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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Whatever it Takes
(by moezychan, added on 2006-05-19 13:06:54 AEST) [Discussion Topic]


Card Captor Sakura

Author’s Notes: Thank you to call reviewed my last chapter your comments are greatly appreciated. And now for the continuation; chapter two! And the last chapter Sakura was faced with her rival, Shiika Yinho. In this chapter you’ll find out what risks Sakura will go through to protect her family and her love ones.

And now on with the fic!

Chapter Title: Whatever it Takes

Sakura’s eyes widened as soon as she saw him. Tomoyo was fairly confused, but from the story Sakura told her she had an idea of what was going. It was truly a frightening site. Shiika was wearing traditional ceremonial robes, but unlike Syaoran, they were not green, but an awesome shade of fiery red. It was as if his entire body was consumed by fire, even though it literally wasn’t.

“Anou, what do you want?” Sakura asked timidly.

Shiika smirked and stated, “I told you that already my dear little cherry blossom. I want you. I want all of you; your power, your cards, and your entire soul.”

Sakura drew back suddenly because Shiika jumped directly from the tree with and landed on his feet. He walked casually towards Sakura, and stopped right in front of her face and grabbed her chin roughly.

“So you think you can fight me little cherry blossom? Let’s see you try,” as he was saying this, the aura on his sword grew darker and darker.

Sakura was indeed terrified, but she gathered what little courage she had in order to fight him.

“Key that hides the power of the stars, reveal your true form before me! I, Sakura, command you under contract! Release!”

Gripping her newly formed staff, Sakura waited to see what Shiika would do, but her waiting wasn’t long as Shiika’s staff began to glow a fiery red. Beyond her amazement the glow gathered into a large ball on top of the staff and shot directly at Sakura. Her eyes widened and she called out the one card that would certainly protect her, “Shield!”

Scared for her friend, Sakura made sure that Shield would envelop Tomoyo as well. Because of Sakura’s concern for Tomoyo, Shield’s power doubled and was enough to block the fiery flames. Still keeping Tomoyo within Shield, Sakura left her safe confines and called upon, “Mizu! Envelop the one before me! Watery!”

Watery, in a blue blaze of glory flew directly at Shiika and enveloped him in a suffocating blue orb. Sakura was about to celebrate her sudden victory but looked closely and saw that his staff was continuing to glow. The menacing aura expanded and shattered Watery’s orb.

Shiika smirked at Sakura and stated, “You thought your magic would be strong enough to defeat mine Little Cherry Blossom?”

At this Sakura didn’t know what to do. Her fear was growing tremendously.

“I would destroy you off now, but I want to have some fun first. For what I have in mind, I suggest you sleep first,” stating this, Shiika aimed a dark red beam at Sakura, and it hit her directly in the stomach. The pain was so powerful that Sakura fell to the ground unconscious. Shiika disappeared instantly, and since Sakura lost consciousness Shield disappeared and Tomoyo ran over to Sakura.

“Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo ran over to Sakura and put her head on her lap. Sakura’s face was pale, and her stomach was bleeding from the bruise.

Thinking logically, Tomoyo pulled out her cell phone, compliments of her mother’s company, and called the hospital. Explaining the situation, leaving out some details, the telephone operator instantly sent an ambulance. The paramedics came and transported Sakura to the hospital. Tomoyo watched as the ambulance raced down the street and couldn’t help but cry at the entire situation.

Composing herself, Tomoyo wiped away her tears and called Kinomoto Fujitaka.

“Moshi moshi?” Kinomoto-sensei’s voice answered at the second ring.

“Kinomoto-sensei? Daidouji desu,” though still shaking, Tomoyo would always be polite.

“Ah, Tomoyo-san. I’m sorry to say but Sakura-san isn’t home at the moment. If you want, I can leave a message and have her get back to you,” Fujitaka answered automatically.

At hearing this, Tomoyo’s tears overflowed. Shaking even more, Tomoyo stated, “Sensei, this is about Sakura-chan; somebody attacked her and she’s in the hospital.”

