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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
She felt the touch of his hand on her shoulder. It felt warm.  She then watched the doctor look intently at her heart monitor as he slowly crossed to the other side of the room.

All of a sudden, the man was talking to her and suddenly, she had a bag full of plush toys.  Her eyes brightened up at once.  Although she wasn't too big a fan of cute, mushy, girl stuff, she cherished these.  She shyly looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you, sir."

Kasawa Lanford:
He smiled, he was glad she liked them. "No problem, get some more rest. I'll be by tomorrow morning to pick you up." He said and walked toward the door, the doctor looked at him and sighed. Ryoshine just shook his head and left the room.

In the lobby he meet up with Hillshire, the man who had proposed to him a chance to join the Agency. "You went up their with a bag... my guess is a present?" he asked.

"Yep, she's already been through a lot... although I'm glad the conditioning has caused her to forget her terrible past.." Ryoshine said and turned to face Hillshire. "You don't approve of me bringing her plush toys huh?"

"You'll be just like a certain somene I know who's grown to attached to his cyrbog, they are merely tools.. don't treat them like they have a soul.." Hillshire said, pointing his finger at Ryoshines chest. Ryoshine sighed, "interesting words, but I'll treat her the way I deem fit. Right now I'm just trying to make her feel welcome, but on the range it'll be very different."

Hillshire smirked. "Uh huh, I'll believe that when I see it.." with that Hillshire left.

Ryoshine folded his arms over his chest and sighed. "Whether they be tools or not, they are still human on the inside." he said and turned toward the window, it was raining outside with some thunder in the background. "It'll be a few days before I have her start training with a gun, but I'd also like to get her involved in swordsmanship training, considering that not all battles are won far away." He said and smiled.

Director of Music:
Pick me up tomorrow? She thought, as she watched his tall frame go through the door.  She wasn't quite sure what had happened to her. She couldn't remember at all.  Only her daddy.  Her eyes dimmed. She had the feeling her daddy wasn't ever going to come and pick her up.  She looked over at her newly acquired plushies.  She spotted one like a bunny. It seemed vaguely familiar.  She reached out and tenderely picked one up.  All of a sudden, she drew back sharply.  She gasped.  A searing pain had went through her brain and an image of her father being murdured flashed by.

She winced.  Next to her, her heart monitor had beeped wildly, as it processed the information it would be printing out the next morning.  Giorgia rubbed her eyes frantically and curled into a ball as her mind slowly enveloped into the darkness.  In a few more moments, she was out for the night.

Kasawa Lanford:
It was now morning, the night had gone by peacefully with little interruptions. He had stayed in the lobby, as his room hadn't been prepared yet. "I wonder if she's awake," he asked himself as he got up and headed to the cafeteria.

The Agency had two cafeterias, one in the dormitory for the cyborgs, and another in the main building for the handlers and the rest of the staff. He was in the main building, when he walked into the cafeteria in question he found that it had food to his liking, but what he really wanted was, "Where is the coffee?" he asked a nearby female staffer.

"Over there," she pointed toward the coffee maker in the far left corner of the room. "Thank you," Ryoshine said and made his over and poured himself a cup.

"I hear you have yourself a cyborg.." A retired marine said, walking up to Ryoshine, "feeling lucky?"

He smiled. "With this one? Perhaps, just by looks I think it won't take much to teach her how to fire a gun, although I don't know if she'll like me drilling safety protocals into her."

After the two talked for a few minutes, the marine bid Ryoshine farewell as he had his own cyborg to train. "A nine year old girl, lost her family in a drive by shooting, almost killed her," he had told him just before leaving. After finishing up his cup of coffee he left the cafeteria and made his way to the hospital that was located in the dormitory, "How is she?" he asked the doctor.

"Her heart spiked a few times last night, its possible she might've had a memory recall.. but we can't be to certain." The doctor said and showed him the results. "Everything else is ok."

Ryoshine nodded. "May I head in?"


He opened the door and found the girl asleep, wondering if she was having a pleasant dream, in fact, he wondered if they dreamed at all. He walked over to the chair and sat down, placing his hand on her hand. 

Director of Music:
She stirred as she felt a hand being placed on her hand.  It was the same warm, gentle hand she felt before. She opened her eyes and saw green eyes speckled with red look intently back at her.  She sat up, her eyes downcast as she murmured a hello to the man.

She hardly knew what she was doing.  That memory, burned into her head.  She could recall nothing more, nothing less.

She looked up again to see the man's eyes looked worried.  Why would he be worried about me? She wondered vaguely.  She smiled at the man, and although his hand was about 2 times the size of hers,  squeezed his hand gently.


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