know where certain stuff are and aren't)? lol. Yep, that's me! :heh: **Yes, this was VERY random. lol**

ohh DEFINITELY! but they don't call it a jungle.. they call it the family garbage dump `=P my room is BAD. i clean it once a week but the day after i clean it, it's just messy again. i'm good like that. lols.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 09:39 am
yeah... but i dunno how it gets messy .. i try to keep it tidy.. i don't know how it happens... *sob*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 09:41 am
yeah... but i dunno how it gets messy .. i try to keep it tidy.. i don't know how it happens... *sob*

yeah, that's what happens to me. i try, i really do. i keep my earrings (i love earrings), my clothes, my shoes, my belts, and my hair ties (i have a bunch of colors. hah.) color coordinated but the rest of the room is just like.. yeah. it's just really bad. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 12:55 pm
I always clean my room, but my sister Tornado Teresa, whom I share a room with, ends up messing it up everytime!  :angry:  :cussing: And I'm always so busy, so it's been know to stay a mess for well over a month! I can't stand her sometimes!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 16 2005, 01:37 pm
My room is generally tidy. Except for most fridays and sundays that I go out and therefore(literally) empty my closet searching for something to ware. As I am always late, I leave things all messed up and then I have to arrange everything when I return ;_; ( 6 am yesterday)
Plus I also share my room with my younger sister..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 01:40 pm
Plus I also share my room with my younger sister..

I know how you feel, and yet I don't. I share a room with my sister, but I'm the youngest. Although by the way she acts, you'd think she was younger.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 16 2005, 01:40 pm
I share my room with my older sister, and it's not pretty. I have clothes strew on the ground, unmade bed, clothes piled up at the bottom of the closet, university textbooks and files and papers scattered everywhere, books (except for my manga) strew on the ground... books strewn over my bed... clothes piled 3 feet high or more in my hamper... I won't go on. I'm such a messy person, but mostly, it's my older sister. And my older sister cleans the room better than me. I have the job of keeping the closet clean every week (taking all the clothes out and re-folding them... it's a pain because it's boring and takes so long).
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Rusty on October 16 2005, 03:53 pm
i share my room with my younger brother and its ok for us sinece both of us are very messy and rarely ever clean our room... its drives my mom mad!!!!! ::D:   somehow i feel comfy when my rooms messy.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 18 2005, 02:33 am
Lol, I'm basically too lazy to clean my room. Which also means I just clean it... once every blue moon. :lol: **Yes, so I'm a slob, sue me xD**
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 18 2005, 02:41 am

i share my room with 3 others.. bro, grandma and aunt.. :confused:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 18 2005, 09:06 am
Holy crap I never realised how much I missed this place!
Ahh, now I've got the internet in my new room! YAY! That means I can be on here more often!
Whew, oh how I've missed you guys!
Sooo....what have I missed?

Hmmm....rooms, eh? Right now I've got boxes surrounding....errr....everything! And my bed frame is gone, so I'm sleeping on the floor.
Which is actually more comfy, haha!
Damn, am I glad to be back!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 18 2005, 09:53 am
*huggles Endoh* HEY!!

my COMP is in my room too D:OMG
I love it, i get to watch Anime i downloaded in bed too :D awesome stuff, shiznet
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 18 2005, 10:56 am
i've had a computer in my room for about.. 4 or 5 years now. it's only because when we got our first computer, it was in my brother's room and he would like.. never let me use it so someone donated a computer to us and booom! here i am.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 18 2005, 11:16 am
THe only reason I have a computer in my room now is because there's no room for it.
So now Mark has a computer in his room.
Andrew has his laptop, and I've got my own now!
Only problem is my mom is going to start barging in my room to use the computer now, haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 18 2005, 11:58 am
Chances are I'll get a computer in my room when I get my own house. Our computer used to be in the basement, but after it got flooded out, we moved it to the dining room. I hate it here because there's a window right behind the computer and this window faces the sun setting and it kills my eyes when I'm on here at sunset.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 18 2005, 06:15 pm
welcome back, Endoh!

yeah.. i wish i can have my own room with my laptop too.. but its kinda unlikely~
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 18 2005, 08:06 pm
i have my own computer and in 2 years.. i get my own laptop! woot wooot! hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 19 2005, 12:17 am
I have 3 computers in my room.

My main desktop (I do everything on this)
My Server (internet gateway/file server/web develeopment machine)
My Laptop (currently playing Tokyo Mew Mew on it  :tongue3:)

Eventually it will be 4, hopefully this year, but I'm not holding my breath
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 12:22 am
must get hot in your room! Overheat city!

I'd love to have more than one PC but it's too much money
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 19 2005, 12:25 am
Nah, I do have the warmest room at times but, but oddly enough not from the computers.

- morning sun and cooking in the kitchen (the heat flows down into my room)

I've made my computers prettly cool (as best as I can with little money :()

gonna get a gaming machine sometime.

WIth the exception of the laptop, my computers have been built slowly.
I just had to replace my motherboard and power supply for my main desktop not that long ago. $330 all up, I was not happy.

Original motherboard won't find a video card, then a few days later the power supply went  :angry:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 12:32 am
that sucks, so you build computers yourself up?

I saw a magazine article about building your own PC and it looked pretty cool, cheaper than buying it pre-made and it was really good specs too!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 19 2005, 12:34 am
yeap, all my pc's are custom built by me.

Much cheaper really. Pre-built computers are too expensive for what they are normally.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 12:38 am
plus custom built means you can add exactly what you want for your machine yourself and not something your forced with a pre-built. plus upgrading is easier because instead of having someone else come in and look it all you need to do is buy the graphics card etc.. and install it yourself.
Hardware is fun to equip :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 01:06 am
Frankly, all I can say is sugoi (awesome!) SLi-sama! I was going to ask how you can afford to it, but it looks like VexNet-san beat me to it. Even if I could custom build my own computer I still wouldn't be able to put it in my room. My sister pretty much clutters the place up.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 01:08 am
I've only ever HELPED create a custom built PC, Luckily my dad's friend is really good with stuff like that and they let me help put some stuff together on thier PC :D it was fun
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 01:12 am
I've only ever HELPED create a custom built PC, Luckily my dad's friend is really good with stuff like that and they let me help put some stuff together on thier PC :D it was fun

I want to learn how to do that, but I'd need to see somebody do it first. I learned plumbing, fixing cars, lawnmowers, tractors, and pretty much every type of mechanics you can name, but I have yet to learn how to put together a computer. That's my next goal. Bet it would be fun to learn.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 01:17 am
why would you want to know about fixing cars, plumbing, tractors etc... lemme guess, it was back still in the tomboy stage?

meh, I've seen some really complex Custom PCs. One had the entire side ripped open with an ALIEN crawling out! those arty ones look cool
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 03:23 am
why would you want to know about fixing cars, plumbing, tractors etc... lemme guess, it was back still in the tomboy stage?

Yes, it was. I still like it though. It relaxes me. Just to make this clear though, the tractors are those small ride on mowers. I don't want to boast that I can fix a tractor like they have on the farm.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 03:37 am
those are not called tractors at all o.O
I Wish i could live in the country some day, When i think country i think SmallVille XD like with Superman!

XD AAAAAHHHH Superman Returns... can't wait to see it :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 04:01 am
those are not called tractors at all o.O

Then I guess I'll call them riding mowers.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 04:17 am
haha that reminds me of that movie the Lawn Mower Man XD...heh
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 05:01 am
haha that reminds me of that movie the Lawn Mower Man XD...heh

I never heard of that movie before. Obvious question, I know, but what's it about?  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 19 2005, 05:08 am
I've never heard of it sounds....interesting?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 05:31 am
there ya go people!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 19 2005, 06:21 am
lawn mower man? haha. when i first think of it, i think of a fat guy riding on his lawn mower all day, listening to music. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 06:42 am
Arigatou VexNet-san. I'll read it in a minute.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 19 2005, 12:26 pm
Everytime I come back the topic always amazes me... haha! Again, I return from a short absence. My brother is REALLY starting to get on my last nerve... so I'm back on my computer... on dialup (temporarily... sadly). -_-

Lawn Mower Man? Sounds... interesting? Lol. Yeah, I had the same idea as aishiteru. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 20 2005, 07:21 am
Mmm... yep perfect definition aishiteru! Haha.. with a straw coming out of his mouth ><
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 07:23 am
lawn mower man? haha. when i first think of it, i think of a fat guy riding on his lawn mower all day, listening to music. hah.
Sounds like my dad, haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 20 2005, 07:42 am
if you lot are into that then check out THE WURZELS!!! Best Country band ever! they sing about Combine harvesters!! WOO!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 08:08 am
ooh country music! you know what i think of when i'm told of country music?

i think of cotton eyed joe and that dance i was forced to learn in middle school. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 20 2005, 08:32 am
yep! those are also perfect examples :D
i wish i was more country.. i'd love to live out there with my special someone..someday.. if only for a few months..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 08:36 am
i can't stand the country (no offense to those who live in the country) but like, i was born and raised in a city. honking horns, police sirens, tv's, babies crying, car alarms. you name it. and when i moved to the town i currently live in now (which was when i was about 6 or 7) i was so used to falling asleep with noise that i can't fall asleep without it. i have to have the tv or music on when i sleep. CONSTANTLY.

i definitely could never live in the country.. ever.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 08:46 am
ooh country music! you know what i think of when i'm told of country music?

i think of cotton eyed joe and that dance i was forced to learn in middle school. hah.

You had to learn that TOO!???
Oh man, I can still remember that dance, haha. I had to help teach it the next year haha!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 20 2005, 08:54 am
lol, I can do it because I live in the British West Country, I live right by Country AND City. So i get both ^_^ and love them both!

I loved that dance!! Theres a few tho... whats it called again?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 08:55 am
I'd like to visit the countryside sometime... my neighborhood is naturally quiet so I don't like it when it's loud (music is an exception :keke: )
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on October 20 2005, 09:43 am
Cotton Eye Joe?   I have the cassete tape!  I didn't know there was a dance though.   It gets annoying after a few hours....
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 10:54 am
Never heard of Cotton Eye Joe, but I am a big fan of country music. My best friend got me started on it. It can be really relaxing for me. Calms me instantly, and that's saying something, because I am hardly ever calm.

Speaking of which, I won't be calm until this semester is over. I have my college, my club and my oh-I-hate-it-should-burn-in-he**-abomonation-job, and to add on, I'm going to work for the Salvation Army again! So minna-san, you won't be seeing me as much!  :cry: I'll miss you, but I need the money. I'll still come in on occasion, but my time will be cut short. I'll tell you when I'm starting. Until then, I'm still here.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:17 am
booo! moezy-chan! you're too busy! bleh. but i understand that you're busy. best of luck with all your stuff! `=)

cotton eyed joe, the horrid dance. haha. no offense to those who love it. i hated learning it every year just because the gym teachers didn't want to play sports for 2 weeks. goooshhhh! the worst 2 weeks of my LIFE.. EVERY YEAR! hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:19 am
But being busy keeps me from being depressed. I can get depressed very easily, and if I'm busy, I won't have time to think about it. It all works out. I'm just upset because I have to give up this wonderful place, with all you wonderful people!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:21 am
awww! moezy-chan! if it means that you won't be depressed anymore, then go for it. i'll be behind you all the way `=)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:22 am
Arigatou aishiteru-chan! I'm feeling great now! Also speaking of great, I got to speak to my crush again! I am so thrilled! He makes me go hanyaan!  :inlove:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:26 am
aww! you remind me of sakura-chan! HANYAAANNN! :greengrin: it's good that you got to talk to your crush again. is it the guy that walked you to your classes? if so.. then, i told you so!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 11:26 am
Nice, yes the IT has found ze meaningless thread. *Yawns*  :snore: NO! Keep away Prowler, I'm warning you. *A little girl under a table chuckles* Ish had a crush, but now I supliment my romantic life with fan fics. Sad really... But ish not sad!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 11:33 am
*Cries* I scared everyone again! Now they won't talk.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:35 am
ohh no it's not that! i was just looking at other threads at the moment! don't worry, insanity team! i'm still here :greengrin:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:36 am
aww! you remind me of sakura-chan! HANYAAANNN! :greengrin: it's good that you got to talk to your crush again. is it the guy that walked you to your classes? if so.. then, i told you so!

Yes, it was! And he always makes me go hanyaan!  :inlove: I love to talk to him. He's really smart, and a gentleman, and he's funny. I'll tell you something he said, because you weren't here when I typed it. A while ago I went to our campus doctor at my college, because I was losing my hearing. I'll tell that story later.

Anyways, as I was sitting in the waiting room for the doctor to see me, he came in! He had to get a menangitis shot, and we talked until the nurse called him back. He had an appointment, and I didn't so he got to go back first, and about 5 minutes later he came out, and as soon as he came out, he said, "Good news! I'm not pregnant!"

I couldn't stop laughing after that! And he even said he loves to talk to me! I'm still laughing about it!

*Cries* I scared everyone again! Now they won't talk.

Yeah, don't worry Insanity Team-chan! I was just typing a very long post!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:39 am
awww! moezy-chan! i can tell you like this guy a lot! he makes you laugh and smile and go HANYAANN! i love that feeling, don't you?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 11:40 am
YAY! *Waves hand anime-style* Call me Violet, Insanity Team is just the name of the team I 'lead'. Although Kila is really in charge. She keeps everyone except me in line. *Chuckles* Ish glad I'm not scaring peoples away. Sorry 'bout that. Tis always my reaction about these thingys. *Smiles and nods* Ish can tell you know each other. I think... Just like Kooky-chan and Pie-tan.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:47 am
awww! moezy-chan! i can tell you like this guy a lot! he makes you laugh and smile and go HANYAANN! i love that feeling, don't you?