Tomoyo couldn’t stop the tears at this point. When Fujitaka heard this his face went pale but he composed himself as well.

“Tomoyo-san, thank you for telling me. I’ll head over to the hospital right now. Do you want to come as well?” his last response seemed almost automatic.
“Hai, arigatou sensei. I would appreciate it. Let me call mother and tell her,” Tomoyo stated gratefully.

And again, Tomoyo went through the whole process of explaining what happened, and having to endure her mother going through complete hysterics and rushing to the hospital. Seemed everybody was upset, which begged the question, ‘How will Li-kun feel?’

Deciding to think about it later, Kinomoto-sensei’s minivan pulled up to the school and Tomoyo climbed in. It was a silent ride to the hospital and for some reason, Tomoyo felt comfort in that. She wanted to be left to her thoughts and worries. After a brief 5 minute ride, though it felt like a day, the car pulled up to the hospital and both climbed out.

They walked up to the front desk and Fujitaka said, “My daughter was just admitted. Could I please see her?”

“What is your daughter’s name sir?” the receptionist was a young woman with midnight black hair, and dark brown eyes. She seemed polite as she answered.

“Kinomoto Sakura,” Fujitaka stated.

“Ah, Kinomoto-san. I am afraid you cannot see her for the moment. She’s currently undergoing surgery. If you would like, I will have her physician contact you when she’s out. Would you like to go home, or wait?” she answered.

“I’ll wait here…” Fujitaka was about to continue when a loud voice interrupted him.

“Where is Kinomoto Sakura-chan?!” Fujitaka’s and Tomoyo’s eyes widened as they saw Tomoyo’s mother Daidouji Sonomi come storming into the reception room.

“Okaa-sama!” Tomoyo was surprised at her sudden outburst.

Ignoring Tomoyo and Fujitaka, Sonomi headed straight for the front desk demanding to know where Sakura was. The receptionist remained polite and explained the situation. Sonomi finally calmed down. She took a deep breath and sat on one of the hospital chairs waiting and hoping that Sakura would survive.


Syaoran was starting to get bored from the plane ride. The movie was extremely uninteresting and some Japanese girl insisted on learning his entire life history before the four hour plane ride ended. Oh how he wished that he could instantly grow wings and fly out the window but that was illogical so he would just have to be patient.

“May I call you by your first name?” the girl asked for like the thousandth time.
If Syaoran remembered correctly, her name was Kurasaki Miyako. He stared into her eyes and stated, “No you may not.”

The girl was a bit taken aback but remained diligent, “Then will you call me by my first name?!”

Syaoran took a deep sigh and closed his eyes. How he wished Meiling would wake up from her nap and aid him. Guess he would have to figure this out himself.

Thinking for a moment Syaoran finally stated, “I already have a girlfriend.”

The girls eyes opened wide and she looked upset. Finally getting a clue she turned around and sat back in her seat.

‘Finally,’ Syaoran thought.

Deciding he deserved a nap after all he went through he began to close his eyes when he felt a powerful aura. It seemed that the attacker went directly at Sakura. Checking his watch, Syaoran saw that the flight was landing in one hour. This alone was killing him. He would just have to wait.

In the meantime, Syaoran was already forming a battle plan in his mind. If anything, he started to form it as soon as his mother told him he was going to Japan. His only worry was what the opponent would be like. He purposely made his battle strategy for a person with an enormous amount of strength and magic. That was his assurance that he would win. Scary thought, but Syaoran learned to expect the worst in any situation. It was his only means of survival.

‘Guess I’ll find out what he’s like when I arrive,’ Syaoran concluded.

“Attention all passengers; you will be arriving in Tokyo, Japan in less than 10 minutes. Please secure all belongings and buckle your safety belts,” Syaoran suddenly heard the stewardess announce.

“Nani? What’s going on?” Meiling suddenly mumbled.

