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Li's Story
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Turbulence
(by Reign292, added on 2006-05-18 10:19:17 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Chapter 2:Turbulence

We approached each other and stood face to face for what seemed like an eternity. I tried to speak but it was like my throat was swollen shut. I was wearing the scarf Sakura had made for me only a couple of weeks ago. She obviously noticed because after the eternity of silence she was the fist one to speak.

"Li..." She said in a quivering voice.

I could tell she was trying to sound as normal as possible but her voice shook anyways.

"Would you...would you mind if I held on to that scarf?

I nodded gently and smiled. I untied the scarf from my neck and handed it to her. She put it around her own neck and I saw a tear run down her cheek.

"So I guess this is good-bye?" She asked me trying to choke back the tears.

I shook my head quickly and handed her a handkerchief I took out of my pocket.

"Good-byes are for people who are never going to see each other again," I said trying to sound as casual as I could, "This is more of a see you later."

Sakura looked at the handkerchief and then looked up at me...I knew it must've been hard for her but she managed to force out a smile.

"So..." I said extending my hand, "See you later Sakura,"

She looked up at me and burst into tears. She swung her arms around my neck and dug her head into my shoulder. She looked up at me and I looked back at her. She was still crying. I assured her that I would come back. She took one step back and held up her pinky finger. She didn't have to say anything...I understood. I raised my own hand as well to meet hers and our fingers locked.

"See you later." She resounded like an echo.

Again she forced out a smile but this time it was obvious she was chokeing back tears. I knew she didn't want to tell me how she felt yet...she wast ready.

Last Boarding call for flight number 17 to Hong Kong

The Speakers rang out in a loud tone. We looked at each other. Neither of us said anything. I slowly turned around and picked up my bags, but when I turned back around Sakura was running out of the Terminal. I couldn't tell if she was crying or not...she didnt look back. I slowly headed toward my entrance and boarded the plane. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind, what if I never see her again? I finally decided that since I pinky swore I had to see her again...and that was that...

I boarded the plane with thoughts of Sakura fresh in my mind when I realized I didnt know where I was headed. I took out my ticket and learned that I was in seat 17 first class. Taking my seat I stared out the window next to me back upon Japan...would I ever see it again? I was in the middle of my thoughts when someone spoke to me...

"Sir...Sir please fasten your seat belt we will be departing shortly."

I nodded but remained silent. I straped the belt along my waist and soon we were in the air. I was completely exhausted and before I knew it I was sound asleep. I had a dream then that I will never forget. I was walking down a path and as I walked further and further I saw the events of my life unfolding before me. I saw my training, my first meeting with Sakura, and even up to the point where we saw each other off at the airport. When I reached the end of the path, instead of stopping, it did something that at that point I did not understand. It split into two separate paths. I was about to choose which path to go down when I was violently awoken by what felt like something crashing into the side of the plane. I quickly checked my surroundings and was greeted by looks of panic and terror.

"Please remain calm" The pilot sounded over the speakers, "we seem to be experienceing some turbulance but if you would all just remain calm..."

The plane shook violently again and the radio fell dead silent. I remember someone yelling that the pilot was unconcious and the panic grew. It was then that I sensed it. It was the feeling I had become all to familiar was clow magic. Again the side of the plane was hit and I heard one of the engines die. I looked out the window next to me and then I saw it. A massive white bird with mighty wings and a long didnt look happy.

"FLY!" I thought to myself slightly not believeing my eyes, "But thats just not possible"

I knew what I had to do...I had to take it down. Again fly slamed into the side of the plane. I heard the other engine die. For a moment it was dead silent and then it was obvious, we were uncontrolably desending. I gabbed the amulet out of the bag I was carrying with me and I headed for the Emergency exit. I didnt have a plan. I dont even remember what was going through my head but I had to do something...anything! I kicked out the door and dove out summoning my sword. Fly saw me and went into a nose dive right at me. I turned around so I was facing up...toward the giant bird. I pulled out one of my magic cards that I had grown so accustom to using.

"Raitei Shourai!" I cried striking the card with my sword.

A mighty bolt of lightning charged at Fly and struck it with a massive blow. The lightning stuned it but it was able to shake it off. Fly was making a charge at me. I prepared myself for the impact bringing my sword infront of my body as if to act as a shield but the impact was massive. Flys head rammed me right in the chest pointing my body so that my head was facing the ground. Its talons dug into my body and I saw blood stain my clothes. I couldnt give it time to strike again or that would be it for me. I pulled out a second card and touched it with the tip of my sword.

"Kashin Shourai!"

Fire Spewed forth from the card and engulfed Fly causing its entire body to be engulfed in flames. Its body went limp and began to fall to the ground. I myself looked at the rapidly approaching ground but I didnt have time to worry about myself. My thoughts as well as my eyes drifted back to the airplane. I knew I had to try but would I be able to? I had never lifted anything larger than a person. I pulled out a different card and again touched my sword to it.

"Fuu Kei Shourai!" I shouted with every ounce of strength I had remaining.

A mighty gust of wind came up under the plane and it slowed. I guided the plane just over a empty meadow when I felt the last of my powers give out. I dont remember every detail but I passed body still freefalling to the ground...When I woke up I didnt recognize my surroundings. My body surged in pain when I tried to move. I layed still...where was I...and how was I still alive?
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