I really do! And I do love that feeling! It's totally wonderful! I'm like how Syaoran is. I am pretty serious, but as soon as I see him, I'm suddenly happy! He gives me such an energy high it's amazing! Another thing I like about him, he's very smart, but he doesn't act like a know it all. He gets all A's, but he acts really casual around people! I love that in a person. Another thing I like, is he has cerulean blue eyes! Blue is my favorite color! My daddy's eyes are blue! I have my mom's eyes though. Brown.

YAY! *Waves hand anime-style* Call me Violet, Insanity Team is just the name of the team I 'lead'. Althopugh Kila is really in charge. She keeps everyone except me in line. *Chuckles* Ish glad I'm not scaring peoples away. Sorry 'bout that. Tis always my reaction about these thingys. *Smiles and nods* Ish can tell you know each other. I think... Just like Kooky-chan and Pie-tan.

Then do you mind if I call you Violet-chan?! You'll soon realize that I love to give the members here suffixes! Just one tip, SLi-sama doesn't like it when there are many mispelled words in a post. He'll warn you if you keep doing that. Other than that, I'm going to enjoy getting to know you better!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 11:53 am
Violet-chan suits me just fine. I know about ze typos. And I speak with a thick 'guilder' accent, so the 'ish' and 'ze' are really part of my volcabulary. I'm going to enjoy getting to know you as well Moezy-chan-chan. I'll try and keep myself controled, although t'will be difficult sometimes.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:59 am
violet-chan. hmmm. i'd really like to get to know you! you seem like a cool person. i like accents. accents are cool. `=)

I really do! And I do love that feeling! It's totally wonderful! I'm like how Syaoran is. I am pretty serious, but as soon as I see him, I'm suddenly happy! He gives me such an energy high it's amazing! Another thing I like about him, he's very smart, but he doesn't act like a know it all. He gets all A's, but he acts really casual around people! I love that in a person. Another thing I like, is he has cerulean blue eyes! Blue is my favorite color! My daddy's eyes are blue! I have my mom's eyes though. Brown.

oh man. he has cerulean blue eyes?! i love eyes like that. being filipino and all, i'm stuck with my brown eyes so bleh to that. moezy-chan! i hope this guy likes you back because if he doesn't, i should slap some sense into him. do you get excited whenever you know you're going to see him!? that's how i used to be when i first started to like my boyfriend. teeehee. the good old days. hah. which was like.. 2 years ago `=P
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 20 2005, 12:01 pm
Browns eyes made me think of chocolate... hm... chocolate... *drools*

Speaking of eye colours, on Friday I went and saw Elizabeth Town with a friend. Afterward we went to the Burger King close by. I didn't have alot of money and just ate some flies of my friend's tray while she was eatting a burger.

Anyway, there were two guys sitting in the table across from ours. One of the guys gave me the nicest comment about my eyes I've ever heard. He said they were very pretty and like sunshine. ( Don't remember his words exactly, but something along those words. My eyes are green with hints of yellow. ) Only, it was awkward... he was african american. No offence to anyone, ok? I'm not racist... -__-;  It was just odd.  Sweet gesture, sure... still.. ughhh.. I'll stop now before someone gets mad at me. :/
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:04 pm
i can see where you're coming from on the weirdness factor, not that i'm being racist or anything. but still. i can see. on the comment, i'd love to see your eyes. the first thing i notice about anyone is there eyes. if they have nice eyes, i'd be like, "OH SNAP! your eyes are soo COOL!" hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 12:06 pm
My accent is thanks to Ash-kun, who sort of spoke that way without thinking. I likeys my accent, tis my way of typing everything but stories... Meh eyes are hazelnut brown, boring, but good. *Giggles* Ish eating ice cream right now, tis choclate. You know... Everytime I see someone's eyes I always have a compliment for them, it's weird. I'll look at my classmate and say,  "Your eyes are so pretty. They remind my of the sky." And they get all confulzed with me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 20 2005, 12:11 pm
i can see where you're coming from on the weirdness factor, not that i'm being racist or anything. but still. i can see. on the comment, i'd love to see your eyes. the first thing i notice about anyone is there eyes. if they have nice eyes, i'd be like, "OH SNAP! your eyes are soo COOL!" hah.

Thank you. I have my picture posted in the " Let's see your lovely faces! " thread. The picture, however, is grainy and I don't know if you can see my eyes very well. ^^;
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:12 pm
oh man. he has cerulean blue eyes?! i love eyes like that. being filipino and all, i'm stuck with my brown eyes so bleh to that. moezy-chan! i hope this guy likes you back because if he doesn't, i should slap some sense into him. do you get excited whenever you know you're going to see him!? that's how i used to be when i first started to like my boyfriend. teeehee. the good old days. hah. which was like.. 2 years ago `=P

Yeah, so do I! I just love blue eyes! Whenever I'm in math class, I constantly keep looking at them! They are so beautiful! And yeah, I can't stand my brown eyes either. And I do get really excited when I see him! Just think of the excitement I got when I found out that he was in my class! I was really going hanyaan then!  :inlove:

My accent is thanks to Ash-kun, who sort of spoke that way without thinking. I likeys my accent, tis my way of typing everything but stories... Meh eyes are hazelnut brown, boring, but good. *Giggles* Ish eating ice cream right now, tis choclate. You know... Everytime I see someone's eyes I always have a compliment for them, it's weird. I'll look at my classmate and say,  "Your eyes are so pretty. They remind my of the sky." And they get all confulzed with me.

I love hazel eyes too. I have 2 sisters. One has brown hair and blue eyes, and the other has black hair and hazel eyes. Weird thing is my sister that has hazel eyes got her hair highlighted, and it's supposed to be blond streaks, but her highlights match her eyes. That's creepy. I still like hazel eyes though. And eyes are the one thing that I always fall in love with! But blue will always be my favorite! My favorite color!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:14 pm
blue is definitely one of my favorite eye colors. blue or green. i know this girl who has the best green eyes ever.. but she doesn't like me. i won't get into that story. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 12:15 pm
Really? Cool, sounds really pretty. Eyes are things you fall in love with? I respect you for that!  :noteworthy: *Is laughing like a maniac* I like doing that, tis fun to see how annoying people get. Get into the story if you want, ish doesn't mind. *The IT settles down*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:16 pm
if i get into the story.. i'd probably be kicked out from the forums because i have so much hatred for this girl. hah. i think it's funny that i love her eyes, and i hate her.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 12:17 pm
One question though, then ish shall leave everyone alone. What on earth are cookies for? I like 'em, but not that much.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 12:18 pm
I'm glad you talked to your guy Moezy-chan!
My night with mine last night was a total bust. We sat beside eachother for the movie but the only conversation that went on was this:
J: Cold, huh?
Me: Uh...yeah.

Stupid, stupid, stupid me and my inability to make conversation! But we talked after on MSN....I seem to talk better when I'm not face to face with him. Ha!
I'll have to try again next time.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:20 pm
I'm glad you talked to your guy Moezy-chan!
My night with mine last night was a total bust. We sat beside eachother for the movie but the only conversation that went on was this:
J: Cold, huh?
Me: Uh...yeah.

Stupid, stupid, stupid me and my inability to make conversation! But we talked after on MSN....I seem to talk better when I'm not face to face with him. Ha!
I'll have to try again next time.

that's how it usually is when you like someone. that's how i was, but then i'm a natural chatterbox so i don't think i count as an example. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:21 pm
One question though, then ish shall leave everyone alone. What on earth are cookies for? I like 'em, but not that much.

Don't worry. You're not annoying us! You can learn more about cookies here (
I'm glad you talked to your guy Moezy-chan!
My night with mine last night was a total bust. We sat beside eachother for the movie but the only conversation that went on was this:
J: Cold, huh?
Me: Uh...yeah.

Stupid, stupid, stupid me and my inability to make conversation! But we talked after on MSN....I seem to talk better when I'm not face to face with him. Ha!
I'll have to try again next time.

Arigatou! It was actually a chance encounter. I had a job interview which I got, and they were taking me back to my college because I had a club meeting, and my dad had to take my mom back home so she could get ready for work so he dropped me off at the edge of the street and I had to walk a distance to get to my college, and guess who I saw?! The guy that I like! We talked for like 10 minutes! Arigatou otou-san to okaa-san!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 12:22 pm
It's never been like that before, though!
When I liked someone before I'd be insane! Still a bit clumsy and stuttery, but I would stil be able to say something!
[sigh] silly me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:24 pm
It's never been like that before, though!
When I liked someone before I'd be insane! Still a bit clumsy and stuttery, but I would stil be able to say something!
[sigh] silly me.

maybe you like this guy more than you think, endoh! if you can usually talk to your crushes and you can't talk to your current one, doesn't that mean something to you? hint hint.. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Insanity Team! on October 20 2005, 12:25 pm
Poor peoples, ish glad I don't have a 'romantic' life outside of stories and meh best friend's 'boyfriend'. Tis really funny. Thankies! *Hands over a plate of brownies* My specialty. I'm not annoying? That is fabu! But now I must leave because chance hates me. *Waves* See you later!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 12:26 pm
moezy-chan is busy again?! >.< rough as ever... but as always, best of luck to you (or godspeed. lol)

Eye colors? Hmm... I don't even know that many people with different eye colors... not naturally anyway... a few of my friends have color contact lens, which is pretty cool! I have the common brown eyes as any other asian. Lol... maybe I should consider getting color contact lenses too (how's red? Lol!) Hmm... then again, I like my glasses the way they are... Although whenever I see someone with a different eye color, I find it really cool. How common is it that you find people with different eye colors than what you're used to seeing? ^^;

2 sentences Endoh? Well, not really sentences but bleh. lols
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 12:27 pm
Hmm...maybe. I certainly never acted like this around other guys I liked.
That reminds me during the movie, he shifted in his seat and his elbow brushed my arm and I was like, ".......holy crap."
Don't know why I still remember that. Haha, I'm such a spaz....
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:28 pm
red contacts? my boyfriend wanted white ones so that you only see your pupil. i thought it was scary. colored contacts have its advantages and disadvantages. a major disadvantage is that sometimes the tint of your colored contacts affects the way you view things.. so if you had blue contacts, you'd probably see a slight hint of blue everywhere. get me?

different eye colors.. reminds me of yuna from ffx. her eyes were hot. `=P
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:38 pm
I remember this one guy came into where I work, the horrible abomanation from he** job, and he had red stickers on his eyes. Really creeped me out. :shivers: I could barely look at him.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:39 pm
I remember this one guy came into where I work, the horrible abomanation from he** job, and he had red stickers on his eyes. Really creeped me out. :shivers: I could barely look at him.

see.. this is why they should limit the different kinds of colored contacts they make. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 12:40 pm
True but just a wishful thought. :keke: Now that you remind me of Yuna (and I know its fictional but doesnt hurt to ask) can someone actually have 2 eye colors? naturally, I mean. lols
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:42 pm
True but just a wishful thought. :keke: Now that you remind me of Yuna (and I know its fictional but doesnt hurt to ask) can someone actually have 2 eye colors? naturally, I mean. lols

My math professor has changing eyes. Sometimes they're blue, hazel, green or brown, and her husband once told her that one of her eyes was blue, while the other was brown.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 12:42 pm
it's possible if (i'm about to go into biology mode guys, turn away now if you don't want to know this) during mitosis, your chromosomes were crossed or something, giving you 2 different colored eyes. one from your mom and one from your dad (if they had different colored eyes that is).

the whole thing about 2 different colored eyes is based on genetics and stuff along those lines.

i should be a bio major. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:44 pm
it's possible if (i'm about to go into biology mode guys, turn away now if you don't want to know this) during mitosis, your chromosomes were crossed or something, giving you 2 different colored eyes. one from your mom and one from your dad (if they had different colored eyes that is).

the whole thing about 2 different colored eyes is based on genetics and stuff along those lines.

i should be a bio major. hah.

Kinda like how my dad is color blind. He can't see color at all.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 12:46 pm
Really? Sounds cool. There's this kid in my history class that has two eye colors... I thought it was cool actually! One was whitish grey white the other was brown/black. (I have weird tastes? Yep... the word weird defines me by itself. :P)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 12:50 pm
<--- If you want weird, check out where I'm located. That tells you how weird I am.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 01:10 pm
lols, you're not crazy--or weird moezy-chan, just under pressure of everyday life  (and a bit of insanity i guess :lol:)

Randomness: Name one thing during your school years that you thought was weird/funny.

 > One funny thing that happened a few months ago before summer vacation... St Patrick's day was coming up... my history teacher had mentioned something funny yet disturbing... *lol* Since he's Irish (or was it Scottish? oO) he mentioned that he was going to wax his legs and wear a kilt to school that day... rofl!! But he never really did it :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 01:15 pm
Hmm...something that was weird or funny.

My Japanese Language teacher tossing our school Mascot (the panther) like a ragdoll. And we got it on tape, too!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 01:31 pm
Got a good one!

When I was in the 6th grade, my math teacher was going over fire procedure, and what we should do in the event that there was a fire in the building. She told us which were the emergency exits and showed us the pathway that we should go. Now I was always the type of student to ask really weird questions. Also, this ties into the story. The class was on the 3rd floor. Here's what I asked her:

"What if there was a fire, and it was right outside our door? How would we escape?"

I was expecting her to tell me to shut up and stop asking stupid questions, because that's what my teachers always did. Instead she said:

"If that happens, then we'll tie all the bookbags together and climb down the side of the building."

Then she said, "Or we could throw all the really tall jocks outside of the window, and they could catch the rest of us!"