“We’ll be in Japan in 10 minutes. You’d better buckle up,” Syaoran relayed.

“Ah, sou ka. Arigatou, Syaoran,” Meiling was still a bit in a daze, but complied.

“Is there anybody that’s going to pick us up?” she suddenly asked.

“Iie. We’re going to take a taxi to the hospital,” Syaoran stated.

Meiling’s eyes opened wide at the last word.
“Hospital? Why are we going to a hospital?” she inquired.

“Because Sakura is there,” Syaoran simply stated.

‘He truly is becoming stronger,’ Meiling thought in awe.

Eventually the plane began its decent and the crowd started to leave their seats. Despite the fact that Syaoran was upset and worried, he was the epitome of calmness. He and Meiling milled through the crowd, found the conveyer belt, grabbed their luggage, and hailed a taxi.

“Tomoeda Hospital, onegai shimashe,” Syaoran stated politely.

The driver complied and drove off to Tomoeda; another thirty minute wait until they would be there.


“Spinel Sun,” Eriol’s voice echoed through the ancient house.

“You called, Eriol,” Spinel Sun came instantly.

“We’re going on a trip. Please inform Nakuru-san,” Eriol stated.

“Something has happened to Sakura-san, hasn’t it?” Spinel was always intuitive.

“Yes, and I believe that she will be in need of our assistance.”

“Very well, I will tell Nakuru. Have you already made the arrangements?”

Instead of saying anything, Eriol simply smiled. This was enough for Spinel to know the answer.

“How soon will we be leaving?” Spinel inquired further.

“Two hours. The luggage has already been packed. All I need for you to do is tell Nakuru.”

At that Spinel left the room.

‘Oh dear. I’m not going to enjoy this,’ he thought. He knew what Nakuru was capable of when she was about to see Kinomoto Touya.


Giving a sigh of annoyance, Touya was actually mad that he had to go home. Not that he wanted to stay at college, but Yue informed him that a new evil was settling in Tomoeda and Touya knew what that meant. If only he had his original strength. He was truly grateful that Yue gave some of his power back, but it wasn’t as strong.

Touya was well aware that he would not be able to help Sakura fight, but that wasn’t going to stop him. He would never admit it, but Touya cared for his imoto and he was going to protect her no matter what happened.

Closing his suitcase, he walked out the door.

‘I just hope Yue made it in time,’ Touya thought dejectedly.

When Yue told Touya what was happening, Touya called the airport yesterday and they informed him that there wouldn’t be a plane open until tomorrow. Getting worried, Yue agreed to fly there in order to protect Sakura. That was his only comfort at this moment and also his worst grief because he had no way of knowing if Yue made it in time.

Giving a sigh of annoyance, Touya was actually mad that he had to go home. Not that he wanted to stay at college, but Yue informed him that a new evil was settling in Tomoeda and Touya knew what that meant. If only he had his original strength. He was truly grateful that Yue gave some of his power back, but it wasn’t as strong.

Touya was well aware that he would not be able to help Sakura fight, but that wasn’t going to stop him. He would never admit it, but Touya cared for his imoto and he was going to protect her no matter what happened.

Closing his suitcase, he walked out the door.

‘I just hope Yue made it in time,’ Touya thought dejectedly.

When Yue told Touya what was happening, Touya called the airport yesterday and they informed him that there wouldn’t be a plane open until tomorrow. Getting worried, Yue agreed to fly there in order to protect Sakura. That was his only comfort at this moment and also his worst grief because he had no way of knowing if Yue made it in time.


Pulling up to the hospital, Syaoran paid the taxi driver, got his luggage and walked into the lobby. Meiling walked alongside him giving side-glance’s every now and then. She was hoping on deciphering his thoughts by his facial expressions, but Syaoran remained calm.

‘He must be worried. I just wish he would show it,’ she thought.

“Li-kun! Meiling-chan!” a familiar voice called.

Looking around Meiling instantly saw Daidouji Tomoyo running up to them. Tomoyo embraced Meiling and Meiling reciprocated.

