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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 2: Part 2: Come with me
(by Okamirei, added on 2005-08-07 14:19:50 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

-Chapitre 2-

The rain poured down onto Fujitaka as he walked through the town the next day. The rain splattered on his glasses, yet he could see the distinct outlines of the old man snoring in a wooden chair. He looked behind the cart. The child was still there; sitting in the same position as yesterday. He held a sad, expressionless face. His downcast eyes darted to Fujitaka as he knelt down beside him.

“Hello.” Said Fujitaka; giving a small smile, intending to stir up a conversation. The child remained silent. Of course, thought Fujitaka,after being neglected for so long, how would he speak to strangers?

“Do you have a name?” he questioned.The boy paused, and then shook his head sadly.

“Any relatives? Do you remember where you came from? Anything from your past?” The child remained silent; shaking his head to each question. Fujitaka frowned, concerned by the boy’s answers. Suddenly, a voice was heard behind him.

“Forget him mister! He’s stupid and useless, and he hasn’t gotten any friends!”

Fujitaka turned around. It was a girl, who apparently had been listening to their half-conversation. Her arms carried a rag doll and umbrella. Anger seethed inside him as he watched her run back to her mother, laughing. He looked back at the boy. The child had his head buried beneath his bandaged arms; shoulders shaking slightly, silently. The rain beat down as Fujitaka watched the child cry without a sound.

Immersed in sympathy, he made a decision. He stood up and held out a hand to the melancholy boy. “Come with me.” The boy looked up, his tear-stained dirty face peering at the open palm, and then at Fujitaka. Fujitaka gave a smile. “Come with me. I’ll take you out of this horrid place.”
The boy’s brown eyes widened as the words reached his ears. Was this a trick? Could he trust this man? This..stranger? Taking a few moments to ponder, he took the archaeologist’s hand. Beaming, Fujitaka pulled the boy up; quietly leading him away.

You shall no longer be neglected…

((Wah, this chapitre’s so short! XD Gomen ne!^^; Chapitre 3 will be much longer!))
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