I still remember that, and it makes me laugh everytime I tell it!  :laughing4:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 02:06 pm
HAHAHA! That was a good one!

Oh! I've got another! It's kinda one of those, "you had to be there" sort of things, but I'll see what I can do, haha.
My grade 8 teacher Mr.Corbett had a serious....err....scratching issue. He would always itch himself during class and it was extremely disturbing. He tried to do it descreetly, so he still doesn't think any of us know about it. He also always wore shorts without any underwear (I know this because he would always stick his leg up on the desks [shiver]), which was extremely disturbing.
Well, one day we were in class and we were having some discussion and he was like, "Now, I'm just ITCHING to know what you kids think about this!"
And right then, this kid in the front row collapses on the ground laughing so hard and he wouldn't stop laughing for the next 10 minutes. I swear, his face was as red as his hair.
Again, sort of a "you had to be there and suffer with the rest of us" sort of thing. Whatever.

Oh! Last year, my Socials teacher, Tudella, is a really really short guy (he's got to be only about 5'3''....he's around the same height as me), and everyone would go out of their way to make fun of him...
Not in a mean way of course, cause he'd beat the crap out of you if you did. Anyways, there was this one time, he was writing on the overhead and his pen dried out and he threw it across the room in anger. So I raised my hand and said, "You know, Too-Tiny (my nickname for him, haha), I think the reason you get so angry is because you're so small you can only hold one emotion at a time."
Hehe, I got applause for that.
But he swears by the time I'm done with Highschool he's going to find a way to pubicly humiliate me. I laughed, and laughed and laughed.
But I don't doubt that he'll think of something.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 04:26 pm
I found both stories funny Endoh-chan! They were hilarious! Especially the first one! Can't think of any other stories though. I'll get back to you on that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 20 2005, 04:33 pm
Those were funny, Endoh-chan! *giggles* It's too bad, I don't have any memories to recall of that were funny when I went to school. I mean, there probably is something.. but I just can't remember it. I should go out walking more. Help my memories came back into place. Most the memories I have aren't really hilarious. Oh well. But I enjoyed reading about yours and Moezy-chan's.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 04:38 pm
Oh well. But I enjoyed reading about yours and Moezy-chan's.

Arigatou! I love remembering that story. She was always one of my favorite teachers because she always answered my questions, no matter how weird they were!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 20 2005, 04:42 pm
That's nice. I didn't have nice teachers like that. Then again, I was never one to ask questions unless it was about an assignment we were given and I'd be stuck on it.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 20 2005, 04:43 pm
I have a lot of stories, I can't even remember them all.
My life is amusing.

I'd tell the Shotgun story....but that had nothing to do with school, haha!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 04:51 pm
It was, especially considering that it was junior high (aka middle school). I rarely got a teacher that would listen to me. Oh, I just remembered another story about this teacher, but it was with my sister instead! As you know I have 2 sisters. My oldest sister, she was born 2nd after my brother, and my 2nd older sister. This is about her.

She didn't have this teacher but she did have her for study hall one day. There was this guy that was in my grade, and in a few of my classes, and he was basically a parrot. Everything you said he would copy you just to annoy the he** out you. Well he had study hall with my sister one day, and he new she was my sister, so he teased her, because he always loved to tease me. And no, he didn't like me. Well, my sister couldn't stand it and told him to back off. He just kept saying, "Back off, back off." Like the dumb parrot he was.

Finally my sister couldn't take it anymore, grabbed her purse, and hit him on the head! He yelled, and called the teacher over, and she asked what was wrong.

And he kept repeating, "She hit me, she hit me!"

She then said, "She didn't hit you. How could you blame her for such a thing?! Now sit down before I give you detention!"

I wasn't there, but just telling somebody gets me laughing everytime!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 20 2005, 05:07 pm
Hehe, that reminds me of something. There was a guy that bugged the he** out me althought high school. I met him in 10th grade.. and yeah.

Anyway, I think the situation happened just recently. I don't remember exactly. I'm pretty sure it was this year. It was in the morning and I always went to the lunch room and hang out with friends before school started. The guy's name is steven. He had a reddish mark on his neck that morning and I asked what it was. He said, lying, that it was a hickery. I laughed and said, " Oh yeah, like anyone would give you a hickery! "

My friends around me starting laughing and he was embarrassed! It was so funny! Then he said that it was mark from playing paintball. Ha!

He was usually the one to make me embarrased in some way. In my junior year, he'd say that he told the guy I liked that I had a crush on him. ( Steven had a class with him and they're friends too. ) and I would in return get upset with him and beat him with my purse. Haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 05:13 pm
And now you know men; that's why women always carry purses! Fear us! Just kidding. That was funny though Genki_Girl!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 21 2005, 03:32 am
I just remember another story! This is from college, 1 year ago. As some of you may know, I changed my major around a few times, before I decided to major in Early Childhood Education, to become a teacher. When I started this major, I had 4 classes. General Psychology, Arts & Science (lab class), Sociology, and Foundations of Education (the history and philosophy of education). Of the 4 classes, my favorite was Foundations. I loved this class, the professor, and this was the class that I met that guy I have my crush on! This is the class he always walked me to! Hanyaan!  :inlove:

That's besides the point though. Now back to the story. Everybody in that class new that this was my favorite class because I would say it everytime I came in. Sometimes I would get teased for it, but I didn't care. I just loved this class! Even if my crush wasn't in there.

Anyways, my professor was stating various reasons as to why some students come to class:

Some come because of the credit points they get.
Some because there might be information on the test that they could use.

Can't remember the other reasons, but as he was telling these reasons, this one girl 2 seats behind me suddenly spoke up and said, "Or you come because it's your favorite class!"

That's when I suddenly broke into laughter, and so did the rest of the classroom! Sumimasen if that wasn't too funny.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 22 2005, 01:23 pm
Aah..finally good to be back in front of the computer! *hugs PC* haha! So, how's everyone. Oh, I missed you guys! 3 weeks of pure academic torture is so worth it, especially since.....well....I'm getting BRACES! Oh yeah, no more teasing from my classmates! Life is so good.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 22 2005, 01:31 pm
Braces are a good thing? Lol, well, at least I took em off. I think its heaven now. xD But anyway... life is boring. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 22 2005, 01:36 pm
Braces aren't that bad these days, since so many people have them.
I had them, and nobody noticed!
And plus, your teeth are so much prettier after!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 22 2005, 01:37 pm
Excuse me but I'm just so happy to be free of school for the most of 2 weeks! Here. Cookie! *gives cookie*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 22 2005, 01:55 pm
I never had braces, but my older sister needed them. Weird thing of it is, people are constantly telling her that she needs braces because her teeth are still crooked, even though she had them, and people are always asking saying that I must have had braces because my teeth are so straight, even though I never had them.

And no, I don't really take care of my teeth. I bite my nails, grind my teeth, and I used to chew pencils when I was younger.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 22 2005, 02:23 pm
My two front teeth are the problem. I'm just happy something's about to be done about them. Oops off-topic, haha.

Something weird and funny at school.....

There's always been an onraging battle between the students at our school and the street children living near our school. They usually throw stones at the windows of our school, breaking the glass and stuffff. One time, this child snuck in the school. Last time he did that, a teacher came charging at him with a sword. Since the only ones who saw him was our class, my classmates did the battle stuff. It was really hilarious, they were like "cover that area there" and "make sure he they don't get past that line.." as if it was a real battle. Haha, they used the old swords for CAT training, and they suddenly were like "Yaaaaa!!!!" Haha, the kids fled after that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 22 2005, 11:28 pm
My two front teeth are the problem. I'm just happy something's about to be done about them. Oops off-topic, haha.

Something weird and funny at school.....

There's always been an onraging battle between the students at our school and the street children living near our school. They usually throw stones at the windows of our school, breaking the glass and stuffff. One time, this child snuck in the school. Last time he did that, a teacher came charging at him with a sword. Since the only ones who saw him was our class, my classmates did the battle stuff. It was really hilarious, they were like "cover that area there" and "make sure he they don't get past that line.." as if it was a real battle. Haha, they used the old swords for CAT training, and they suddenly were like "Yaaaaa!!!!" Haha, the kids fled after that.

Now that's a funny story! Also, you can't go off topic in this thread. We can post just about anything we want!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 22 2005, 11:40 pm
*plays with a squirral*

"rawr i am your master" the squirral told me.. i left him alone...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 22 2005, 11:50 pm
*plays with a squirral*

"rawr i am your master" the squirral told me.. i left him alone...

Anou, nani? (Umm, what?)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 23 2005, 01:13 am
*plays with a squirral*

"rawr i am your master" the squirral told me.. i left him alone...

i think he's trying to prove the point that you can go off topic in this thread and it won't matter. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 23 2005, 03:57 am
rofl! Squirrels are cute. *yes, very random. :P*

I'm really bored right now... and I keep on sneezing (with a cold, no less. >_>) How terrible. >.<

I can't think of anything to talk about... uhh... what's your favorite type of genre in a show/movie? Lol. Top genre's that I like would be Romance, Comedy and Action. xD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 04:50 am

Angelic Essence showd me a good show called Midori no Hibi! that was funny and romantic :D
i also have downloaded DearS thats supposed to be good :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 23 2005, 06:13 am
definitely romantic comedies. haha. `=)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 23 2005, 08:08 am
I probably have told this story before and if I have, then oh well. I'm telling it again! xD Because to this day, I still find it funneh.

It was during Sakura Con, back in april. A friend and I just got out of a performance ( which I found to be interesting. They had people who wanted to become voice actors and giving us a little taste of what they do. So, they showed a bit of an japanese anime that I've never seen before.. probably an much older one.. anyway, first it was in japanese and then it showed again, only this time they had the voice actors do go over it in English. ) friend calls up the driver and asks to come get us. He left during the performance to go hang out at the nearby mall close to the hotel that the con was in. ( I wasn't aware of that, however.. tiredness does that too me.. )

We wait for a while and I was kinda upset. After we got picked up and he drove us on home, I smacked the guy's head with my hand. In reaction, he starts to swerve the car left and right while everyone in the car was laughing and screaming at the same time. It was one of those you can to do there moments.

The guy in the front seat next to the driver turned and looked at me and said, " Don't hit the driver! ".. But hey, he deserved it! Hahah.

I'm not good at telling funneh stories. ;_;
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on October 23 2005, 10:07 am
*plays with a squirral*

"rawr i am your master" the squirral told me.. i left him alone...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that was funny *plays with a squirral* (LOL)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 10:59 am
My favorite would be horror! I love horror movies. If you want a good movie, watch Gothica! It is probably the best horror movie I have ever seen!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 23 2005, 11:10 am
*shivers* I don't like horror movies.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 11:13 am
I love them. They give me an adrenaline rush.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 23 2005, 11:53 am
Lol! I don't have much love for horror either. My brother made me watch The Ring with him. That wasn't even supposed to be scary but oh contraire. @_@ He made me watch Twin Sisters (a korean horror) with him too! I was only 10 too. *shudders* Lol. Yeah, he caused my phobia. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 11:59 am
Lol! I don't have much love for horror either. My brother made me watch The Ring with him. That wasn't even supposed to be scary but oh contraire. @_@ He made me watch Twin Sisters (a korean horror) with him too! I was only 10 too. *shudders* Lol. Yeah, he caused my phobia. :lol:

I watched The Ring once, but I ended up falling asleep within 10 minutes of the movie. Didn't really scare me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 23 2005, 12:01 pm
...Hmm...probably fantasy, romance and comedy. I'm usually the first one to get scared during horror movies!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:08 pm
I'm not saying that I don't get scared. I actually love to get scared! I love to explore all of my emotions, and fear is one emotion I don't use that often. This way, I can see what I'm really like. By exploring all of my emotions, I can understand myself, and then I am able to understand how other people feel. Empathy. That's how I am able to give advice. Sorry if that sounded like I was lecturing. Sumimasen.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 23 2005, 12:11 pm
*claps* Sugoi, moezy-chan!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:28 pm
*claps* Sugoi, moezy-chan!

Arigatou gozaimashite Ralea-chan!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 12:31 pm
*jumps on penny* .. yesh...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:38 pm
*jumps on penny* .. yesh...

Now that was very random VexNet-san! If it was heads up, keep it. You might get good luck!

Just realized something after I typed this. You live in England. They have pennies there, and if they don't what is the coin currency?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 12:40 pm

i love Horrors!
Resident Evil games always freaked me out!!
I used to watch Horrors and they made me laugh oso much cos they were so badly done!! HAHAHA!!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:42 pm

Resident Evil games always freaked me out!!

I never saw or heard of that one before.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 12:44 pm
well there is:
Resident Evil 0, 1,2,3,4 and a LOAD of other games.
Resident Evil the Movie
Resident Evil Apocolaypse The Movie

:P lots
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:48 pm
well there is:
Resident Evil 0, 1,2,3,4 and a LOAD of other games.
Resident Evil the Movie
Resident Evil Apocolaypse The Movie

:P lots

Oh, ok. Are they scary, or just plain boring? I hate it when a scary movie isn't scary.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 12:54 pm
the games are scary, the movies are fun :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 12:56 pm
the games are scary, the movies are fun :D

Ok, thanks. I wouldn't like it then. I only watch scary movies that make me scream like a banshee. Of course there is another way to get me to scream, and so far only aishiteru-chan and charme-chan know how to do that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 01:12 pm
well the movies I think are brilliant, i only think thier fun because I know teh backstories already from playing the games first :D
I think the movie themselves are great. much better than a lot of other movies about :P
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Alexiel on October 23 2005, 01:50 pm
I get nightmares about horrors... and I become paranoid--and my fear of the dark comes back. rofl!

