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Heart's Day ( S+S Fanfic )
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 4: Part Four
(by moonprincess18, added on 2005-07-08 15:18:42 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Sakura glanced around awaiting Syaoran's arrival. They planned to meet at the fanciest restaurant in all of Tomoeda. Beforehand, Sakura had the fear they wouldn't have enough money to pay for food. But, Syaoran assured her it wouldn't be a problem and she shouldn't worry so much.

Her complexion was covered with a little makeup. She wouldn't normally wear it but this seemed like a good chance to show off a little more. Besides, seeing that surprised and admiring gleam in Syaoran's eyes was worth it.

In additional to the makeup, she pulled back some of her hair and clipped it with a small heart shaped charmed clip. (How her hair was during the episode when they visit the indoor pool.) All in all, Sakura looked lovely.

Syaoran came minutes after Sakura, dazed and impressed by her appearance. He even blushed softly and had a difficult time gathering his thoughts back together. After they were seated, Sakura was slightly nervous. Actually, more nervous then she had been all day. Her eyes traveled to the open window beside them, studying the calm night sky.

“Penny for your thoughts, Sakura-chan?" Syaoran cleared his throat; sounding curious for what she was thinking about.

"Oh, No... Syaoran-kun. Thank you... “Sakura replied, her eyes glanced toward him. He looked handsome. He always dressed as though he was older then he really was. Whether if he was out on the town or just relaxing at home. The green sweater clinging to his chest gave off a gentle, sincere aura including the cream khakis he wore.

“For what?” He inquired, admiring the sparkle in her emerald eyes.

“For... well, agreeing to do this. I mean, come on this date. I didn't think-" Sakura began, before his slim finger pressed against her lips. She suddenly wished it were his own lips instead, causing her to blush again for the millionist time.

“I wanted to come, Sakura...” Syaoran whispered attempting to have his words only be directed at Sakura and no-one else in the restaurant.

Sakura smiled cheerfully, as he removed his finger from her lips and their order came. The dinner continued on in general silence, with a few hidden, loving glances thrown in.

The two stood at the Kinomoto's front door. Sakura didn't want to leave and Syaoran didn't want her to leave. The night seemed short but wonderfully sweet.

Syaoran grasp her hand, just when it appeared like Sakura would die if he hadn't touched her somehow within the reminder of the evening.

“Syaoran...” Sakura paused, her eyes lifting to peer back into his. Those eyes she had come to love. Along with everything else about him.

Without saying anything, Syaoran closed the distance between them and kissed her.

As the two kissed, a familiar camera filmed from behind a bush.

A night of love... and... Tomoyo.

The End.
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