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April 02 2005, 05:55 PM
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Chii means happiness
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 1: Lonelyness
(by SailorYue, added on 2006-04-19 14:32:24 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

This is more or less Fai-chi pairing. Dont get me wrong, im a kurofai shipper, and i plan on posting a kurofai one at he same time as this one. anyways, on with the fic! (PS, also posted on

DISCLAIMER: i dont own any of TRC characters :-(

Summery: Fye's POV on how and why he creted Chii


Living here in the palace is rather lonely. There IS a village, but its 5 miles away, and theres very little populous, mostly because of the weather. Besides, not to many people would want to be friends with the royal magician. My name is Fye D. Flowright and yes, I was lonely, yearning for someone to tlak to. One evening that would end up chanign.

I was looking out my balcony window one evening, preparing to go to bed. the moon was full and thesky was clear for once. In the twilighti saw something down in the courtyard. Some sort of creature was struggling. Always curious i had decided to see what it was, so i grabbed my fur cloak and went down to see. Taking a closer look i saw that it was a snow fox, but it seemed to be seriously wounded, limping and struggling to move. I decided that i oughta help the poor thing so i wrapped my cloak around it and brought it inside. Luckily i didnt run into any of the staff on the way to my room.

I entered and locked my door and lay the snow fox on the floor near my bed to look and see what was wrong with it. mostly it seemed to be exhausted and had a broken paw. A feircer beast must have attacked it and chased it up here. I took pity on the fox and decided to help it. i wrapped its wounded pw with some bandages from my bathrrom and gave it some water to drink. the snow fox soon fell asleep and i looked down on its sleeping form and decided to keep it, atleast untill its back to its normal health..


Whiile nursing the snow fox i had decided to keep her. If i set her free she may be attacked gain. So i named her Chii. It means happyness and since takeng care of her, i feel happier now. But still, even with my new pet i still felt lonely. I wished for human companion. And then it came to me.

It of course would be a dangerous and complicated peice of trickery to do that, but i watned to tryt anyways. I had decided to transform Chii into a person.


-sigh- OK pls dont kill me. tell me what you think of it and try to be nice. i know its a short chapter but i fealt that it would either be an extremely long chapter or a semi short one nd i chose short. This idea came to be briefly and had to get ONE of my stories down on the net rather than stuck in a note book. anywatys i hope you liked it.

R&R and ill get the next chapter up!
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