Resident Evil games? never played them. I heard the 4th one was good though
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 02:09 pm
hella yeah!
RE4 spooked the wits outta me XD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 23 2005, 02:36 pm
I don't know too much about games. I die within 5 minutes of playing. I'll even admit it, I su**!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 23 2005, 02:38 pm
Silent Hill is the scarest game I've ever seen aside from Resident Evil. -___-;
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 02:41 pm
Silent Hill is just PLAIN FREAKY!!
I LOVED Silent Hill 2, that was creepy.
Silent Hill3 kinda lost my edge with the girl and how out of place she was (i mean she could even turn into a sailor moon character,, uhm.. THATS NOT SCARY!!)
but HELL!! Silent Hill 4 freaking made me shiver!! those ghost things with thier backs dislocated in teh wrong direction.. eww. . AND THEY DON'T DIE!!!
i swear that game made me scream! XD (or should i say, shout out in my manly shouting voice!! ROFL)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 23 2005, 02:44 pm
Lol, I know!

Has anyone tried Fatal Frame? I've seen screenshots... lol. There's a lot of horror games now that I remember. I read through my gaming magazines and WHAM! You see a whole list! And it's Halloween month too. lol! One new game that's coming out is called FEAR or F.E.A.R? I duno. But I heard people are lookin forward to it. The screenshots from it were horrific (in a good way. lol!)

Huh, we should talk about something everyone can talk about... hmm. Ideas? Anyone? lol. I'm braindead since its so late right now. >_<
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 23 2005, 02:46 pm
Late? its 5:45 AM for me :D

F.E.A.R is an awesome game! i've seen it in the stores and it looks kinda freaky, I almost ordered it on PC
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 23 2005, 02:52 pm
So far I only played Resident Evil Directors cut, 2, 3, and Code Veronica.

I saw Resident Evil 4 and wow, looked good.

...freaky huh? I hate horror movies but I love horror games.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 23 2005, 05:58 pm
I could never watch nor play anything in the horror category.
Not unless I have a strong arm to death-grip, haha!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 23 2005, 11:55 pm
resident evil 2! ohhh my goshh! when i was little i'd watch my brother and a bunch of our family friends play the game and i'd have nightmares for days! but then again, that was when i was 6. hah. they'd play it at like 3 in the morning, right before we had a car trip and all you heard were a bunch of kids screaming. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 24 2005, 12:16 am
HAHA! It's funny and scary at the same time. :lol: Ever since the horror movies my brother continues to pop out of nowhere to scare me. And he can do that unintentionally too! Unless I just get scared easily. rofl!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 24 2005, 12:20 am
haha, apparantly i'm creepy cos i appear out of nowhere and just stand right behind somoene or right infront of theme without them knowing so when they turn around they jump out thier skin :D
actually. i do that everyday to my mom.. *evil grin*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 24 2005, 12:37 am
vexnet, if you ever did that to me.. being the abusive girl i am, i'd probably hit you multiple times screaming "why did you do that!? stop scaring me!"
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 24 2005, 12:58 am
ROFL! It's funny, when I did that to my mom unintentional (several times too, haha), she always flinches. What makes it more funny, she doesnt get scared so easily. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Rusty on October 24 2005, 01:59 am
lol  same here!!   my mom freaks out so bad everytime i do it!

so has anyone seen howls moving castle yet?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 24 2005, 02:03 am
nope, but i MIGHT be going to the cinema next week... IF i'm lucky...

vexnet, if you ever did that to me.. being the abusive girl i am, i'd probably hit you multiple times screaming "why did you do that!? stop scaring me!"
haha that would be funny :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 04:45 am
haha, apparantly i'm creepy cos i appear out of nowhere and just stand right behind somoene or right infront of theme without them knowing so when they turn around they jump out thier skin :D
actually. i do that everyday to my mom.. *evil grin*

I do that too! I'm able to get so loud that I break your eardrums, and the next minute I'm so quiet that you wouldn't even know I was there. One time while riding in our van which is now in the dumpster, my dad was picking up my mom and I was in the very back seat. She started to talk about me, and I didn't say anything. She was talking the whole way home which takes about 30 minutes, and when we finally got home, I climbed out, and she asked where did I come from. I told her I was in the car the whole time. Really freaked her out that I could be that quite.

vexnet, if you ever did that to me.. being the abusive girl i am, i'd probably hit you multiple times screaming "why did you do that!? stop scaring me!"

And you teased me about it! :haha:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 24 2005, 07:20 am
I do that too! I'm able to get so loud that I break your eardrums, and the next minute I'm so quiet that you wouldn't even know I was there. One time while riding in our van which is now in the dumpster, my dad was picking up my mom and I was in the very back seat. She started to talk about me, and I didn't say anything. She was talking the whole way home which takes about 30 minutes, and when we finally got home, I climbed out, and she asked where did I come from. I told her I was in the car the whole time. Really freaked her out that I could be that quite.

ROFL! THat is so funny :lol: My mom is so aware of her surroundings... so aware that IT'S FREAKY! I mean, like when you drop something and she can be snoring, sleeping in the next room, she'll wake up right away to hear what the hell that noise was. :rotfl:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 08:11 am
ROFL! THat is so funny :lol: My mom is so aware of her surroundings... so aware that IT'S FREAKY! I mean, like when you drop something and she can be snoring, sleeping in the next room, she'll wake up right away to hear what the hell that noise was. :rotfl:

That's me too. I always make it a habit to know everything that goes on around me. I even knew the whole time while I was in the car that my mom didn't know I was there. Don't ask how I know. I have yet to figure it out.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 10:21 am
She didn't knew you were there? Whoa! My mom is, I dunno, have super senses or something. She knows everything that's going on around the house. Scary.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 10:26 am
She didn't knew you were there? Whoa! My mom is, I dunno, have super senses or something. She knows everything that's going on around the house. Scary.

That's exactly how I am. I am extremely perceptive. I even have prophetic dreams. My mother on the other hand is very oblivious to everything. She really doesn't notice things.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 10:30 am
Guess you didn't inherit it from your mom did you? Ooh, you had prophetic dreams before?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 10:40 am
Guess you didn't inherit it from your mom did you? Ooh, you had prophetic dreams before?

Nope I guess I didn't. I didn't get it from my dad either. He doesn't notice anything except football and baseball. I have no idea where I got it.

And yeah, I do get prophetic dreams. I haven't had one in a while though. My most memorable was when I was 15. It was about January I think, at about midnight. I was asleep when I had a dream that the entire house burned down. I woke up screaming. After that dream I couldn't sleep so I went into the living room where both of my parents were.

They had just started a fire in the fireplace. Mom asked me what was wrong and I said, "Mom, put that fire out now! The house is going to burn down!"

Mom said, "How do you know?"

And I said, "Because I just had a dream that the house was going to burn down!"

Mom said that I just had a bad dream and I should go back to bed because it was late. I didn't want to, but when my mom gives a direct order, you obey it. I went back to my bed, but I still couldn't sleep. About 1 minute later I heard my mom scream and I didn't even need to go to the living room to know what was wrong. My dream came true. I yelled at the top of my lungs, "FIRE!" and woke up my brother and 2 sisters. That night the chimney caught on fire because my mom forgot to open up the fleu. To this day we can't use the fireplace because the fire ruined it, but at least the house didn't burn down.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 10:50 am
At least you avoided the catastrophe. Good thing you were forewarned.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 10:59 am
At least you avoided the catastrophe. Good thing you were forewarned.

Yeah, for that I was grateful. I also, for some reason, get vibes. Sort of like deja vu. Like one day I told my mom that we had to go to my best friends house. Mom asked me why, and I told her that I think something bad happened to them. We went there and the entire house was abandoned. About 3 months later we found out that they had to move out and live with her grandparents. I wouldn't be surprised that when I got that vibe, they suddenly left. I hate these because I can always tell when something bad is going to happen, but I can't stop it.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 11:12 am
What's scary is though is that you have a third eye. My friend has one and she  will sometimes say "Hey Mark, there's an old lady behind you." and our friends would freak out. One time she told me during we were walking in a park that she saw a small girl clutching at my shirt.

Wah, it was so scary.......she told me she always see a lot of weird things, but she can't block them out.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 11:18 am
What's scary is though is that you have a third eye. My friend has one and she  will sometimes say "Hey Mark, there's an old lady behind you." and our friends would freak out. One time she told me during we were walking in a park that she saw a small girl clutching at my shirt.

Wah, it was so scary.......she told me she always see a lot of weird things, but she can't block them out.

Umm, question. Was she the only one to see this girl?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 24 2005, 11:59 am
What's scary is though is that you have a third eye. My friend has one and she  will sometimes say "Hey Mark, there's an old lady behind you." and our friends would freak out. One time she told me during we were walking in a park that she saw a small girl clutching at my shirt.

Wah, it was so scary.......she told me she always see a lot of weird things, but she can't block them out.

Aaah! That happens to me sometimes. I can see and hear things that other people can't. Its SO scary! :cry:

I dreams like those, too, Moezy-chan. That also kinda freaks me out, too. I had a dream once that...Err...I can't exactly remember what I dreamed....I think it was something that had to do with my friend...but I can't remember. And the same exact thing happened the next day. Thank God, these things don't happen as often now...but its still really scary! :cry:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 12:03 pm
Aaah! That happens to me sometimes. I can see and hear things that other people can't. Its SO scary! :cry:

I dreams like those, too, Moezy-chan. That also kinda freaks me out, too. I had a dream once that...Err...I can't exactly remember what I dreamed....I think it was something that had to do with my friend...but I can't remember. And the same exact thing happened the next day. Thank God, these things don't happen as often now...but its still really scary! :cry:

It really is! I hate it. Scares me sometimes. Why would God allow me to see the future if I can't do anything to stop it?!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 24 2005, 12:07 pm
I always get weird dreams like that. Kinda like premonitions but I don't remember them until it actually happens!
In fact, I had one last night! I was hanging out with  my friend, Christine, and I remember laughing and falling back on the bed and hearing on the radio, "THE ZONE! At 91.3!" I was like, "Woah! Deja Vu!"
I get it all the time. It's funny.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 12:09 pm
I always get weird dreams like that. Kinda like premonitions but I don't remember them until it actually happens!
In fact, I had one last night! I was hanging out with  my friend, Christine, and I remember laughing and falling back on the bed and hearing on the radio, "THE ZONE! At 91.3!" I was like, "Woah! Deja Vu!"
I get it all the time. It's funny.

I make it a point to always remember mine. Never know if I actually can stop the catastrophe so if I remember, maybe for once I can stop it.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 24 2005, 12:13 pm
I try to remember mine too.
But I'll be thinking it over just when I wake up and then all of a sudden I'll be like, "What......the hell was I just thinking about!"
There are some I remember, but it's really rare.

I've never dreamt about catastrophe's before...just random stuff. I still remember in grade 3 dreaming about lining up infront of the school to be let in, and then the next day it happened, haha! Random, random, random.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 12:15 pm
I've never dreamt about catastrophe's before...just random stuff. I still remember in grade 3 dreaming about lining up infront of the school to be let in, and then the next day it happened, haha! Random, random, random.

That is scary. Just realized something. This is another thing we have in common!  :shifty: I'm very scared now!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 12:44 pm
Umm, question. Was she the only one to see this girl?

Yeah....and I swore there wa no girl there when I looked, but I suddenly felt cold....
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 24 2005, 12:45 pm
I always get weird dreams like that. Kinda like premonitions but I don't remember them until it actually happens!
In fact, I had one last night! I was hanging out with  my friend, Christine, and I remember laughing and falling back on the bed and hearing on the radio, "THE ZONE! At 91.3!" I was like, "Woah! Deja Vu!"
I get it all the time. It's funny.

I try to remember mine too.
But I'll be thinking it over just when I wake up and then all of a sudden I'll be like, "What......the hell was I just thinking about!"
There are some I remember, but it's really rare.

I've never dreamt about catastrophe's before...just random stuff. I still remember in grade 3 dreaming about lining up infront of the school to be let in, and then the next day it happened, haha! Random, random, random.

Same here, though some are random and some aren't. I never really remember any of my "Deja Vu Dreams." I remember them for a split second and then forget again and wonder what I was thinking about. :confused:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 24 2005, 01:12 pm
Yeah....and I swore there wa no girl there when I looked, but I suddenly felt cold....

I've never seen ghosts before. I do believe they exist though. However, one time, I was with my best friend and we were bike riding, when all of a sudden her mom called her name. I told her we needed to get home ASAP. I think I can hear people's thoughts. Scares me sometimes.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 24 2005, 02:38 pm
I've never seen ghosts....or at least I don't think I have.
I've always had a weird moment where I think I see or hear something, and I just think it's a trick of the mind.
WHo knows, it might be spirits. I believe in that sort of thing.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 24 2005, 02:43 pm
My Ex used to say that she could talk to ghosts..
she also told me she never told anyone about it either ^^;;
they even touched her too. They stopped coming after i asked her out tho. which was weird..
there used to be this boy who tried to keep holding her hand too...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 24 2005, 05:56 pm
.... that's just plain freaky.

i've never seen ghosts and i really don't want to. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 24 2005, 07:23 pm
My Ex used to say that she could talk to ghosts..
she also told me she never told anyone about it either ^^;;
they even touched her too. They stopped coming after i asked her out tho. which was weird..
there used to be this boy who tried to keep holding her hand too...

...freaky. Ghosts probably stepped back to make room for you.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 24 2005, 09:57 pm
...freaky. Ghosts probably stepped back to make room for you.
lol, i think i'm equating it, to she saw them because she felt a pary of her life was empty (kinda like she's one of those people who HAS to have aboyfriend otherwise they feel insecure)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 25 2005, 02:58 am
I've never seen ghosts before. I do believe they exist though. However, one time, I was with my best friend and we were bike riding, when all of a sudden her mom called her name. I told her we needed to get home ASAP. I think I can hear people's thoughts. Scares me sometimes.

