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Li's Story
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 5: Up in flames
(by Reign292, added on 2006-05-18 10:21:56 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Chapter 5: Up in flames

Firey continued towards us with a glare that seem to be fixated on me. I turned towards Kristie and saw a terrified expression on her face.

“It'll be ok,” I reassured her, “I promise.”

I reached behind my back and gripped the hilt of the sword hard with my right hand. I didn't even know if I would be able to keep the promise I had just made. Firey continued to approach.

“It must sense a magical presence.” I thought to myself.

Gathering my nerves I took the sword out of its case and held one of my element cards in my right hand. Burning everything in it's path, Firey appeared to be stronger than ever. Suddenly, Firey burst out full speed right at me.

“GET DOWN!” I screamed at Kristie as we both went into a dive at the ground.

Firey had just missed me. In fact he had passed over me so closely that i felt my hair singe and my neck burn. Instead of hitting me though, Firey had gone right through the wall of the house we had just escaped from. Screams erupted from the house followed shortly by Firey emerging back out of the wall through the hole he had just created. He did not look happy. Face to face with Firey I had no choice but to act quickly.

“RYUU SHAURAI!” I screamed striking the sword against the element card.

Water spewed forth out of the card landing a direct blow on Firey.

“Thats it!” I thought quickly to myself watching the water collide with Firey's body.

My hope quickly turned to despair as the water cleared. Firey looked slightly stunned at first but when it came to it brought its hands together and launched a fireball directly at me. All I could do was helplessly watch as the fireball made it's point blank collision with my chest and I was launched directly into a tree. I barely had time to find my bearings as I looked up and again Firey was barreling at me at lightning speeds. Not even thinking I jumped straight up into the air and turned my body into a horizontal position. I pushed my feet behind me hard, gripping the tree, and launched myself off of it somehow allowing myself to dive just above Firey. It seemed like slow motion as again our body's passed within inches of each other and I felt the heat emitting from his body. Landing gracefully in a somersault I quickly rose to my feet. I turned and to my shock Firey was already making another pass at me.

“I only have one shot at this” I thought grabbing three of my element cards and throwing one of them into the air.

“FUU KA SHAURAI!” I shouted as I lept into the air allowing my sword to collide with the card.

Aiming my body at the ground, wind burst out of the card and my body was sent flying into the air. Firey seemed to have caught on and immediately opened fire in my direction. I quickly grabbed another one of my cards and prayed that my next strategy would work. I wouldn't get another shot at this.

“RYUU SHAURAI” I screamed allowing water to spew out of the card once again dousing the fireballs and now heading directly at Firey.

“You already tried that!” Kristie screamed at me from a hiding place she had found for herself.

I tried to ignore her as I clenched the key to victory in my hand. I was still in the air but i was beginning to descend now. I had to act fast. Throwing the last card in my hand just in front of me I touched my sword to it.


Suddenly a mighty bolt of lightning emerged from the sky and struck the water just before it collided with Firey, causing him to be doused and electrocuted at the same time in what seemed to be a horrifically painful manner. I landed on the ground with one knee as Firey's body began to glow so brightly that I had to look away. When I looked back a card was floating through the air towards me. I grabbed it and looked at it even though I knew exactly what it would say.

“The Firey”

“So much for having to seal them” I thought to myself, “I guess all you have to do now is defeat them in combat...sigh...I wish Sakura was here.”

I was in the middle of my thoughts when suddenly Kristie jumped on my back with a hug.

“That was AMAZING!” She sounded off.

I couldn't help but think to myself that the worst was yet to come...
My name on captured wings forums is Li_shaoran...feel free to msg me :)
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