“Daidouji,” Syaoran showed his respect by bowing. Tomoyo followed likewise.

“What happened?” Meiling was still confused by the whole situation.

“There was a mage, and he attacked Sakura. She’s currently undergoing surgery,” Tomoyo’s amethyst eyes started to well up with tears as she spoke. Her voice was just above a whisper.

“What did he look like?” for probably the first time since entering Japan, Syaoran displayed some form of emotion, and it wasn’t pleasant. His eyes became cold and angry and both girls knew what Li Syaoran was capable of when he was angry.

“Um, well, he looked about 16 maybe 17 years old and he had blue eyes and black hair,” Tomoyo identified.

Syaoran made sure to remember that. As much as he hated to admit it, he wished that Cerberus was there to inform him on what his magical aura looked like. That would help him find the bastard and send him back to where he came from.

“Kinomoto-san?” a voice suddenly called out.

At hearing this, Fujitaka stood, “Hai?”

A young doctor, about the age of 27 maybe 28 walked up to him.

Both bowed and the young doctor stated, “I was the head surgeon in your daughter’s surgery. I’m here to inform you that your daughter did an excellent job during the surgery. She made it through and is currently sleeping but you’re welcome to go in and visit her. One exception, only two to three people at a time.”

Upon hearing this, Fujitaka smiled. He truly wanted to see his daughter, but he was sure there was one other person that wanted to see her more.

“Li-kun, you may go and see Sakura-san if you wish,” Fujitaka stated as he turned to Syaoran.

Syaoran’s eyes widened in surprise and then relaxed as he said, “Arigatou sensei. I won’t be long.”

He bowed and followed the doctor down the hallway. The doctor eventually stopped in front of room number 1137 indicating that this was Sakura’s room.

“Please stay for no longer than 15 minutes,” the doctor informed and then left down the hallway.

Syaoran stared at the doctor for a moment and then entered the room. He instantly saw Sakura and walked over to her bed. She truly looked so small and helpless underneath all those white sheets. He gently grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her palm. As happy as he was to see her, he wished it didn’t have to be under these circumstances.

“Sakura,” he said aloud, “I promise to find who hurt you and make him pay.”

“Mm, hoe,” as if by his words alone, Sakura’s emerald orbs slowly opened.

“Hoe? Syaoran-kun? What are you doing here?” she instantly recognized Syaoran which was a good sign.

Giving a slight sigh of relief, Syaoran answered, “I sensed that you were in trouble.”

Sakura smiled gently at his words, “Arigatou. Syaoran-kun yasashi ne.”

As always Syaoran blushed crimson at her words. She always made him do that. Sakura slowly started to rise but upon seeing this Syaoran gently pushed her back down.

“You really should save your strength,” he argued.

Again, Sakura smiled and stated, “Daijoubu,” and began to rise again.

Surprising Syaoran, Sakura hugged him and said, “I missed you. Thank you for keeping your promise and returning.”

Syaoran was surprised but calmed down and hugged her back, but before he could hug her anymore she cried out in pain and gripped her stomach.

Syaoran’s eyes widened and he said, “Daijoub ka?!”

Shaking her head no, Sakura laid herself back down all the while gripping her stomach.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to leave now,” the doctor suddenly entered the room.

“Hai, sumimasen. Sakura, I promise to be back tomorrow,” Sakura smiled at this and said, “Hai, matta ashita.”

Syaoran smiled and left down the same hallway with the same doctor, but not the same thoughts. Seeing what pain she was in made Syaoran angrier by the second.

‘I promise Sakura, I will find that guy and he will pay.”

Author’s Notes:

As promised, I entered the well anticipated fluff! I know there wasn’t that much action, but I promise that there will be more in the next chapter. Also, sorry for the late update. I promised a week and it turned into two. I promise to have the next out sooner. Less than two weeks, but probably more than two weeks. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you stick around for the next!
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