Whoa...that's pretty scary. I try to convince myself all the time that there are no such things as ghosts, but it really doesn't seem to work. Im always hearing strange things and seeing stuff that no one else can. It scares me so much! :cry: That's mostly the reason why I hate horror movies so much. They put bad ideas into your mind, and then they seem to stick with you forever.

I remember a few months ago, I was sleeping and I started hearing these whispered voices. I woke up and started to feel extremely cold. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom to wash my face with warm water. I glanced up at the mirror and saw someone behind me, I blinked a few times and it went away. Though, as I got back into bed I heard loud footsteps pacing around my living room. I started crying, but no one heard me. Eventually, I fell asleep again. Alot of things like that seem to happen to me....It's so scary!!! Hoeeeee! :cry:

Wow...Moezy-chan! You can hear peoples thoughts! That must be so scary for you! I can't hear peoples thoghts....but I can always tell what they're about to say next...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 25 2005, 04:09 am
Wow...Moezy-chan! You can hear peoples thoughts! That must be so scary for you! I can't hear peoples thoghts....but I can always tell what they're about to say next...

Creepy, because I can do that also. I always seem to know what people are going to say. It used to drive my brother crazy. That could be why he tried to kill me. He would do something, and I would say the reason why he did it, and it would creep him out. I am way too perceptive for my own good. Doesn't help that I'm an empath. I hate it!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 25 2005, 04:23 am
heh.. good thing Moezy can't read my thoughts.. nobody will like them >= D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 25 2005, 04:28 am
I've never personally met you VexNet-san, so I couldn't read your thoughts even if I wanted to. You would have to be close to me in order for me to read your thoughts. The only people that I am able to read thoughts of are my very close friends, and my family. So don't worry.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 25 2005, 05:29 am
what the h.. i never said you could, it was a figure of speech.. -_-
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 25 2005, 05:30 am
what the h.. i never said you could, it was a figure of speech.. -_-

Oh gomen nasai. I am way too literal; my worst quality.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 25 2005, 10:02 am
Creepy, because I can do that also. I always seem to know what people are going to say. It used to drive my brother crazy. That could be why he tried to kill me. He would do something, and I would say the reason why he did it, and it would creep him out. I am way too perceptive for my own good. Doesn't help that I'm an empath. I hate it!

Can you control yourself from reading other people's thoughts or do they come naturally to you and you can't stop them?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 25 2005, 10:17 am
I can't hear specifically what people are thinking....but I can be pretty darn accurate!
I think if you've been around someone for long enough you just pick up their personality traits and know how they're going to react.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 25 2005, 10:27 am
Because you know them well enough that you can predict what they're about to say! Yeah, that happens to me too.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 25 2005, 11:14 am
I can't hear specifically what people are thinking....but I can be pretty darn accurate!
I think if you've been around someone for long enough you just pick up their personality traits and know how they're going to react.

yeah, i can do that too. it is the fact that you've been around a person long enough to know their personality and stuff like that. it's just instinct after you've known someone for awhile. you just randomly pick up their thoughts our whatever.

isn't it weird how you can do that with your best friend? hah. that's how you know you and your best friend are REAL friends.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 25 2005, 03:31 pm
Especially if you start finishing off each other's sentences.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 25 2005, 08:08 pm
hey! i do that! haha. i finish off my best friends' sentences. it's great. `=)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 26 2005, 09:36 am
Like twins....people would probably say you're inseparable!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 26 2005, 10:22 am
That used to happen to me too.
Now, everything I think simply happens. For example, I was thinking how boring school was and that exciting things never happened. By lunch, some thieves appear and attempted to break in.... There were helicopters all around and we couldn't go out. There were media all around as well...
As my sister is in another building faaar away, she didn't know we were all safe and started to cry ( some *sshole went through the school screaming we were all dead ¬¬)
that was creepy...
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 26 2005, 11:31 am
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 26 2005, 01:28 pm
Some guy came into our school once screaming in tongue.
It was . . . .interesting.
There we're little 1st graders visiting at the time, too. They thought it was part of our presentation! Hahah!
Silly kids.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 26 2005, 08:19 pm
wow, my school is just plain weird. people break out into fights every day.. sometimes before school even starts! hah. it's like "i'm still trying to wake up. do you REALLY need to fight!?"
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 27 2005, 01:25 am
I'm excited about today! I'm going to see Lee Evans live!! He's one of my fav Comedians :D
He's hilarious :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 27 2005, 01:27 am
I'm excited about today! I'm going to see Lee Evans live!! He's one of my fav Comedians :D
He's hilarious :D

did he acted in 'Mousehunt'?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 27 2005, 01:33 am
yes but he's more famous for Stand Up Comedy, Probably the best in the United Kingdom i think.

He was in "Fifth Element" and "Theres something about Mary" too.

you have to check his comedy out tho! Funniest thing ever XD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 27 2005, 01:35 am

i didnt know he acted in 'Fifth Element'... but i saw him in 'Medallion'!

with him in the movie, its guaranteed a funny movie..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 27 2005, 09:20 am
WOW!! I feel very missed!! T___T

Just kidding!! So sup?? This is the first Meaningless Thread that I haven't posted in before!!! O__O Wait.. when was this started?? Oh ok. It's new from my disappearance. GOOD!! lolz. SO Sup people?? Anyone noticed I haven't been on for a while. xP lolz.

Anywho. I miss you all and just decided to drop by since I'm at someone's house with Internet!! Internet = my life apparently!! ROFL!! XD Well I won't be back on for about another week.. or maybe on. Hopefully I'll still be alive before that time. ROFL!! BYE BYE!!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 27 2005, 09:28 am
Lika-Chi!! *huggles* Long time girl!! I wanna talk to you again on MSN -_- we miss you!


i didnt know he acted in 'Fifth Element'... but i saw him in 'Medallion'!

with him in the movie, its guaranteed a funny movie..
Yep! He was in Fifth Element, The guy when teh bomb was going to go off he was calming everyone down, and he talked to bruce willis while lee was wearing like a white sailor outfit!

I just got back from seeing him and it was AWESOME!!! Funniest live feed i've seen in a while!

I might go see Jimmy Carr soon too! He's a Great comedian! He sounds really Upper Class and is Sarcastic and so so cruel to people in a mocking way! Its soo funny :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 27 2005, 10:08 am
LIKA-CHAN! Noooooooo! One more week?!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 27 2005, 10:18 am
Awww, lika-chi, another week? I've haven't been on for three... or maybe two days and I've gone crazy!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 27 2005, 11:24 am
You should've been in my shoes....1 month at the most! Hard you know. No solace after a hard day of studying for exams.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 27 2005, 11:27 am
I would've gone paranoid if I didn't go on for one month! Whoa!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 27 2005, 11:35 am
Have to live with it. -_- Especially if we have exams.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 27 2005, 11:38 am
Yep, true, true. The forum's great, but school is number one priority. I hate myself for procrastinating sometimes.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 27 2005, 12:10 pm
WOW!! I feel very missed!! T___T

Just kidding!! So sup?? This is the first Meaningless Thread that I haven't posted in before!!! O__O Wait.. when was this started?? Oh ok. It's new from my disappearance. GOOD!! lolz. SO Sup people?? Anyone noticed I haven't been on for a while. xP lolz.

Anywho. I miss you all and just decided to drop by since I'm at someone's house with Internet!! Internet = my life apparently!! ROFL!! XD Well I won't be back on for about another week.. or maybe on. Hopefully I'll still be alive before that time. ROFL!! BYE BYE!!!

*glomps lika-chi* I (when I say 'I', I really mean 'we' :P) missed you! xDDD

THE HORROR! Another week!? NOEZ! >_< Hope you can come back sooner though... ^_^

Yep, true, true. The forum's great, but school is number one priority. I hate myself for procrastinating sometimes.

I second that. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 28 2005, 09:52 am
That's why I'm spending my vacation a lot here. Bah, I hope those 4 weeks of studying did my grades some good.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 28 2005, 11:13 am
DUN DUN DUN DUN!!! Presenting... lika-chi!! Is back for good. I FINALLY GOT MY INTERNET BACK!!! *is really happy* WAIT!! I still got my science project. :sweatdrop: Ok I'll be back in a couple of hours, I think. XD GOOD BYE!!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 28 2005, 11:26 am
*high fives Lika-Chi* YAY!!

*rolls in the mud*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on October 28 2005, 01:34 pm
Yay!   Lika's back!
 We've missed you!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 28 2005, 03:18 pm
Can you control yourself from reading other people's thoughts or do they come naturally to you and you can't stop them?

No, they come whenever they want to. I usually get headaches afterwards. I think it's because I'm an empath.

Also, sorry for not welcoming you back lika-chi. I was too busy being gone.  :sweatdrop: But I'm back! I missed everybody! Tadaima!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 28 2005, 03:50 pm
LIKA-CHAN! *glomps lika*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 28 2005, 06:52 pm
Yep! He was in Fifth Element, The guy when teh bomb was going to go off he was calming everyone down, and he talked to bruce willis while lee was wearing like a white sailor outfit!

I just got back from seeing him and it was AWESOME!!! Funniest live feed i've seen in a while!

I might go see Jimmy Carr soon too! He's a Great comedian! He sounds really Upper Class and is Sarcastic and so so cruel to people in a mocking way! Its soo funny :D

now that you had said that.. i remembered! he opened the door for the blue diva right?

yeah, Jimmy Carr was great as well..  i love his expressions when he's mocking some other people..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on October 29 2005, 01:36 am
now that you had said that.. i remembered! he opened the door for the blue diva right?

yeah, Jimmy Carr was great as well.. i love his expressions when he's mocking some other people..
haha! yeah i know, Jimmy Carr's shows are generally an 18 i think. Since I have one of his DVDs and thats an 18. Probably cos he uses the C word a lot (see you next tuesday). He also played a great part in Distraction and Your face or Mine? haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 29 2005, 07:37 am
Strange... everytime I come here I don't do anything... Lol! And I come back to this thread to find new topics I know nothing about xD!

lika! I know how it feels to have no internet for a long time. >_> :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 29 2005, 08:54 am
HAHA!! I think I'm going to be like Angel too!! haha or now known as Arch.. Man. People stop changing your names. I don't know who's who!! ROFL!!!

I'm glad to be back. Thanks for the welcomes. ^__^ hehe. Hopefully I catch up with all that I've missed. XD hehe
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 29 2005, 09:02 am
Lol, sticking with one name got boring. :P And I've been idling the site for the past 2 hours... :lol:

I don't think there's much to catch up on... well, not that I've checked. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 29 2005, 09:04 am
I'm trying to check on the posts that I post in. HAHA!! And I'm trying to update my Livejournal! You know.. it's hard!!! lolz. XD To catch up with everyone online when I've been gone for so long. T___T haha.

The big thing I know is that there's a wedding coming soon!! HAHA!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 29 2005, 09:37 am
Welcome back!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 29 2005, 10:18 am
Lol, sticking with one name got boring. :P And I've been idling the site for the past 2 hours... :lol:

I don't think there's much to catch up on... well, not that I've checked. :sweatdrop:

You want boring, I've had this username for 5 years even before I joined this forum; 7 years if you count the time before I added the -chan on and I'm still not changing. If you see a moezy-chan anywhere on the internet, or anything that even begins with moezy and is followed by a number, you can bet it's me. I can't think of anything else to talk about now.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 29 2005, 06:17 pm
Haha, lovely weather and I'm inside?! Oh well. Since my ankle is gonna be like this for a while I might as well get used to it. Did any of you guys received a "Maintenance going on" message here in the forums yet?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 29 2005, 06:59 pm
The server was (or is) having issues. The server move hasn't been completed yet so I can't promise that more outtages won't happen
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: charme.* on October 29 2005, 10:23 pm
ohh..that can't be good ><

Haha, lovely weather and I'm inside?! Oh well. Since my ankle is gonna be like this for a while I might as well get used to it. Did any of you guys received a "Maintenance going on" message here in the forums yet?

Yes! I was trying to login last night and I couldn't *snif*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 02:30 am
Yeah it happened to me last night. It was out for more than 2 hours.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:09 am
Yeah, I got that. But I just fell asleep afterwards :sweatdrop:

So tired... and it's nice weather today... I need to get out more often. >.>
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:10 am
Right now I feel like a bum. It's 1:00pm and I'm still in my pajamas. Of course I do start work at 4 so what's the point of changing?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:23 am
Right now I feel like a bum. It's 1:00pm and I'm still in my pajamas. Of course I do start work at 4 so what's the point of changing?

Lol, don't worry. I'm still in my jammies too! x3
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:25 am
Lol, don't worry. I'm still in my jammies too! x3

Are you in the same timezone as me?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:37 am
I don't know... but right now its... 1:37PM :D
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:40 am
Yep, we're in the same timezone. I saw your location. New York. We're practically neighbors! I live in Ohio! We're like 500 miles from each other which considering where everybody else lives, we are very close!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:46 am
Really!? Awesomeness! xD Well, it's a weekend so  yeah, I'm going to be wearing my pajamas the whole time. I'm just that lazy. ROFL! Can you blame me. :P And it stinks you have work. >_<

Still, I'm still tired... sleeping at 12:30AM till... 10AM. It's kinda weird isn't it? Lol
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on October 30 2005, 03:49 am
I'm in a different timezone from from you guyz, i'm one day ahead.

Right now, it's 1:56AM in the morning here  :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 03:53 am
Wow a day ahead, just like the Philippines (where both my parents come from).

Well, I live in Toronto, so it's 1:51PM October 29th.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on October 30 2005, 03:56 am
I do live in the Philippines  :lol:.

Since your parents came from the Philippines, that makes you filipino in some way right?  :keke:.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 04:02 am
Wow a day ahead, just like the Philippines (where both my parents come from).

Well, I live in Toronto, so it's 1:51PM October 29th.

Same timezone Cherry-chan!

Really!? Awesomeness! xD Well, it's a weekend so yeah, I'm going to be wearing my pajamas the whole time. I'm just that lazy. ROFL! Can you blame me. :P And it stinks you have work. >_<

Still, I'm still tired... sleeping at 12:30AM till... 10AM. It's kinda weird isn't it? Lol

Changed now, though not much of a difference. I'm in nothing but my bathrobe and a towel wrapped around my head. I'll be in my work uniform in about 30 minutes. Joy.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 04:20 am
Yep, 100% Filipino and proud of it!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on October 30 2005, 04:24 am
Yep, 100% Filipino and proud of it!

Interesting  :keke:, I wonder how many more filipinos are in this forum besides you and Princess Kakukrine  :keke:.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 04:26 am
They're quite a few... I think... also, aishiteru, Little Wolf, and c3d are Filipino.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on October 30 2005, 04:30 am
They're quite a few... I think... also, aishiteru, Little Wolf, and c3d are Filipino.

Wow, didn't know that webmaster Little Wolf is filipino  :keke:.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: babypigggy on October 30 2005, 04:31 am
can someone tell me what a thread is O_O
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 04:31 am
Just in case I'm wrong, I hope no one is offended.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 04:38 am
can someone tell me what a thread is O_O

This is a thread. When you make a new topic it is called a thread. And the messages on here are called posts.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: aishiteru on October 30 2005, 08:24 am
Wow, didn't know that webmaster Little Wolf is filipino :keke:.

little wolf is filiipino!? i didn't know that. yes, i, aishiteru, am filipino `=) if you look at the "your background" thread.. you'll see the big list of filipinos.

Yep, we're in the same timezone. I saw your location. New York. We're practically neighbors! I live in Ohio! We're like 500 miles from each other which considering where everybody else lives, we are very close!

HAHA! i know where you live now, moezy-chan! bwahahaha. i can kidnap you and then pick up charme-chan. bwahahaha. just kidding. :greengrin:

actually, i live near both you and arch-lucifer. i live in new jersey so i have a high chance of probably bumping into arch-lucifer someday if she decides to shop at jersey gardens because there is no tax on clothing in new jersey. hah.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 08:40 am
Hahaha, I might go to New Jersey sometime then. :P
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on October 30 2005, 09:49 am
Anyone knew I was filipino as well? LOLZ. Haha, yeah I love my nationality!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 12:37 pm
HAHA! i know where you live now, moezy-chan! bwahahaha. i can kidnap you and then pick up charme-chan. bwahahaha. just kidding. :greengrin:

You don't know which city I live in though, so good luck finding me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 12:43 pm
Haha. I shop in Pennsylvania every summer (no tax there as well, and we pay less). Maybe I'll take a tour through US and see you guys :tongue:

I bet none of you can find me! Toronto is a busy city with lots of people. And ya don't know which part of Toronto I live in!

Anyone knew I was filipino as well? LOLZ. Haha, yeah I love my nationality!

I never knew that! Hee hee, I love my nationality as well!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 01:04 pm
Haha. I shop in Pennsylvania every summer (no tax there as well, and we pay less). Maybe I'll take a tour through US and see you guys :tongue:

I go shopping in Pennsylvania all the time! Now I regret saying that. We might have met before Cherry-chan and might not have know it! Scary.  :shifty:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 30 2005, 01:13 pm
Whoa... just imagine... you're walking down the street and take a glance at a person, then just walk by... not knowing that you actually talk to each other on the internet! Hoooeee!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 01:19 pm
Whoa... just imagine... you're walking down the street and take a glance at a person, then just walk by... not knowing that you actually talk to each other on the internet! Hoooeee!

Just like the movie You've Got mail! That is very scary!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 01:35 pm
HAHA! That would be so... coincedental if (or when) that happens. Funny but scary. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 30 2005, 02:35 pm
What's happening people?? What are we talking about now?? I seriously have no clue what you guys are talking about... -__-" Scary?? Huh??

Are we talking about Halloween??? XD hehe. What is everyone going to be????
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 02:46 pm
Lol, we were talking about how we might've reacted if we actually met each other without knowing. xD

Halloween? I stopped Trick-or-Treating since 5th grade. Lol! That's 5-6 years right there. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 02:49 pm
Halloween, my mom wouldn't let me believe in it even if I wanted when I was growing up. She thought that if we went trick-or-treating we would go to hell. My mom has a very wild imagination.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 02:54 pm
Go to hell? Lol, oh right, you're religious? My mom asks me why I don't go anymore. Probably since the 'tradition' got old >.> dressing up as a monster or whatnot and getting candy from neighbors. I can't seem to find it fun anymore. Besides, too lazy to walk around nowadays. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 02:54 pm
I've never believed in it.

Hmm, just thinking about laws, I think Modern Music should be outlawed, so should staying up late for no reason, and anger management should be needed for virtual everyone.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:02 pm
Go to hell? Lol, oh right, you're religious?

Yes, but not nearly as religious as my mom. She also thinks swearing will send you to hell. If that's true, then I'll certainly end up there.  :heh:

Hmm, just thinking about laws, I think Modern Music should be outlawed, so should staying up late for no reason, and anger management should be needed for virtual everyone.

If that were true SLi-sama, chances are I'd be the first person in jail. I stay up late and the only thing I do is post on here. This place is so addictive. I couldn't even stay away for more than 3 days! And as for anger management, I really need it. I have a horrible temper. Thankfully nobody here has seen the full extent of it.

But I agree with you on modern music. I can't stand it much either. Annoys the he** out of me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 30 2005, 03:03 pm
My friend Fiona and I are just going to go trick-or-teating just so see if people will give us candy....we're pretty short, so we might be able to pull it off :tongue3:
Haha, we've got nothing better to do.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:07 pm
My friend Fiona and I are just going to go trick-or-teating just so see if people will give us candy....we're pretty short, so we might be able to pull it off :tongue3:
Haha, we've got nothing better to do.

Good luck Endoh-chan! Even if I don't look my age, I know I wouldn't be able to pull it off. The youngest I look is 16. Too old to go trick-or-treating.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:14 pm
Staying up late for no reason (these forums are no excuse for being up late, neither is chatting on IM services) is stupid and probably some other tough words I can think of.

I know I'm sounding harsh, but when you have to listen to somebody complain about two people keep them up all night, you would be annoyed about it too.

For god sakes, people goto bed at night.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:18 pm
Ok, I'll be in bed soon. Give me 30 minutes. Part of the reason is I have horrible insomnia. Can't get rid of it. It's getting better though.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 30 2005, 03:22 pm
I've got the same problem. I can never get to sleep at night....probably because my brother and his friend used to keep me up all night and I'd end up sleeping through the day. I've gotten used to it, I guess.
I'm a night creature at heart.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:23 pm
I consider it stupid and always will.

As I've said before life occurs during the day not at night
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:29 pm
I've got the same problem. I can never get to sleep at night....probably because my brother and his friend used to keep me up all night and I'd end up sleeping through the day. I've gotten used to it, I guess.
I'm a night creature at heart.

Same with my sister. She snores so loud it sounds like somebody is going to die! Oh so annoying.

I consider it stupid and always will.

As I've said before life occurs during the day not at night

But alot of interesting things happen at night. And I find it peaceful. Nobody complaining about wanting the computer, nobody talking, nobody. I value my privacy, and I can only get it very late at night.

And despite the fact that I like to be alone, I love to talk to people, but people don't like to talk to me, so I have here to go on and I get to talk to all the wonderful people and I still get to be alone. I get the best of both worlds!

But we're all entitled to our opinions, so I respect your's SLi-sama.  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:31 pm

*wishes people would wake up to themselves, but I suppose thats asking too much*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on October 30 2005, 03:31 pm
Go to hell? Lol, oh right, you're religious? My mom asks me why I don't go anymore. Probably since the 'tradition' got old >.> dressing up as a monster or whatnot and getting candy from neighbors. I can't seem to find it fun anymore. Besides, too lazy to walk around nowadays. :lol:
haha thats me i'm just to lasy to walk around the neighbor hood but i love dressing up
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:34 pm
SLi, you should lecture like that to my brother. He practically STARTS sleeping in the morning! :lol:

Haha, I remember my friend playing ding-dong ditch on the neighborhood on Halloween... it was so funny. I  heard some kids egg people's houses for the hell of it too. >_>
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:36 pm
So does mine, he keeps getting annoyed about being told off about it.

Well sooner he stops the sooner the complaints drop, simple solution, but he is too stupid to do so
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:37 pm
Also, I forgot. Sometimes when I'm up late, I clean the house. Do the laundry, clean my room, and when I'm very angry I've been known to clean the kitchen. I even clean out the refridgerator and scrub the floors, so sometimes I'm productive. Depends on my mood though.

One question, why are you so mad SLi-sama? This isn't usually like you. Did something bad happen?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:38 pm
you live with the constant complaints about people staying awake all night for months on end and see how you like it.

Frankly I'm sick of it, day in day out, and all because people are so inconsiderate of others (and themselves)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 03:40 pm
Haha, I think I'm experiencing that right now... *suddenly the screen pops up with IM windows* My friends are such night creatures. xD But I guess I am one too. Naturally I'm tired but bleh. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 30 2005, 03:46 pm
you live with the constant complaints about people staying awake all night for months on end and see how you like it.

Frankly I'm sick of it, day in day out, and all because people are so inconsiderate of others (and themselves)

I get it from my mom alot. Would you say that I'm inconsiderate? Not trying to put you on the spot though. Just curious.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on October 30 2005, 03:48 pm
I don't know keep her awake do you?

My dad is a very light sleeper, wakes up the slightest noise. And who has to listen to the compliants all the time? me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on October 30 2005, 03:49 pm
AHH! I wouldn't be able to go to sleep anyways....people are setting off fireworks outside.
Stop it! Geez!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 30 2005, 04:24 pm
My dad is a very light sleeper, wakes up the slightest noise. And who has to listen to the compliants all the time? me.

My MOM is the same. Who listens to the complaints? Me, mostly. My dad too. My brother? Hell, he can be sitting on his lazy rear in his rooom in front of the computer without a care in teh dame world. -_-
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 11:32 am
I don't know keep her awake do you?

My dad is a very light sleeper, wakes up the slightest noise. And who has to listen to the compliants all the time? me.

I'm actually the light sleeper. My mom falls asleep very easily. Everybody in my house falls asleep very easily. I could clean the whole house during the night, and they wouldn't wake up once. She only complains when she wants to yell at me. She usually takes her anger out on me, but I don't mind. I'm used to it. At least I have here to come to.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 31 2005, 11:35 am
YEA!! CW is back up. hehe. xD I had a really big urge to come on today. Haven't been having the happiest day today. Been really down for I have no idea. *sigh* I just want to go to sleep and forget everything. xD But it's pretty early.

I'm a light sleeper too!! hehe. Although I like to sleep a lot, I get more sleepy if I get more sleep. The less sleep I get, the more awake I'll be.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 11:43 am
I'm a light sleeper too!! hehe. Although I like to sleep a lot, I get more sleepy if I get more sleep. The less sleep I get, the more awake I'll be.

I'm the same way! If I sleep too much I'll be tired the whole day, but if I get a couple of hours of sleep I get such an amazing energy high!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 31 2005, 11:45 am
Exactly! lolz. If I went to bed early and I had school the next day, I have a hard time getting up. Even though when I get hardly no sleep I still have a hard time getting up but after I do get up, I'm really awake. XD hehe

So what's everyone doing right now?? I'm actually doing homework! WOO!! lol
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 31 2005, 11:47 am
Lol, I go to sleep late, I wake up early. >_> and vice-versa. @_@

Me? I'm drawing chibi TRC characters and reading Fruits Basket. I'm finally catching up! yey! xD I never got any HW on friday. o.O
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 11:50 am
I'm just posting on here. And listening to my mom's television show.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 31 2005, 11:52 am
o.O Fruits Basket!! Yea! lolz. Chibi TRC characters. o.O I want to see. HAHA!!

I have the urge to have another crazy conversation Angel. *grins* hehe. Yesterday was crazy. haha. But it was also fun.

I'm really bored right now even though I'm doing something. HAHA!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 11:53 am
I'm bored too. If people don't post, this place is no fun!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 31 2005, 11:56 am
Lol! Yeah it was fun lika xD

But what to post about? I've been brain-dead all day. Lol! Maybe I should come up with something random... uhh... I got nothin'. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 31 2005, 11:57 am
Hello everyone!! *waves* ^__^ I was sad then CW forums was down earier but I'm glad it's back up!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on October 31 2005, 11:58 am
Make longer post people! That's what makes this thread more fun. haha I'm trying to keep all my posts long but there's nothing really to say right now. hehe -__-"

Can someone do my homework for me?? lolz. I know that's bad. But I'm really not in the mood to do it. I have like no concentration towards it. My mind is too occupied with something else that is really bugging me. hehe. xD I want it to go away though. ARG! Why does my life get more and more complicated?? -__-" Can't it just be simply. At times like these, I wish I was my brother's age. *sigh*

I mean like life isn't that easy for younger kids but it's still easier than most of ours. -_-" RIGHT? Or am I just going crazy? lol
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 12:01 pm
Hello everyone!! *waves* ^__^ I was sad then CW forums was down earier but I'm glad it's back up!

So am I!

And in response to the other posts, I'm drawing a blank. I can't think of anything! T_T
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 31 2005, 12:04 pm
Lol, I've said this many times but when it comes to HW, I neglect doing it. rofl! Good thing I have friends that do their HW in my classes. Shame on me. :lol: I call it a new level of laziness. rofl!

You know what was strange about today? I had a bunch of people IMing me and I wasn't in the mood to talk. What made it strange was that I was bored. :heh: So I was drawing and downloading stuff all day... I still didn't finish coloring my fanart on computer. o_o" See how lazy I am? :sweatdrop:

Okay... a topic to talk about... out of curiosity, since I was talking with a friend about ti before, what do you do towards the end of the year and the beginning of a new year? Celebrate, go out, do nothing? o.O [stupid question isn't it, lol]
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 31 2005, 12:08 pm
Gomen ne, Lika-chi. I don't really have much to say. o_o; Let's see... I spent my day going to chruch then came home for a little while. My grandma and my uncle nick ( that's what I call him anyway.. ) came over. Nick is so hilarous. He always makes me laugh.

Anyway, we went out to dinner and now I'm back home posting here. This has been most eventful day I've had in a while. Usually I just stay home all day and I'm online. My dad always bugs me about that. It's so annoying. He says I spend too much time online, of which is true. I don't have much to do just yet. I'll become more busy once I learn to drive, go to college and get a job next year. >_>; He plays video games and spends time on his laptop just as much as when I'm online. Pffttt. He's like, " I'm onlying playing halo for two hours! " YEAH RIGHT. He spends like an entrie NIGHT playing that game!! UGGHH... Anyway, once I start to have a life he'll wish I was home more often. It's like, well, you wanted me to be out more.. so there!! ;O

That long enough? xDD

Oh, in respond to Arch-Lucifer's question.. now-a-days, on New's Eve I go over to a friends house and party there with other close friends of mine. It's fun. At midnight, we go and jump into the freezing cold lake thats the backyard of the friends house we're at. xD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 31 2005, 12:13 pm
ROFL! Your dad plays Halo? xDDD I wish I had parents that knew how to play games... geez, my dad just like watching martial arts shows that he rents from the video store. My mom just talks and talks and... well, you get the point. Lol! Basically I stay cooped up in my room either on the computer or sleeping. And I always ask my self, 'Can't I do something productive in my life?'. When I think about it, I'm not so sure. >_>

Lol, as a random note, if I ever learned how to drive, I'd probably get my licenses taken away shortly after getting them. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 12:19 pm
Lol, as a random note, if I ever learned how to drive, I'd probably get my licenses taken away shortly after getting them. :lol:

I wish I had my license. I couldn't get it even if I wanted to.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Moon on October 31 2005, 12:26 pm
ROFL! Your dad plays Halo? xDDD I wish I had parents that knew how to play games... geez, my dad just like watching martial arts shows that he rents from the video store. My mom just talks and talks and... well, you get the point. Lol! Basically I stay cooped up in my room either on the computer or sleeping. And I always ask my self, 'Can't I do something productive in my life?'. When I think about it, I'm not so sure. >_>

Lol, as a random note, if I ever learned how to drive, I'd probably get my licenses taken away shortly after getting them. :lol:

Lol. He does. Halo 2, rather. That's the sounds I fall asleep to at night. Hehehe. He can play that game well into the morning depending on when he goes to play it. On the weekends he's playing it for at least 4-8 hours at the least. ^-^; He really likes that game. And I really like the internet. xDDD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on October 31 2005, 12:30 pm
Lol. He does. Halo 2, rather. That's the sounds I fall asleep to at night. Hehehe. He can play that game well into the morning depending on when he goes to play it. On the weekends he's playing it for at least 4-8 hours at the least. ^-^; He really likes that game. And I really like the internet. xDDD

That is weird for me, considering we've had a computer for 8 years, and my dad has only been on once. He hates computers and yet he thinks he knows how they work. I don't get that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on October 31 2005, 12:53 pm
Lol, my dad wanted to use the computer and we have about... 3 in our house. One of them are old so he wanted to use it and asked my brother to install the chinese version of XP on it. He did and he never used it. Hell, before that, he had it installed on MY computer! In which it's still there and I wanted it uninstalled. But I can't do that unless I reformat my computer. What's the point in wanting something if you don't intend on doing anything with it? -_-
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 31 2005, 07:05 pm
You have to reformat your computer? Was the XP a download, or a cd version of the operating system? Because if it's a download, you may be able to uninstall it.....but I'm not sure!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 01 2005, 05:39 am
My dad will have nothing to do with the computers.
Not that he hates them, he just always messes something up when he's on, ahha.
He used to make my mom do all the online work in his old bsuiness.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 01 2005, 06:15 am
It was a CD installation. >.> I REFUSE TO REFORMAT IT! I don't have a cd burner to back up all my stuff yet. Lol. I might have to get a seperate harddrive from the old computer thuogh... that would be a good thing. (more anime goodies xD!)

And Happy Halloween everyone! <3
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on November 01 2005, 09:14 am
Reformatting is a great idea, in fact i'm trying to buy as many spare DVDs as possible (i'm upto 30 4.7GB DVDs now) but As time goes by I keep downloading MORE!! LOL
AND i still have like 180GB of stuff to put on disc -_- this is gonna take AGES
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 01 2005, 09:22 am
WAH!? 180GB!? OMG send me some! xDDD I think my brother's room is made of nothing but CDs. >_> You should see how many movies and animes he has on CDROM and DVD. o_O Plus PS2 CDs... etc. Lol. I have about 20GB+ left on my D drive... 1GB+ on my C drive... ugh, I seriously want/need more space on this computer. And a faster processor. Lately it's been lagging whenever Im on photoshop and browsing websites. -_-
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 01 2005, 11:21 am
LOLZ, my computer wouldn't be able to hold tht much memory. LOLZ, we don't even have a cd burner. Ah, poor me.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 01 2005, 02:38 pm
It's Halloween people! Well it's almost over anyways!! lolz. Anyone go out trick or treating?? XD hehe. I DID!! lol. It was pretty cool. Got a lot of candy and chips. Psh.. I even got pencils!!! HAHA!! I got two! Weird isn't it?? lolz. And not a lot of people were giving out candy. My friend told me that not a lot of people go trick or treating anymore, that's why. That really sucks, doesn't it?? lolz. I think so! I like candy! Psh.. someone gave us two packs of gum. o.O Yummy!

Oh yea. I was bored when I came home and my friend inspired me to do something. XD hehe

It says Captured Wings. Do you guys get it?

And here's a clearer pic of it.

hehe. XD I have captured a pair of weird looking wings. XD hehe.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 01 2005, 03:44 pm
Cute lika. We don't usually celebrate Halloween here though.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 01 2005, 03:51 pm
Haha. Halloween is great.
You get to tresspass on people's property and instead of them calling the cops on you, they reward you by giving you free candy!!!!
Argh, I'm covered in itchy, uncormfortable sparkles.
And my costume top keeps falling down :tongue3:
Ooooh! But Fiona, Shelly and I went trick-or-treating. Awesome. Filled up the pillowcase, score!
I guess I still look 12 :tongue3:
And some lady, who I guess didn't get alot of trick-or-treaters, gave us her whole supply of candy! Crazy!
I'm going to get sick of OHenry bars fast, haha. This is why it's best to go trick-or-treating late at night. People will just give you all that's left of their candy.
I'm a genuis :tongue3:

Oh,  I feel bad for my jeans [loosens belt]
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 01 2005, 04:01 pm
What were you dressed up as Endoh?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 01 2005, 04:04 pm
Stupid Quote thing isn't working

Ralea - Well, I was SUPPOSED to be an angel, but everyone thought I was a fairy. Stupid wings, haha!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 01 2005, 04:10 pm
No wonder you were covered in sparkles.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 01 2005, 04:12 pm
Well, haha, I went kinda nuts with sparkles. Glitter Hair-spray, Glitter eye-shadow, body-glitter, clothing glitter!
I blinded on-coming traffic, I swear!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 01 2005, 07:00 pm
We didn't have any sweets around last night, so when people came we had to ignore them and keep the curtains closed, pretending we weren't in.......the kids around here really DO give you a trick if you don't give them sweets!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 02 2005, 06:33 am
Lol, I assume it's egging maybe? ROFL! My friend actually invited me but I had to decline. xD Surprisingly, no one rung my bell last night. I was SO happy! Lol. But because I get the candy to myself, I was sleeping most of the time. :lol: One thing I hate about Hallwoween is because they get me hungry for candy the next day. >_> (and the cavities? lol)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 02 2005, 07:07 am
Cavities can wait.. xD haha. I want my candy! lolz. I have a lot of finish. :rotfl: lolz.

Speaking of the tricks, we were going to do that to people's houses but yea.. we didn't. lolz. I didn't want to and I didn't let my friends get eggs or toilet paper since it was going to be with my money. lolz. Yea. But my friend's house was egged. lolz. Funny! I want to egg someone's house now though. But it has to be someone I know!!! haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 02 2005, 07:11 am
I would never be brave enough to egg someone's house! I'm far too much of a scaredy-cat to even attempt it!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 02 2005, 07:22 am
I would probably back down last minute. I don't like getting into trouble. hehe. XD So yea.

I want to see someone 'trick' someone else though. xD hehe.

My friend wanted to steal little kids' candy. But my other friend and me were like "that's mean!" lolz. XD And it is! Stealing little kids' candy?? T__T
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 02 2005, 07:52 am
ROFL! :rotfl: I duno if they actually did it... never got the chance to ask if she and the others egged someone's house. Poor neighborhood people. Lol. I wouldn't do it since later on I'd feel guilty. I wouldn't want to clean up that mess either (yes, I am sympathetic :sweatdrop:)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 02 2005, 07:57 am
I feel the exact same way as Angel. Everything that I do bad or wrong to someone, I come back to it everyday! It's horrible. T__T So much guilt!!! T__T

So... let's forget about Halloween now and talk about.. *mind goes blank* lolz. Umm.. How about.. The first day of November! lolz.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 02 2005, 07:58 am
I know! Bonfire night is coming fast! Only 4 more days until fireworks galore! Anyone doing anything special?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 02 2005, 08:04 am
November is the boring month for me. Not holidays at all during school which really sucks because November is a really long month, you know. So yea. The only 'holiday' is Remembrance Day. But we don't get the day off.

So yea... there's nothing special that I'm doing. *sigh*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 02 2005, 09:08 am
Election day next tuesday... no school! And I'm off on friday! :keke: But I have to attend a dinner party this saturday... *mumbles incoherent words* And next thursday... I don't know what I'm going to do... guess I'll stay home and mope about life. Lol. And today was my friend's birthday... though she didn't seem enthusiastic about it... I know she just wanted to sleep. Lol!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: lika-chi on November 02 2005, 01:44 pm
O__O lol That's a lot of stuff to do there Angel. November is going to be SO BORING for me. T__T lolz. Save me!! lolz.

Hmm I have a question! Why do I have to log in everytime I come back onto the website. O__O That's really weird. And my thing is on login 'forever'. Is there something wrong??
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 02 2005, 01:48 pm
Hmm. I dunno. On Sunday I couldn't log in because the website was down. I bet everyone knows, but I haven't been on yesterday.

November is me favourite month because my birthday is in it! Yaaahhh! I'm getting a digital camera and manga! I can take pictures! My cousins can never keep birthday presents a secret :tongue:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 02 2005, 01:51 pm
I noticed that too!
I keep getting angry! I'm like, "This isn't forever!" Ahhhhhh!

Hehe, I'm so lazy I can't even be bothered to type in my username.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 02 2005, 02:18 pm
I just had a thought for some odd reason, it just came up. Would it be appropriate to restrict the "Let's see your lovely faces!" topic to registered members? Or am I being crazy? I mean, you never know who looks at your pics out there *shifty eyes* lol.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 02 2005, 04:45 pm
I think that's a good idea.
I mean, my pictures are already out there, but I know some people like to be discreet about that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on November 02 2005, 04:47 pm
Not possible I'm afriad. The only way is too close off access to the Anything Goes board, but then there is nothing to stop somebody signing up a user account and gaining access.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 02 2005, 07:20 pm
Hmm..that is a problem....unless we place it on a new board and restrict non-members there. Probably a members only board?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 02 2005, 07:26 pm
I know! Bonfire night is coming fast! Only 4 more days until fireworks galore! Anyone doing anything special?

sigh, i am going to miss Bonfire night this year.. there is not such thing in Singapore because its illegal to play with fireworks related items... *yawns*
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on November 02 2005, 08:23 pm
radomness: I HATE MACS...

i'm using one now and its crap! everything is difficult to use and the buttons are badly placed. and whats with the one click mouse you fuckers!!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 02 2005, 08:39 pm
Haven't tried MAc yet. Is it difficult to use?
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 02 2005, 08:41 pm
I've heard they're alright, but it's hard to get programmes for them, as most are geared up for Windows Operating of my friends has one, and she says they're re much better than Windows despite that though!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on November 02 2005, 08:41 pm
if your used to a pc then its hell.. instead of good ol ctrl + C for copy, its this wierd apple button command thing and C, then theres no right click so you have to hold down the button which you can't do with the stuff i click on so i spend hours midlessly trying to get somewhere only to find it doesn't work. Thier lucky they have all  the leads connected to the tables or i'd be trying to smash this Mac up!!

although on a technical standpoint Macs should only be used for industry work since thats what thier designed for (Artwork, Animation, Movies, 3D, CG, Photoshop etc)
Windows is better for everything else, LOL
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 02 2005, 08:48 pm
There are a few viruses for them as well. Since only a few people use them.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 03 2005, 06:42 am
I used iMacs before. It was during Jr High since I was taking computer classes (of course ^_^). It's not so bad. It's just a bit awkward using them since their operating system is quite different. Schools are chaning their operating systems to Dell now... but I just wished they used XP instead of 2000. It sucks I tell you -_-

Last note: I don't like the one-click mouse either, Vex. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 03 2005, 08:24 am
Hmm..that is a problem....unless we place it on a new board and restrict non-members there. Probably a members only board?

That's a good idea. I'm not sure if it's possible, though.

Not possible I'm afriad. The only way is too close off access to the Anything Goes board, but then there is nothing to stop somebody signing up a user account and gaining access.

True, true. I suppose someone can just get an account and they could do whatever they want. Oh, well.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 11:12 am
Minna-san, I'm back! I missed you all. Taking the topic in a different direction, I hate hospitals, and the reason why I hate hospitals is because I was in one since Monday! Some of you may have noticed that I was complaining about my ears, and how I was always so dizzy and tired.

I don't have the time to make a doctors appointment, so I went to the hospital to get it checked. Part of this reason is I passed out at work on Saturday and my boss wanted me to see what was wrong. When I went to the hospital I went to the Emergency Room (ER) and they said it was probably my allergies, gave me a prescription and said I could go home. In less than 2 minutes a nurse came back and said that I couldn't leave yet.

I waited 20 more minutes and the doctor came back and he said I had anemia. That's when my body is lacking blood in my hemoglobin. A hemoglobin is what contains the red and white blood cells, and it's supposed to be between 12-15. Mine was a 5.9.  They kept me in the hospital up until today, and I'm just so glad to be back!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 03 2005, 11:28 am
Thank goodness you're alright! I'm so happy you're back! Yeah, I hate hospitals too, but not because I've been a patient in one. It's just that I hate hospitals because everytime I've been in one, someone I know always dies (with the exception of people being born). They never come back out healthy, except for my mom and my aunts and all the relatives who gave birth. Last year I was in the hospital a lot because my best friend's mom was sick, and she died. Then my grandpa was admitted around this time (or in late October) because he had pneumonia. We thought it got better, then it came back and was worse than ever. He passed away two days before my birthday.

I always find myself crying in hospitals. I've barely know anybody who was sick and got out of the hospital alive. :cry:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 12:06 pm
Thank goodness you're alright! I'm so happy you're back!

Arigatou Cherry-chan! I gave you a cookie for that!

I always find myself crying in hospitals. I've barely know anybody who was sick and got out of the hospital alive. :cry:

Well, you can now break that record. You know me, and I got out alive, and I wasn't giving birth!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 03 2005, 12:49 pm
GASPS! Well, at least you're alright, that's what counts. Did stress count too? o.O I hate hospitals... they're just... uncomfortable.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 01:18 pm
GASPS! Well, at least you're alright, that's what counts. Did stress count too? o.O I hate hospitals... they're just... uncomfortable.

Yes, stress was one of the reasons. My life has been very stressful so far. And I hate hospitals too. The one thing I don't get is how are people supposed to get better when they feed you food that tastes so horrible! Yech!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 03 2005, 01:48 pm
Hospitals. Blow.
I always get either the cranky witch of a nurse who you want to suffocate with your pillow, or the nurse who treats you like a freaking baby (which I guess doesn't bother me much once I'm drugged up haha).
I was in the hospital just last week! My kidneys again. Although this time they didn't even test me for anything. I just sat in the waiting room for 2 hours (I basically pushed three chairs together and slept on them to try and block the pain out) and they just sent me right home. Apparently I wasn't in enough agony.
Wow. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 01:56 pm
Life is scary Endoh-chan. We are too much alike. I do have a question though, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. When I was at the hospital, I had to have an endoscopy done and they called it an endo. Is that how you got your username?

One thing though, my first night one of the nurses was helping me get settled by telling me what I needed to know. After that was done I said, "I'm not allowed to use my cell phone, am I?" And she answered, "Well, you're not supposed to, but if you do, I'll never know.  :wink:" I really liked her!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 03 2005, 02:03 pm
Haha, I want your nurse, Moezy-chan!
Never even heard of an endoscopy, haha. I got my name from that random Japanese name generator, haha.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 02:13 pm
Haha, I want your nurse, Moezy-chan!
Never even heard of an endoscopy, haha. I got my name from that random Japanese name generator, haha.

She was really great! I loved her! But when they told me that I was getting an endo, I suddenly thought of you, and was reminded that we are way too much alike! Also, an endoscopy is where they sedate you and put a tube with a camera attached to it down your throat. They wanted to see if I was having an ulcer. I was terrified.  :sad5: Don't bother asking me though what happened. All I remember is them telling me to lie on my left side and next thing I know somebody was tapping my foot and telling me to wake up.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 03 2005, 02:23 pm
What an interesting way to be remembered, haha!
[shiver] a camera down your throat, eh? I'm glad you weren't awake for that >_<
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ralea on November 03 2005, 08:48 pm
Yeah, imagine if you were awa-- no don't, argh, i'm choking already just thinking of it. I spend a lot of time in the hospital since my Aunt is a nurse. I usually spend my time near the Physical therepist's clinic or the newborn nursery. I feel most comfortable in those places. Especially when there's a couple and they're cooing over their new baby.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 04 2005, 03:05 am
What an interesting way to be remembered, haha!

It did calm me down though. I was reduced to tears right before they did it. Of course, I wouldn't let the doctors or nurses see. I'm great at putting on a happy face. All I have to do is tell a joke and they laugh so much that they can't tell that I'm crying!

[shiver] a camera down your throat, eh? I'm glad you weren't awake for that >_<

Me too!

Yeah, imagine if you were awa-- no don't, argh, i'm choking already just thinking of it.

That's what I was afraid of!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 04 2005, 06:02 am
Oh yeah. My defence is my humor. Whenever I'm feeling crappy I just make random jokes about anything to try and cover it up.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 06 2005, 02:57 am
Lol, I do that too. I mean... I get depressed when someone else gets depressed. It's a habit. >_> A jokes always helps cheer people up when the times are bad (at least it's what I believe). And besides, there's a saying that goes that you'll live longer if you laugh a lot in life. :lol:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 06 2005, 05:12 am
Arigatou Cherry-chan! I gave you a cookie for that!

Well, you can now break that record. You know me, and I got out alive, and I wasn't giving birth!

Arigatou, moezy-chan! at least I know where one of my recent cookies is coming from! :tongue3:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 06 2005, 09:38 pm
And besides, there's a saying that goes that you'll live longer if you laugh a lot in life. :lol:

I'm in trouble then!  :heh:

Like I've said before, it takes a lot to actually make me laugh.....or even smile a lot of the time. Don't you hate it when someone says a joke that you don't find funny, but everyone laughs so you have to fake smiling and laughing at it? But on the other hand, if someone gets depressed or upset, they usually know that they can talk to me  because I won't laugh at their problems or make them feel uncomfortable because they're so down.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on November 06 2005, 09:44 pm
I don't find most jokes funny.

If I appear to laugh at a joke, most times I'm actually laughing at the person saying it (for thinking it was funny, when it wasn't)
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
Post by: Alexiel on November 07 2005, 12:48 am
That's the main reason I laugh. rofl! Well, people have different thoughts to what is or isn't funny. Depends on your logic of a good joke also. :keke:
I normally listen to people, especially friends, about their problems. I never laugh at that. I'm pretty serious about things when I want to be. But unfortunately, that's a rare thing. :lol:

Now that you mention jokes, while I was with my relatives, I was talking to one of my cousins... She told me about the time she was donating blood. So the guy drawing out the blood was looking at her arms for a vien to draw the blood from... but he couldn't find it so he was kinda slapping her arms a few times (for an 'I don't know' reason...). He was like, 'You have very small viens...' My cousin was kinda outraged about the arm slapping so she got an attitude with him (who wouldn't? o.O), 'Then can you use the other arm? Just stop slapping my arm!' What do you think? Lol

Then there was the music... towards the end of the party, the DJ started putting on more modern songs... Now, this is a chinese wedding dinner party... so there are PLENTY of elderly people there... not that many kids... especially around their teens... probably younger. They started putting on songs like Michael Jackson's 'Don't Stop', 50 Cent songs, Usher, etc... Me, my brother, and cousins were laughing. Then I saw the DJ lip singing. I was like wth? Lol. Then he taught everyone how to do the electric slide... You should've seen it. Lol. I didn't dance of course... I probably would've embarrassed myself. :sweatdrop: Overall, the party was amusing. xD
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on November 07 2005, 04:25 am
Now that you mention jokes, while I was with my relatives, I was talking to one of my cousins... She told me about the time she was donating blood. So the guy drawing out the blood was looking at her arms for a vien to draw the blood from... but he couldn't find it so he was kinda slapping her arms a few times (for an 'I don't know' reason...). He was like, 'You have very small viens...' My cousin was kinda outraged about the arm slapping so she got an attitude with him (who wouldn't? o.O), 'Then can you use the other arm? Just stop slapping my arm!' What do you think? Lol
they do that so you can actually SEE the veins.. it''s pretty standard procedure..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 05:28 am
Yeah, they did that with me when they had to test some of my blood.
I was so tense though so they kept going back and forth on each arm trying to find a vein, haha.
I'm not the biggest needle fan.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: monkey on November 07 2005, 06:15 am
I don't mind needles :D feels kinda good if anything XD
Actually.. I wanna get another shot again just to experiance it again.. and maybe i could pretend to be really scared by screaming or something .. heh..
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 07 2005, 06:18 am
Needles are, it's great when you come out of a school innoculation, because you can scare people by saying how much it 'hurt' and that the needle was 'this big!'.

I'm totally fine with needles or daisy pricks, as long as I'm not actually watching - I hate seeing the way your skin sometimes bubbles up when the liquid goes in!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Star on November 07 2005, 06:20 am
Ewww....  I hate geting blood drawn.  But I'm used to it from being sick often.   At least I don't scream or kick the nurse like some people I know.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 06:50 am
I'm able to tell jokes and say things in a very indignant way that people can't help but laugh, but to get me to laugh is another thing entirely. The only thing that will get me to laugh or smile are my students. If anything, my laughter and cherry attitude is a cover-up. I get depressed too easily. I hate that.

As for having blood drawn, I don't mind the needle going in my arm, but I won't watch. I will donate blood to the Red Cross, because I have type O+ which is universal. I can give to everybody except for O-. Although since I have anemia, I'm not allowed to give for 6 more months. Doctors orders. I'm gonna hate that.

I really hated it in the hospital. I had to wear an IV tube, and the needle stayed in my arm for 2 days. The first night there, my arm started to hurt, because they put the needle right behind my elbow where the joint is. I wasn't allowed to bend my arm once, and I woke up with this sharp pain. They took the needle out and put it in my right arm, but at the top near my wrist. I was able to move it after that.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 07:20 am
I'm a wuss over the tiniest needles.
I remember when we had imunization shots at our school last year, I was sobbing hysterically.
Of course, I was freaking out so much I didn't even notice both needles (one in each arm [shiver]), haha!
But I was such a wuss I even brought my stuffed Cow, haah!
A ninth grader bringing a stuffed animal to school. That was my embarassment of the week, ahah!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 07:27 am
I'm a wuss over the tiniest needles.
I remember when we had imunization shots at our school last year, I was sobbing hysterically.
Of course, I was freaking out so much I didn't even notice both needles (one in each arm [shiver]), haha!
But I was such a wuss I even brought my stuffed Cow, haah!
A ninth grader bringing a stuffed animal to school. That was my embarassment of the week, ahah!

When I was in the hospital, I made my mom bring my favorite doll, and stuffed dolphin toy there. And I'm 22. If people don't like it, that's their problem.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 07:44 am
I asked my mom to do the same!
But she didn't want to drive all the way back home, get my stuffed cow, drive back, and pay for another parking ticket. Hhaa.
Oh well, I was already too drugged up to care.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 07 2005, 09:24 am
Blah. Gonna get a flu shot on wednesday. The last time I got a needle was years ago, and I was bawling before the needle even came close to my arm. Hope it doesn't happen this time.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 09:29 am
Blah. Gonna get a flu shot on wednesday. The last time I got a needle was years ago, and I was bawling before the needle even came close to my arm. Hope it doesn't happen this time.

Just don't think about it Cherry-chan, and you'll be fine! It only hurts for a second. I used to be terrified of needles, but now, I have no problem with them.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Cherry-chan on November 07 2005, 09:33 am
Thanks, moezy-chan! I'll try to think of happy, good things. Like Syaoran. Haha. :tongue3:
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 09:36 am
Thanks, moezy-chan! I'll try to think of happy, good things. Like Syaoran. Haha. :tongue3:

Yeah, that works! Me, I just start singing in my head when I'm getting a needle. Lately, I've been singing Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. Crystal_Wings got me into this song, and I can't get rid of it! I've become obsessed!
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 09:37 am
Just thinking about a needle freaks me out.
I remember the time I had to get a mole removed off of the back of my neck (they thought it was cancerous) and they were going to do a local (where they just numb it and do it while you're fully conscious). And I looked over and saw how massive the needle they were going to use to freeze my neck was. At first I was just like, "Okay,'ll be...fine,...HOLY CRAP THAT THING IS HUGE!"
And I just completely freaked out!
Hey! I was only ten!
So I made my mom reschedual at the hospital and they had to put me under to do it, haha. Good times.
Title: Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
Post by: D.J.P on November 07 2005, 09:41 am
New post thread: